- Author: Luxrah
- Date: November 22, 2024
- Updated: November 22, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Ragefire Chasm is the first dungeon available to Horde players. It is located directly in Orgrimmar, making it very difficult to access for Alliance players. The dungeon is set inside a volcano filled with fairly weak troggs and orcs, which you’ll kill to reach the powerful demon, Taragaman the Hungerer.
- Level Requirement: 10
- Recommended Level: 14-18
- Location: Orgrimmar, Durotar
- Boss Encounters: Oggleflint, Jergosh the Invoker, Taragaman the Hungerer, Bazzalan
- Loot Drops: Cursed Felblade, Chanting Blade, Robe of Evocation, Cavedweller Bracers, Crystalline Cuffs, Subterranean Cape
Location & Map
The Ragefire Chasm dungeon entrance is located in the Cleft of Shadow in the middle of Orgrimmar at 52.8, 49.6.

Ragefire Chasm has 5 quests available:
Quest Name | Acquired From | Shareable |
Rahauro (Thunderbluff) | Yes | |
Rahauro (Thunderbluff) | Yes | |
Varimathras (Undercity) | Yes | |
Neeru Fireblade (Orgrimmar) | Yes | |
Thrall (Orgrimmar) | No |
Ragefire Chasm quests are surprisingly plentiful but are exclusive to Horde players. Completing these quests will require players to either visit all three Horde capitals, or to bring a solid mix of Undead, Tauren, Orc, and Troll players. While most of the quests do not require a chain, the one chain quest also happens to provide the best reward from the quests available here, making it very worth doing.

Horde Quests
Testing an Enemy’s Strength
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 9
- Start: Rahauro at the Elder Rise in Thunder Bluff
- Finish: Rahauro at the Elder Rise in Thunder Bluff
- Objectives: Kill 8 Ragefire Trogg and 8 Ragefire Shaman
- Rewards:
- 7 silver
- 1050 experience
- 100 reputation with Thunder Bluff
Searching for the Lost Satchel
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 9
- Start: Rahauro at the Elder Rise in Thunder Bluff
- Finish: Maur-Grimtotem‘s corpse in Ragefire Chasm
- Objectives: Retrieve the Grimtotem Satchel from Maur-Grimtotem inside Ragefire Chasm
- Rewards: 880 experience
This quest is started by Rahauro in the Elder Rise of Thunder Bluff, which is quite a trek for anyone that isn’t a Tauren. For this reason, I strongly recommend that you find a Tauren to join the group, having them bring the quest and share it on arrival.
This quest asks you to search for Maur Grimtotem‘s corpse in Ragefire Chasm and bring back their satchel. This corpse is located slightly off the linear path that goes through the dungeon. To reach it, take the very first path to the right, instead of the larger, clearer second path. At the end of this path you will find a small chamber populated by Oggleflint and a handful of Troggs. Slay them and interact with the Tauren corpse on the ground to hand the quest in, giving you the followup Returning the Lost Satchel.
This followup asks you to return the Grimtotem Satchel back to Rahauro in Thunder Bluff, in exchange for your choice of Featherbead Bracers or Savannah Bracers.

Returning the Lost Satchel
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 9
- Start: Maur Grimtotem‘s corpse in Ragefire Chasm
- Finish: Rahauro at the Elder Rise in Thunder Bluff
- Objectives: Take the Grimtotem Satchel to Rahauro in Thunder Bluff
- Rewards:
- 1450 experience
- 150 reputation with Thunder Bluff
- Pick one of:
Slaying the Beast
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 9
- Start: Neeru Fireblade at the Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar
- Finish: Neeru Fireblade at the Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar
- Objectives: Slay Taragaman the Hungerer inside Ragefire Chasm
- Rewards:
- 8 silver
- 1150 experience
This quest is the simplest of all the Ragefire Chasm quests. There is no pre-requisite, simply speak to Neeru Fireblade who can be found directly outside of the instance portal to start this quest.
The quest tasks you to collect Taragaman the Hungerer’s Heart. Simply kill Taragaman the Hungerer, located in the middle of the cultist section of the dungeon. Make sure you actually loot the heart! Finish up by delivering this quest back to Neeru Fireblade right where you picked it up.

The Power to Destroy…
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 9
- Start: Varimathras in the Royal Quarter of the Undercity
- Finish: Varimathras in the Royal Quarter of the Undercity
- Objectives: Retreive the Spells of Shadow and Incantations from the Nether inside Ragefire Chasm
- Rewards:
- 1450 experience
- 150 reputation with Undercity
- Pick one of:
Making sure all three capital cities have their role to play, this quest is started by Varimathras in The Undercity. Similar to the Thunder Bluff quests, this is a good reason to bring an Undead player along. Unlike those quests though, The Undercity is a simple zeppelin ride away from Orgrimmar, making it significantly more accessible to low level players.
Varimathras would like you to obtain the Spells of Shadow and Incantations from the Nether from Ragefire Chasm. Both books are random drops from Searing Blade Cultists and Searing Blade Warlocks, and it is almost certain that you’ll get both drops before you have cleared the dungeon.
Bring both books back to Varimathras in exchange for your choice of Ghastly Trousers, Dredgemire Leggings, or Gargoyle Leggings.
Hidden Enemies
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 9
- Start: Thrall in the Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar
- Finish: Thrall in the Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar
- Objectives: Slay Bazzalan and Jergosh the Invoker inside Ragefire Chasm
- Rewards:
- 8 silver
- 1150 experience
- 100 reputation with Orgrimmar
- If you continue the quest chain after, you also get to pick from Kris of Orgrimmar, Hammer of Orgrimmar, Axe of Orgrimmar, Staff of Orgrimmar
This notoriously frustrating chain quest starts with the quest Hidden Enemies, given by Thrall in Orgrimmar. Part 1 tasks you to obtain a Lieutenant’s Insignia, dropped by Burning Blade Fanatic and Burning Blade Apprentice in Skull Rock, the cave just east of the Orgrimmar gates, by the coast.

While you can start this quest as low as level 9, the enemies range from levels 9 to 11, and rarely fight alone. This can make the cave very dangerous. Combine that with the oddly low drop rate of Lieutenant’s Insignia and you have a recipe for many corpse runs. Something that isn’t uncommon is for Ragefire Chasm groups to complete this chain together, giving them the advantage of a full 5 man group, instead of trying to push through the cave solo.
As soon as the first part is over, this chain turns you into a carrier pigeon, running back and forth ad nauseam. Thrall tasks you interrogate Neeru Fireblade in the Cleft of Shadow, just outside of the portal to Ragefire Chasm. Run back to him, go through his dialogue, and return to Thrall to start the next part.
After running back to Thrall fourth time, you will finally get the dungeon quest part of this chain. This time, Thrall tasks you to slay both Jergosh the Invoker and Bazzalan inside of Ragefire Chasm. These are both bosses that groups are almost certain to be doing, so simply finish the dungeon as you normally would and return to Thrall (again) after.

There are four bosses inside Ragefire Chasm.
Oggleflint is the first boss of Ragefire Chasm. He is a level 16 elite Trogg that is accompanied by two adds.

- Tank: Focus on doing as much threat as possible on the boss, so the DPS can go all-out. Tanks should prioritize keeping the aggro on the two adds that accompany Oggleflint until damage dealers manage to kill them. Mark the adds with Skull and X so you don’t need to threat everything at once.
- Healer: This fight is a tank and spank so you should focus your healing on the tank. Oggleflint is accompanied by two adds, so be sure to watch your healing aggro while your tank picks them up.
- Damage Dealers: Oggleflint is accompanied by two adds which should be focused first.
- Miscelleneous greens
Taragaman the Hungerer
Taragaman the Hungerer is the second boss encounter within Ragefire Chasm. He is a level 16 elite Humanoid that can be found on the middle plateau. He is not accompanied by any adds but patrols can join the encounter.

- Tank: Focus on doing as much threat as possible on the boss, so the DPS can go all-out. Taragaman the Hungerer knocks up his target with Uppercut, so beware not to be thrown into the lava.
- Healer: This fight is a tank and spank so you should focus your healing on the tank.
- Damage Dealers: This fight is a tank and spank so you should do as much damage as possible while watching your threat.
Jergosh the Invoker
Jergosh the Invoker is the third boss you can encounter in Ragefire Chasm. He is a level 16 elite Searing Blade Orc that is accompanied by two adds. In order to reach Jergosh the Invoker, players must first clear the guards standing in the way.

- Tank: Focus on doing as much threat as possible on the boss, so the DPS can go all-out. Tanks should attempt to interrupt his Immolate ability in order to mitigate damage.
- Healer: This boss can deal high damage to your party so mana management will be the key to defeat him.
- Damage Dealers: Jergosh the Invoker is accompanied by two adds, which need to be focused down first. If you are a class with an interrupt, try to interrupt his Immolate ability to mitigate damage on your tank. He can be found at the end of Ragefire Chasm, he casts Immolate which can be interrupted.
Bazzalan is the fourth and last boss encounter of Ragefire Chasm. He is a level 16 elite humanoid Satyr that is accompanied by two adds. He can be found at the very end of Ragefire Chasm on the upper part of the dungeon.

- Tank: Focus on doing as much threat as possible on the boss, so the DPS can go all-out. Bazzalan can deal high amounts of damage so tanks should approach him cautiously.
- Healer: Bazzalan applies Deadly Poison to his target so healers should watch out for this mechanic and attempt to cleanse the poison.
- Damage Dealers: Bazzalan is accompanied by two adds, which need to be focused down first. He can be found on the upper parts of the dungeon, right at the very end of Ragefire Chasm.
- Miscellaneous greens
Quest Rewards & Loot
Quest Rewards (Horde)
Boss Drops