- Author: Nevermore
- Date: February 9, 2025
- Updated: February 10, 2025
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Here we’ll showcase a list of the best Retribution Paladin Talent Builds in WoW Classic! Retribution Paladins have a few viable builds besides a main Standard Build that can be used in both Raids and Dungeons. The builds have a similar structure, but what sets them apart is the utility they bring, with some builds being more utility-based while others ensure maximum DPS output.
Standard Build

This is the Standard Talent Build for Retribution Paladins, featuring the highest DPS output possible. The build lacks utility when compared to the other variants, but it aims to maximize all possible offensive tools. To do so, the build tries to reach Consecration while also maintaining the Hit Chance provided by Precision to minimize the Hit Chance required from Gear.
The build showcases several key components from the Retribution Talent Tree such as Improved Blessing of Might, Benediction, Conviction, Seal of Command, and Vengeance. The Improved Blessing of Might is to improve your own damage and that of your allies while Benediction is necessary since you will adopt a “Seal Twisting” rotation. Conviction is self-explanatory since Critical Strike Chance is mandatory for Retribution Paladins while Seal of Command is a big part of your Damage Output. Vengeance is also another mandatory and huge part of your Damage Output, ensuring that you get a boost that correlates directly to Critical Strike Chance. You will not take the capstone, Repentance, as it is most of the time useless in PvE and simply replaced by better Crowd-Control tools.
In addition, while some builds take Spiritual Focus to maximize their utility by providing Off-Heals, the correct way to play Retribution Paladin involves the Improved Seal of Righteousness talent, since without the “Seal Twisting” mechanic, Retribution’s Damage Output is laughable when compared to any other DPS Specialization.
BoK Build

This variation is specifically tailored to reach the Blessing of Kings buff while maintaining the rest of the talents the same. The main difference is the loss of points in the Holy Talent Tree in favor of more points in the Protection Talent Tree. You will still maintain 5/5 Divine Strength and get 3/3 in Improved Seal of Righteousness in the Holy Tree but you will instead get 2/2 in Guardian’s Favor and 1 point in Blessing of Kings in the Protection Tree.
BoW Build

This variation aims to reach the Improved Blessing of Wisdom talent in the Holy Talent Tree, with the build specifically aimed to help groups that don’t have any Holy Paladins to provide the buff instead or to make room for Blessing of Light. The build keeps all the talents from the Retribution Tree while getting rid of all the talents from the Protection Tree.
In addition, you will also grab talents such as Unyielding Faith which is very useful in multiple instances where Fear is inevitable while Improved Lay on Hands adds an extra layer of utility, providing another failsafe against any wipe.