- Author: Luxrah
- Date: December 19, 2024
- Updated: December 19, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
A couple of weeks into Phase 6, Blizzard gave Season of Discovery players a special Winter Veil gift, adding all runes to vendors in cities and starting zones for 1 copper a piece. You can now get all of your runes as early as level 1 and use them to make leveling a breeze.
These vendors are called Rune Brokers, and they are fairly easy to spot with their purple hue and glowing eyes, but a couple of them are a bit tucked away. This guide will point you to where you can find the Rune Broker in each major city and starting zone. But first, keep in mind that buying your runes this way might cause some issues with their original discovery methods.

The Rune Broker for the Alliance city of Darnassus can be found in The Temple Gardens at 28.5, 39.4, tucked against the hut that teleports you to Rut’theran Village.

Dun Morogh
The Rune Broker for the Gnome and Dwarf starting zone of Dun Morogh can be found in Coldridge Valley at 29.5, 72.1, very close to where new characters spawn.

The Rune Broker for the Orc and Troll starting zone of Durotar can be found in the Valley of Trials at 42.7, 68.0, next to the entrance to The Den.

Elwynn Forest
The Rune Broker for the Human starting zone of Elwynn Forest can be found in Northshire Valley at 48.2, 41.5, next to the entrance to Northshire Abbey.

The Rune Broker for the Alliance city of Ironforge can be found in The Forlorn Cavern at 53.9, 14.0, tucked in an alcove beside the Rogue Trainer building.

The Rune Broker for the Tauren starting zone of Mulgore can be found in Camp Narache at 44.3, 76.7, in front of one of the large totems.

The Rune Broker for the Horde capital of Orgrimmar can be found in The Cleft of Shadow at 49.5, 46.0, tucked between the Warlock Trainer and the ramp.

Stormwind City
The Rune Broker for the Alliance capital of Stormwind City can be found in The Dwarven District at 57.6, 27.0, in Cutthroat Alley, which can be reached by entering one of the shops on the canal side.

The Rune Broker for the Night Elf starting zone of Teldrassil can be found in Shadowglen at 58.9, 43.7, beside some trees close to where new characters spawn.

Thunder Bluff
The Rune Broker for the Horde city of Thunder Bluff can be found on The Spirit Rise at 22.7, 12.6, tucked in the back of The Pools of Vision, the cavern underneath the rise.

Tirisfal Glades
The Rune Broker for the Undead starting zone of Tirisfal Glades can be found in Deathknell at 31.4, 66.4, down the hill from the starting crypt in Deathknell, beside the entrance to the ruined chapel.

The Rune Broker for the Horde city of Undercity can be found in The Magic Quarter at 79.1, 20.0, near the Mage Trainers.

I like cake
Blizzard make the game easy for generation Z casuals again.