WoW Classic Razorfen Downs Location, Quests, Bosses, & Rewards

Razorfen Downs Dungeon Guide
  • Author: Luxrah
  • Date: December 2, 2024
  • Updated: January 23, 2025
  • Expansion: WoW Classic

Razorfen Downs is located directly next to Razorfen Kraul and once served as the capital city for the quilboars. This changed when the Scourge invaded and turned the city into an undead stronghold. Now you’ll need to take out the remaining quilboars and waves of Scourge as you make your way to the heart of the city.

Location & Map

The Razorfen Downs dungeon entrance is located in the southeast corner of The Barrens, around 43, 95. To reach the dungeon portal you’ll have to navigate a tangled maze of brambles that is filled with elite quilboars.


There are a handful of quests inside Razorfen Downs for both factions.

Quest Name
Acquired From
Andrew Brownell (Undercity)
Varimathras (Undercity)
Myriam Moonsinger (The Barrens)
Belnistrasz (Razorfen Downs)
Belnistrasz (Razorfen Downs)

classic razorfen downs quests

Wow Alliance Crest Alliance Quests

Bring the Light

Horde Quests

Bring the End

An Unholy Alliance

This short quest chain starts with a Small Scroll dropped by Amnennar the Coldbringer, the last boss in Razorfen Downs. Bring the item to Varimathras in the Royal Quarter of Undercity (the part of The Apothecarium where you can find Sylvanas), and he’ll give you this quest. Ambassador Malcin is an elite mob who spawns in 3 different locations outside of Razorfen Downs.

Neutral Quests

A Host of Evil

The three enemies you need to kill for this quest can be found in the area outside or Razorfen Downs.

Scourge of the Downs

This quest simply requires speaking with Belnistrasz to start the next quest, which is an escort quest. Be sure that all members of your group have accepted and turned in this quest before you start the next one.

Extinguishing the Idol

  • Shareable: No
  • Level Required: 32
  • Start: Belnistrasz in a prison cell inside of Razorfen Downs
  • Finish: Belnistrasz at his brazier
  • Objectives: Escort Belnistrasz to the Quillboar Idol and protect him
  • Rewards:

This is an escort quest. You’ll need to stay close to Belnistrasz and protect him from waves of mobs as they attack. Before you start this quest, be sure that all members of your group have turned in the previous one so they can start this one at the same time.


There are 7 bosses in Razorfel Downs, including one Rare boss that is not always present, one boss that only appears during the escort quest, and one boss that is part of the Scourge Invasion event that precedes the opening of the Naxxramas event.


Summon the first boss in Razorfen Downs by ringing the gong in the boss’ chamber. The first two times the gong is rang, waves of spider adds will come into the room from either side. The third time you ring the gong, the boss is summoned. Killing Tuten’Kash is straightforward, and many groups may not need to worry about dispelling the Virulent Poison or decursing Curse of Tuten’kash.



  • Tank: The tank simply needs to pick up Tuten’kash and face him away from the group to avoid Web Spray.
  • Healer: Stay behind the boss and focus your healing spells on the tank. Druids decurse Curse of Tuten’kash as necessary.
  • Damage Dealers: Stay behind Tuten’kash to avoid Web Spray, and mages/druids decurse Curse of Tuten’kash from your healers or caster DPS as necessary.


Plaguemaw the Rotting (Quest)

If you choose to escort Belnistrasz while in Razorfen Downs, then Plaguemaw will be presented as the final boss of the event. The boss is simple and is the easiest part of the escort itself. Managing the multiple adds before him is the challenging part, as you need to keep Belnistrasz protected from mobs which spawn quickly. You cannot heal the NPC, be very careful holding threat off him.

plaguemaw the rotting


  • Tank: The tank should be picking up and marking adds as they spawn, focusing on keeping any off of Belnistrasz and the healer. Plaguemaw himself is a simple tank and spank.
  • Healer: The healer in this fight’s main priority is keeping themselves from getting threat on any adds as they spawn. Keep up your tank and any other classes helping pick up mobs.
  • Damage Dealers: Classes that can off tank adds or use any CC abilities should do so during this encounter to make protecting Belnistrasz easier. When Plaguemaw spawns, use your DPS rotation to maximize damage output.


Mordresh Fire Eye

Mordresh is a caster skeleton boss which you encounter on top of a pile of bones, surrounded by non-elite skeletons. Groups should AoE down the non elite and then focus DPS on Mordresh. He does not have very high armor, so this fight is easy for a balanced group composition.

mordesh fire eye


  • Tank: The Tank should use an AoE ability to generate some initial threat on the non elite adds, but focus on establishing threat on Mordresh. Interrupt Fireball when possible.
  • Healer: The healer should wait to use any spells until the tank has managed to establish some threat among the adds and the boss. Early healing aggro will result in a wipe if the adds are attracted to the healer. Focus on the tank, but be aware that the rest of the group may take damage from adds and Fire Nova.
  • Damage Dealers: Starting the fight, the DPS should focus on using AoE spells and abilities to take care of the adds quickly – as long as the adds are dealt with quickly, this fight will be easy for DPS to take down Mordresh. Once focusing on the boss, use interrupts to prevent Fireball.


Ragglesnout (Rare)

Ragglesnout is a rare Quillboar mob who casts shadow spells, heal, and mind controls. This fight requires other members to fill in healing or picking up the boss if your Tank or Healer become affected by Dominate Mind.



  • Tank: Tank the boss facing away from the group, and rotate interrupts with your group on Heal and Shadow Bolt.
  • Healer: Focus on healing the tank, and using HoTs and bubble effects to prevent damage done to other players during Dominate Mind.
  • Damage Dealers: During this encounter, interrupt Shadow Bolt and Heal while maximizing your DPS output as well. If your healer or Tank are under Dominate Mind, fill in and attempt to CC the MC’d party member.



This abomination patrols below The Spiral of Thorns. The fight is a tank and spank.



  • Tank: Pick up the boss, and face him away from the group.
  • Healer: Focus on healing the tank during the enrage phase, and avoid Disease Cloud.
  • Damage Dealers: Melee should stay behind the boss, and all DPS need to avoid the Disease Cloud ability.


Amnennar the Coldbringer

Amennar is a servant to the Lich King, and the final boss of RFD. The boss casts frost spells and a knock back. The group should stack up behind the boss while the tank faces him towards the tent where he spawns. Interrupting Recipe: Ghost Dye and avoiding summoned Frost Spectres while maximizing DPS will bring this fight to a close with no issues.

amnennar the coldbringer


  • Tank: The Tank simply needs to face the boss away from the group to avoid Amnennar’s Wrath.
  • Healer: Healing this fight should be straightforward, just stack up with the group and pay attention to who is taking damage from the summoned adds.
  • Damage Dealers: The DPS in this fight should stack up to reduce to effects of Frost Nova. When Frost Spectres are summoned, avoid them while ranged burn them down and then switch back to the boss.


Lady Falther’ess (Scourge Invasion)

Lady Falther’ess is a boss that only shows up during the Scourge Invasion. She may silence people so watch your health throughout the fight. Apart from that it’s a very straightforward fight.

lady falther'ess


  • Tank: This is a simple fight. Maximize threat so the DPS can do maximum damage.
  • Healer: Keep up the tank on this simple fight. Be aware of Banshee Shriek so don’t let the tank dip down too much.
  • Damage Dealers: This is a simple tank and spank. Just don’t out threat the tank and watch out for your health if the healer is affected by Banshee Shriek.


Quest Rewards & Loot

Quest Rewards

Boss Drops


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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