- Author: Luxrah
- Date: November 1, 2024
- Updated: December 20, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
This guide will cover how to get the Deadly Brew rune for Rogues in Season of Discovery. We’ll go over all of the locations and requirements in the walkthrough below as well as any useful tips and tricks.
- Rune: Deadly Brew
- Engraving: Engrave Chest – Deadly Brew
- Class: Rogue
- Slot: Chest
- Added: Phase 1
- Level: 20 (Required)/22 (Recommended)
How to Get the Deadly Brew Rune
As of Phase 6, all runes and skill books can be purchased from Rune Brokers in starting zones and major cities for 1 copper a piece. Each of these vendors is simply named “Rune Broker” and can be easily spotted by their purple glow, lurking very close to where new characters enter the game. You can see all of their locations in our guide below.
Original Discovery Method
To obtain the Deadly Brew rune, you will first need to reach level 20. You will receive a letter in the mail, “An Offer” from someone named C. It is recommended that you wait until at least level 22 to proceed so you can learn Distract and Vanish, which will make your mission much easier. Putting 5 points in Master of Deception will also make this easier, especially if you choose to go right at level 20.
Having received the mail, head to Pyrewood Village in Silverpine Forest. Near the entrance there will be a small house with a chest inside (47.1, 71.1). Loot it to start the quest The Horn of Xelthos.

Next, Head to Stonetalon Mountains and speak with Veenix, a goblin on the western side of Windshear Crag (58.2, 51.7).

Now look for Venture Co. goblins nearby or on the scaffolding across the lake. Use Pick Pocket on them to get a Venture Co. Work Order. Here are the mobs that have been found to drop the item:
- Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle
- Venture Co. Builder
- Venture Co. Engineer
- Venture Co. Machine Smith
- Venture Co. Operator
Bring the work order back to Veenix and he’ll give you a Breaching Charge.
Head back to Silverpine Forest and enter the Shadowfang Keep dungeon. You must be alone for this – the mobs you need will not spawn if you are in a party. Alliance players will want to be extra careful here because the closest graveyard is at Southshore in Hillsbrad Foothills, which is quite a run.
Stealth your way through the first part of the dungeon to the closed door that leads to the courtyard and use the Breaching Charge to open it without killing the first boss. Continue to stealth through the courtyard and enter the kitchen. Distract can be useful here for getting past some of the mobs.

You are looking for two new rares: Gemela and Gefell.
Gemela can be found in the dining hall on a platform right next to the kitchen door. Pick Pocket her for a Sister’s Half-Key.
Gefell can be found up the stairs to the right, inside the first room, where he is also on a platform. Pick Pocket him for a Brother’s Half-Key.

When you have both half-keys, you can combine them into a Twin Key. Be sure to do this somewhere safe since using the item will take you out of stealth.
Head back down to the courtyard and enter the stables. Look for a chest and use the key on it to loot the Horn of Xelthos.

Go back to the house in Pyrewood Village where you started the quest and turn it in. The next time you’re in a city, you will receive another letter from C telling you to return for your reward. Head back to the little house at Pyrewood Village one more time to pick up your rune. (Unfortunately you do need to go to a city and then return to the house, the letter doesn’t seem to arrive otherwise.)
there is no need to go in stonetalon mountain you can just rush the guy that opens the door in SFK then vanish
gonna try this now will confirm
100% confirmed
you dont get the rune in the mail you get a mail telling you to go to the deaddrop and pick it up.
I specifically checked this guide after delivering the deaddrop, if I would get it in the mail. “another mail which will contain your rune.” – Ok nice going back to Org while waiting for Rune. Get the mail in Orgrimmar and saw I had to go back to Pyrewood.
Corrected to add that you have to go back for the rune. Unfortunately it seems like you do still have to return to a city before you get the mail, so there’s no saving the trip
very Jesse Pinkman
Venix is an original npc, just find him on wowhead. As for the gate, it’s the door that is opened after the first boss, not the gate you see with the horde quest npc. Lvl 24 and distract was more than enough for the stealthing.
Note : the 15 minute timer avec handing the Horn of Xelthos only starts after leaving Silverpine Forest.
This rune, man. What a pain in the arse.
My chest was bugged I had the note in my inventory but the chest just said empty and would not let me accept the quest. I discarded the note thinking it would send me another but I have not gotten another note and its been a day. Any idea how to get the game to send me another letter?
I deleted letter and went to mail restore and nothing. Anyone know another way to get back the letter