PvE Restoration Druid Talents & Builds – WoW Classic

wow classic pve restoration druid talents & builds

Builds and talents for healing as a Restoration Druid in WoW Classic. the specialization has quite a bit of versatility in the builds, with two well-known builds and quite a few variations resulting in even more interesting approaches to play the specialization.

Nature’s Grace Regrowth Build

wow classic pve restoration druid nature's grace regrowth build

This build revolves around Nature’s Grace and Improved Regrowth talents at the expense of Swiftmend, being one of the most well-known in the community. This build features many of the important talents from the Standard Swiftmend build such as Nature’s Swiftness, Nature’s Focus, Insect Swarm, Reflection, and Gift of Nature.

The Balance Tree talents are only mainly good for reaching Nature’s Grace, although some talents such as Vengeance and Improved Moonfire are great if you have enough mana to spare for Moonfire and Starfire casts weaved in. The gist of this build is Restoration Druids will mainly use Rejuvenation, Healing Touch, and Regrowth, with Regrowth being the main spell. Players should consistently fish for Regrowth critical procs to trigger Nature’s Grace.

Swiftmend Standard Build

wow classic pve restoration druid standard swiftmend build

The standard Swiftmend build has a lot of points spent in the Restoration Tree to ensure maximum Healing efficiency. The effects range from reduced Mana Cost to reduced Threat Generation from Healing Spells, reduced chance of interruption while casting certain spells, and access to powerful effects such as Nature’s Swiftness, Improved Regrowth, Gift of Nature, and Swiftmend. In addition, the build takes Insect Swarm to provide Mitigation for the Tanks.

The build has quite a lot of flexibility, mostly depending on your preferences. Talents can be swapped around, especially when it comes to talents such as Subtlety or Improved Rejuvenation in favor of talents from the Balance tree.

Swiftmend Variation Build

wow classic pve restoration druid swiftmend variation build

This is a variation of the Swiftmend Build that uses specific talents such as Improved Wrath, Improved Moonfire, and Nature’s Reach to weave in Moonfire and Wrath casts in between all healing spells. This build is viable for both Raids and Dungeons but assumes that you are not among the main healers and that your group doesn’t take a lot of damage to allow you to contribute to the overall Damage Output of the raid.

The rest of the talents remain the same, with Nature’s Swiftness, Insect Swarm, Reflection, Gift of Nature, Improved Regrowth, and Swiftmend being the most important talents. Insect Swarm is also present, remaining one of the key debuffs for increasing the tank’s overall Mitigation. In case you experience issues with overall Threat Generation, you may choose to replace Improved Rejuvenation and 2 points from Nature’s Reach to reach 5/5 in Subtlety.


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Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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