Tailoring Guide for Season of Discovery (SoD) Phase 7

Tailoring Guide for Season of Discovery (SoD)
  • Author: Luxrah
  • Date: December 13, 2024
  • Updated: January 31, 2025
  • Expansion: WoW Classic

Phase 7 of Season of Discovery retains the 300 skill cap introduced in Phase 3 for professions, allowing players to max out their crafting and gathering skills in case they haven’t already done so. For the Tailoring profession, you’ll be able to stitch together most of the patterns in the game, and quite an impressive new array of craftable items that have been added for this season.

Tailoring Leveling & Trainers

Check out our Classic Tailoring Guide for trainer locations, a leveling guide, and more. We also have a Cloth Farming Guide. Everything in those guides apply to Season of Discovery except for the level requirements for higher skill ranks (level 26 for Expert and level 41 for Artisan). There are some new recipes that are exclusive to Season of Discovery which we’ll cover in this guide, but they aren’t needed for leveling.

Learning Artisan Tailoring

From Phase 3 onward, players were able to level their professions all the way to 300 skill, or Artisan level – the maximum skill for Vanilla WoW.

Artisan Tailoring can only be learned from these specific trainers:

Since neither of these trainers is located in a major city, you may want to bring the materials to level.

New Tailoring Patterns for Season of Discovery

Season of Discovery has added many all-new recipes to the game for Tailoring.

  • Phase 5 did not add any new patterns, though it unlocked the Zandalar Tribe recipes from Vanilla WoW.

Phase 7 Best Tailoring Patterns

Here are the best Tailoring patterns you can craft in Phase 7 of Season of Discovery. We will list all of the new Season of Discovery patterns, along with all the items from Vanilla WoW that are relevant to Phase 7.

Taught by Master Craftsman Omarion in Naxxramas
(Requires Revered with the Argent Dawn)
Taught by Master Craftsman Omarion in Naxxramas
(Requires Exalted with the Argent Dawn)
Taught by Master Craftsman Omarion in Naxxramas
(Requires Revered with the Argent Dawn)
Taught by Master Craftsman Omarion in Naxxramas
(Requires Exalted with the Argent Dawn)
Taught by Master Craftsman Omarion in Naxxramas
(Requires Revered with the Argent Dawn)
Taught by Master Craftsman Omarion in Naxxramas
(Requires Exalted with the Argent Dawn)
Taught by Master Craftsman Omarion in Naxxramas
(Requires Revered with the Argent Dawn)
Pattern: Dreamscale Bracers
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Pattern: Dreamscale Mitts
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Pattern: Qiraji Silk Cape
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Pattern: Qiraji Silk Cloak
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Pattern: Qiraji Silk Drape
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Pattern: Qiraji Silk Scarf
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Pattern: Vampiric Cowl
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Pattern: Vampiric Robe
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Pattern: Vampiric Shawl
Ahn’Qiraj raid drop
Pattern: Sylvan Crown
Sold by Mishta in Silithus
(Requires Honored with Cenarion Circle)
Pattern: Sylvan Shoulders
Sold by Mishta in Silithus
(Requires Friendly with Cenarion Circle)
Pattern: Sylvan Vest
Sold by Mishta in Silithus
(Requires Revered with Cenarion Circle)
Sold already crafted by:
Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock in Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Quartermaster Hasana in Tirisfal Glades
Argent Quartermaster Lightspark in Western Plaguelands
Pattern: Argent Boots
Sold by:
Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock in Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Quartermaster Hasana in Tirisfal Glades
Argent Quartermaster Lightspark in Western Plaguelands
Sold already crafted by:
Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock in Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Quartermaster Hasana in Tirisfal Glades
Argent Quartermaster Lightspark in Western Plaguelands
Sold already crafted by Lokhtos Darkbargainer
Sold already crafted by Lokhtos Darkbargainer
Sold already crafted by Lokhtos Darkbargainer
Sold already crafted by Lokhtos Darkbargainer
Sold already crafted by Meilosh in Timbermaw Hold
(Requires Friendly with Timbermaw Hold)
Earned by completing the Sacred Cloth quest offered by Meilosh
(Requires Friendly with Timbermaw Hold)
Sold already crafted by Meilosh in Timbermaw Hold
(Requires Friendly with Timbermaw Hold)
Pattern: Wisdom of the Timbermaw
Sold by Meilosh in Timbermaw Hold
(Requires Friendly with Timbermaw Hold)
Sold already crafted by Meilosh in Timbermaw Hold
(Requires Friendly with Timbermaw Hold)
Pattern: Mantle of the Timbermaw
Sold by Meilosh in Timbermaw Hold
(Requires Friendly with Timbermaw Hold)
Pattern: Incandescent Mooncloth Vest
Drops from level 56+ elites and bosses
Pattern Incandescent Mooncloth Leggings
Drops from level 54+ elites and bosses
Pattern: Gloves of Spell Mastery
Drops from level 60+ elites and bosses
Pattern: Belt of the Archmage
Looted from Knot Thimblejack’s Cache in Dire Maul
Earned by completing the epic crafting quest chain for Phase 3
Earned by completing the epic crafting quest chain for Phase 3
Earned by completing the epic crafting quest chain for Phase 3
Pattern: Gneuro-Linked Arcano-Filament Monocle
Sold by Ziri “The Wrench” Littlesprocket in Gnomeregan
Pattern: Hyperconductive Arcano-Filament
Sold by Ziri “The Wrench” Littlesprocket in Gnomeregan
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Georgio Bolero in Stormwind City
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Josef Gregorian in Undercity
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Georgio Bolero in Stormwind City
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Josef Gregorian in Undercity
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills
Pattern: Runecloth Gloves
Sold by Qia in Winterspring
Pattern: Runecloth Cloak
Sold by Darnall in Moonglade
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills
Pattern: Admiral’s Hat
Sold by Cowardly Crosby in Stranglethorn Vale

Fire Damage Patterns

Pattern: Cloak of Fire
Drops from Overmaster Pyron in Searing Gorge
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Georgio Bolero in Stormwind City
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Josef Gregorian in Undercity
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills

Frost Damage Patterns


Shadow Damage Patterns

Pattern: Felcloth Gloves
Looted from:
Knot Thimblejack’s Cache in Dire Maul
Pattern: Shadoweave Mask
Reward from The Undermarket in Searing Gorge
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Jalane Ayrole in Elwynn Forest
Josephine Lister in Tirisfal Glades
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Jalane Ayrole in Elwynn Forest
Josephine Lister in Tirisfal Glades
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Jalane Ayrole in Elwynn Forest
Josephine Lister in Tirisfal Glades

Lower Level Patterns

These are lower-level patterns that may still be useful even in Phase 7 for leveling up potential alts.

Drink a Elixir of Coalesced Regret and talk to the Dead Twilight cultist at Zoram Strand in Ashenvale (17, 26)
Pattern: Invoker’s Mantle
Sold by:
Wow Alliance Crest Elynna in Darnassus
Borya in Orgrimmar
Pattern: Invoker’s Cord
Sold by:
Wow Alliance Crest Elynna in Darnassus
Borya in Orgrimmar
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Georgio Bolero in Stormwind City
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Josef Gregorian in Undercity
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Georgio Bolero in Stormwind City
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Josef Gregorian in Undercity
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills
Taught by Expert, Artisan, and Master Tailor trainers
Taught by any Tailoring trainer
Taught by any Tailoring trainer


Below are the best bags that you can currently craft in Season of Discovery. You can still craft lower-level bags, but they won’t be worth very much.

Big Bag of Enchantment
(Enchanting bag)
Pattern: Core Felcloth Bag
All bosses in Molten Core, Lord Kazzak
Felcloth Bag
(Soul bag)
Pattern: Felcloth Bag
Dropped in:
Pattern: Satchel of Cenarius
Sold by:
Wow Alliance Crest Mishta in Cenarion Hold, Silithus
Mishta in Cenarion Hold, Silithus
Pattern: Bottomless Bag
Dropped by:
Multiple sources in Blackwing Lair, Molten Core, Blackrock Spire, Azshara, Storm Cliffs, The Emerald Nightmare
Pattern: Runecloth Bag
Sold by Qia in Winterpsring
Pattern: Enchanted Mageweave Pouch
Sold by Enchanting Supplies vendors, including:
Wow Alliance Crest Jessara Cordell in Stormwind City
Kithas in Orgrimmar
Soul Pouch
(Soul bag)
Pattern: Soul Pouch
Sold by Vizzklick in Tanaris


While they don’t give any real in-game benefits, shirts are always in demand because everyone wants to look their best!

Tuxedo Jacket and Tuxedo Pants are always popular for bank alts as well, so we’ve included those here.

Pattern: Tuxedo Jacket
Sold by:
Wow Alliance Crest Outfitter Eric in Ironforge
Millie Gregorian in Undercity
Pattern: Tuxedo Pants
Sold by:
Wow Alliance Crest Outfitter Eric in Ironforge
Millie Gregorian in Undercity
Pattern: Tuxedo Shirt
Sold by:
Wow Alliance Crest Outfitter Eric in Ironforge
Millie Gregorian in Undercity
Pattern: Pink Mageweave Shirt
Sold by:
Wow Alliance Crest Outfitter Eric in Ironforge
Borya in Orgrimmar
Pattern: Lavender Mageweave Shirt
Sold by:
Wow Alliance Crest Outfitter Eric in Ironforge
Borya in Orgrimmar
Pattern: Orange Martial Shirt
Sold by:
Wow Alliance Crest Elynna in Darnassus
Mahu in Thunder Bluff
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Georgio Bolero in Stormwind City
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Josef Gregorian in Undercity
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills
Pattern: Black Swashbuckler’s Shirt
Sold by Narkk in Stranglethorn Vale
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Georgio Bolero in Stormwind City
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Josef Gregorian in Undercity
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Georgio Bolero in Stormwind City
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Josef Gregorian in Undercity
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Georgio Bolero in Stormwind City
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Josef Gregorian in Undercity
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills
Pattern: Dark Silk Shirt
Sold by:
Wow Alliance Crest Sheri Zipstitch in Duskwood
Mallen Swain in Hillsbrad Foothills
Taught by Expert, Artisan, and Master Tailor trainers
Taught by Expert, Artisan, and Master Tailor trainers
Taught by any Tailoring trainer
Taught by any Tailoring trainer
Taught by any Tailoring trainer
Taught by Apprentice and Journeyman Tailor trainers
Taught by any Tailoring trainer

Bolts of Cloth

Almost every Tailoring pattern requires bolts of cloth of the appropriate level range. Here’s how many pieces of cloth you’ll need for each bolt.

Bolt of Qiraji Silk is a new item for Season of Discovery, added in Phase 6.

The Mooncloth pattern has a 4-day cooldown and you must be standing near a Moonwell to craft it. For Alliance, there are Moonwells at The Temple of the Moon in Darnassus and The Park in Stormwind City. For Horde, the most convenient will be near Splintertree Post in Ashenvale, around 59, 72. There are also Moonwells in Moonglade.

Pattern: Mooncloth
Sold by Qia in Winterspring
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills
Wow Alliance Crest Georgio Bolero in Stormwind City
Wow Alliance Crest Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh
 Daryl Stackin Hillsbrad Foothills
 Josef Gregorian in Undercity
Taught by Expert, Artisan, and Master Tailor trainers
Taught by any Tailoring trainer
Taught by any Tailoring trainer


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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1 year ago

this is in no way a “guide”..
heres some cool stuff we noticed getting posted in trade for sale.and how much cloth it takes to make a bolt. thats all i see here

Reply to  drnitro
1 year ago

Are you looking for a Tailoring leveling guide? Maybe you need to refine your search? This is a guide to relevant changes regarding SoD. Refer to normal Classic leveling guides.

1 year ago

Gotta love classic brained players and their inability to read and thus proving further in their responses that their brain function is just a skosh above that of a troglodyte. Their guides are clearly linked you dolts. Yes there are new patterns but at the moment would not affect you being able to use the classic guide to level this profession. Even wowhead just has you use the classic guide to level. They dont have a specific one for sod(Rolls eyes)

Appreciate the information Luxrah. I enjoy the cut to the chase info of ‘this is what you can make for this bracket’ in regards SoD.

1 year ago

No, you cannot just use normal classic guides considering the new patterns will change things. Unless you are saying all the new patterns are irrelevant when it comes to leveling. But we wouldn’t know that considering nothing along those lines were said.

Reply to  Luxrah
1 year ago

The only problem I see with using the original leveling guide is that one doesn’t know where to stop with the initial list of required materials. Just gonna have to play it by ear when I get to the mageweave section.

I think people are just *expecting* a leveling guide more than anything, and that’s what they search for when this returns as a result.

1 year ago

Why doesn’t this so called guide show us how to level up tailoring ? Thats what most of us if not all are looking for.

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