PvE Retribution Paladin Best Professions – WoW Classic

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A review of the best professions for Retribution Paladins in WoW Classic along with any other useful profession. Retribution Paladins use the same professions as other melee DPS specializations, heavily favoring professions that boost their overall damage output over gold-generation professions.

Best Professions

  • Engineering is known as one of the best professions in WoW Classic for any specialization, allowing players to create a variety of bombs, gadgets, and special gear pieces that greatly boost performance. Retribution Paladins can use the bombs to boost their overall Damage Output by a considerable amount. The profession is especially strong when considering the few offensive tools they have in their kit.
  • Blacksmithing is a profession that allows players to create Plate gear, among other useful tools such as Keys and Enchanting Rods. The profession is strong for gearing Retribution Paladins, yet it falls off when players start to acquire the proper Dungeon/Raid items.
  • Mining is extremely useful, especially when paired with Engineering or Blacksmithing, as it allows players to gather ore and special gems that can be used to funnel both professions. While on its own is considered just another gold generation tool, the profession is vital for maintaining both Engineering and Blacksmithing, especially when considering how expensive Engineering consumables can be.

Useful Professions

  • Alchemy is one of the best professions for gold generation and overall resources during any PvE encounter. When paired with Herbalism or a large reserve of gold, Alchemy will supply you with a nearly endless amount of flasks, elixirs, and potions. While Retribution Paladins make better use of professions that grant Gear or Damage-increasing consumables, Alchemy can be very profitable for generating large amounts of gold and buying BoEs with it.
  • Herbalism is an extremely good gold generation tool for any player as it allows them to gather herbs from across the world which can either be sold or used with Alchemy. The profession is very straightforward and has been widely regarded as the best gathering profession throughout WoW Classic.

Sub-Par Professions

  • Skinning is considered a sub-par profession and should be avoided altogether. The profession allows you to gather Hides and Leather pieces from creatures across Azeroth, providing a far less potent gold-generation tool than Herbalism or Mining.
  • Enchanting is yet another useful profession if you plan on picking Tailoring, as it allows you to easily generate materials that can either be sold or used to provide enchanting services. The profession is, however, quite bad if you don’t pair it with Tailoring or if you don’t proactively farm mobs for items to disenchant, as it pales in comparison to other gold generation tools if you simply plan to AH the materials.
  • Tailoring is useless for Retribution Paladins since they can’t any real use of the gear generated by the profession. The profession is only useful for generating large amounts of Green Items for disenchanting since it mainly requires easily farmable Cloth to generate them. However, it falls off when compared to the gold generated by Alchemy/Herbalism, even if paired with Enchanting.
  • Leatherworking finds itself in a similar situation to Tailoring, generating only a few items that can actually be used by Retribution Paladins. The profession is considered sub-par and should be avoided on the long run.


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Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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