- Author: Luxrah
- Date: September 26, 2024
- Updated: March 23, 2025
- Expansion: WoW Classic
The Scythe of Chaos is a staff that is available for Warlocks in Phase 5 of Season of Discovery. This guide will walk you through how to get your hands on this epic class weapon, which offers powerful stats and effects for all three Warlock specializations: Demonology, Destruction, and Affliction.
How to Get the Scythe of Chaos
To start the quest to obtain the Scythe of Chaos, you must first loot a Depleted Scythe of Chaos from Razorgore the Untamed, the first boss in the Blackwing Lair raid. This item is not rolled on by the group, but must instead be looted directly by the Warlock.
The item starts the quest The Depleted Scythe, which points you to Doan Karhan, who is located across the road from Camp Mojache in The Barrens (49.2, 57.2).

Doan gives you the quest Soul of Mischief, which sends you to Xirath, an imp at Northdale in the northeast Eastern Plaguelands (69.8, 32.0). He’ll give you some Suspicious Supplies. You must place these on the bones nearby, each of which will spawn an imp with 1k health that you must defeat. Kill all 5 and talk to Xirath again, and he will attack you. Use Drain Soul on him to get the Soul of Mischief you need to complete the quest.

Head to Doan Karhan at Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands (81.0, 59.0). He’ll send you to the town hall building at Corin’s Crossing (59, 67). Here you’ll need to sacrifice health at the altar with Life Tap or another ability until you summon a voidwalker. Use Drain Soul again to get a Soul of the Void. Return to Doan Karhan at Light’s Hope Chapel when you have it.

Next, head to the slaughterhouse building in Plaguewood (32.6, 30.9) and you’ll find an Elite caster who summons skeletons. Kill them to loot a scroll, which you can use to close the fel portal behind them. This will summon a demon, and you’ll need to use Drain Soul once again to get its soul and return once more to Doan Karhan at Light’s Hope Chapel.

Now head to Blackwood Lake (52, 49) and kill Shadow Mages until one drops a Shadow Carving. Continue killing Shadow Mages with this item in your bags until one of them summons a felhunter. You can probably guess what to do here – use Drain Soul again for another soul, and return yet again to Doan Karhan at Light’s Hope Chapel.

Doan will ask you to meet him at the entrance to Demon Fall Canyon in Ashenvale (85.0, 70.7). Speak with him, and then enter the instance alone. Take an immediate left from the entrance – you will not need to kill any of the dungeon mobs. Click on the summoning altar to summon one final enemy, and defeat them to get your Scythe!