- Author: Luxrah
- Date: October 14, 2024
- Updated: October 14, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Priests have a unique requirement for learning many of their runes: Meditations.
Meditations are special buffs that you get by using the /kneel emote in chat in an appropriate location for your race. You will learn how to do this during your level 2 quest to obtain the Penance rune. Some runes will also require a second Meditation from another race. We’ll go over how to get Meditations for every race below.
Runes that require 1 Meditation:
Runes that require 2 Meditations:
How to Get Your Race’s Meditation Buff
Each race has their own Meditation buff and their own method of acquiring it.
How to Get a Second Meditation Buff
Several Priest Runes require you to have a second Meditation buff active. There are a couple of ways to get another buff. The first method is to get them from another priest who has a different buff than you.
You can exchange Meditation buffs with another priest by doing the following:
- One of you must target the other and type /kneel in chat.
- The other character must target the kneeling character and type /pray in chat.
You can also repeat this process, swapping which character is kneeling and which is praying, to share a buff in the other direction.
By level 18, you’ll be able to get a second Meditation buff on your own after you complete a special quest. This quest is based on your race and will allow you to gain the buff of another race of your faction.
- Dwarf or Human – Pick up the quest Secrets of Elune from Nara Meideros at The Park in Stormwind (21.2, 50.6). This will allow you to gain Meditation on Elune via the Night Elf method detailed above.
- Night Elf – Pick up the quest Secrets of the Light from Maethra Slagheart at The Temple of the Moon in Darnassus (38.0, 89.2). This will allow you to gain Meditation on the Light via the Dwarf or Human method detailed above.
- Troll – Pick up the quest Secrets of Undeath from Dietrich Praice at The Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar (35.6, 88.0). This will allow you to gain Meditation on Undeath via the Undead method detailed above.
- Undead – Pick up the quest Secrets of the Loa from Baj’ura at The War Quarter in Undercity (47.0, 19.6). This will allow you to gain Meditation on the Loa via the Troll method detailed above.
Priest Shrine Buffs
You may have gained one of several additional buffs when adventuring in the open world without realizing where they came from. There are Shrines in several zones that priests can interact with to activate these buffs, which will then be applied to all priests in the zone.
Here are the buffs that can be granted through Shrines based on the race of the anointing Priest:
- Human or Dwarf – Anointed by Light: A nearby shrine is dedicated to the Light, increasing your Spirit by 5%.
- Night Elf – Anointed by Elune: A nearby shrine is dedicated to Elune, increasing your Intellect by 5%.
- Troll – Anointed by The Loa: A nearby shrine is dedicated to the loa, increasing your Stamina by 5%.
- Undead – Anointed by Undeath: A nearby shrine is dedicated to undeath, increasing your Armor by 5%.
Here are the locations of some of these Shrines:
- Duskwood (35, 45)
- Hillsbrad Foothills (29, 67)
- Loch Modan (72, 36)
- The Barrens (53, 46)

How do you get “Anointed By Light” +5% spirit buff?
Added that info to the guide 🙂