- Author: Luxrah
- Date: November 7, 2024
- Updated: December 20, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
This guide will cover how to get the Devastate rune for Warriors in Season of Discovery. We’ll go over all of the locations and requirements in the walkthrough below as well as any useful tips and tricks.
- Rune: Devastate
- Engraving: Engrave Gloves – Devastate
- Class: Warrior
- Slot: Hands
- Added: Phase 1
- Level: 6 (Recommended)
How to Get the Devastate Rune
As of Phase 6, all runes and skill books can be purchased from Rune Brokers in starting zones and major cities for 1 copper a piece. Each of these vendors is simply named “Rune Broker” and can be easily spotted by their purple glow, lurking very close to where new characters enter the game. You can see all of their locations in our guide below.
Original Discovery Method
This rune can be discovered in any starting zone: Dun Morogh, Durotar, Elwynn Forest, Mulgore, Teldrassil, or Tirisfal Glades.
This discovery is partially shared with the Rogue’s Quick Draw Rune, which requires looting different items from the same mobs.
Dun Morogh (
Alliance Zone)
To get the Devastate rune, you’ll have to do some monster hunting to collect three items in Dun Morogh. You can turn these items in separately or all together.
First, acquire a Pristine Trogg Heart to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s First Rune Fragment. You can loot one from the following Rockjaw Troggs:
Next, collect a Severed Troll Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s Second Rune Fragment. You can loot one from any of the following Frostmane Trolls:
- Frostmane Headhunter
- Frostmane Hideskinner
- Frostmane Seer
- Frostmane Shadowcaster
- Frostmane Snowstrider
- Frostmane Troll
Finally, collect a Severed Wendigo Paw to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s Third Rune Fragment. You can loot one from the following Wendigos:
Turn in all three items to Junni Steelpass, a Monster Hunter in Kharanos at 46.6, 53.6. She’ll give you the three Monster Hunter’s Fragments. When you have all three, right-click one of them to combine them into a Rune of Devastate, then right-click this item to learn the rune.

Durotar (
Horde Zone)
To get the Devastate rune, you’ll have to do some monster hunting to collect three items in Durotar. You can turn these items in separately or all together.
First, acquire a Severed Quilboar Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s First Rune Fragment. You can loot one from the following Razormane Quilboars:
Next, collect a Severed Harpy Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s Second Rune Fragment. You can loot one from any of the following Dustwind Harpies:
Finally, collect a Severed Centaur Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s Third Rune Fragment. You can loot one from any of the following Kolkar Centaurs:
Turn in all three items to Vahi Bonesplitter, a Monster Hunter at Razor Hill in Durotar, around 53.0, 43.6. She’ll give you the three Monster Hunter’s Fragments. When you have all three, right-click one of them to combine them into a Rune of Devastate, then right-click this item to learn the rune.

Elwynn Forest (
Alliance Zone)
To get the Devastate rune, you’ll have to do some monster hunting to collect three items in Elwynn Forest. You can turn these items in separately or all together.
First, acquire a Severed Kobold Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s First Rune Fragment. You can loot one from the following Kobolds:
Next, collect a Severed Murloc Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s Second Rune Fragment. You can loot one from any of the following Murlocs:
Finally, collect a Severed Gnoll Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s Third Rune Fragment. You can loot one from any of the following Gnolls:
Turn in all three items to Viktoria Woods, a Monster Hunter at Old Town in Stormwind City at 69.8, 50.0. She’ll give you the three Monster Hunter’s Fragments. When you have all three, right-click one of them to combine them into a Rune of Devastate, then right-click this item to learn the rune.

Mulgore (
Horde Zone)
To get the Devastate rune, you’ll have to do some monster hunting to collect three items in Durotar. You can turn these items in separately or all together.
First, acquire a Severed Quilboar Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s First Rune Fragment. You can loot one from the following Bristleback Quilboars:
Next, collect a Severed Harpy Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s Second Rune Fragment. You can loot one from any of the following Windfury Harpies:
Finally, collect a Severed Gnoll Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s Third Rune Fragment. You can loot one from any of the following Palemane Gnolls:
Turn in all three items to Vateya Timberhoof, a Monster Hunter at Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore, around 46.4, 61.8. She’ll give you the three Monster Hunter’s Fragments. When you have all three, right-click one of them to combine them into a Rune of Devastate, then right-click this item to learn the rune.

Teldrassil (
Alliance Zone)
To get the Devastate rune, you’ll have to do some monster hunting to collect three items in Teldrassil. You can turn these items in separately or all together.
First, acquire a Severed Owl Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s First Rune Fragment. You can loot one from the following Beasts:
Next, collect a Severed Tiger Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s Second Rune Fragment. You can loot one from any of the following Nightsabers:
Finally, collect a Severed Spider Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s Third Rune Fragment. You can loot one from any of the following Beasts:
Turn in all three items to Delwynna, a Monster Hunter at the Craftsmen’s Terrace in Darnassus at 63.4, 21.8, near the Leatherworking Trainer. She’ll give you the three Monster Hunter’s Fragments. When you have all three, right-click one of them to combine them into a Rune of Devastate, then right-click this item to learn the rune.

Tirisfal Glades (
Horde Zone)
To get the Devastate rune, you’ll have to do some monster hunting to collect three items in Durotar. You can turn these items in separately or all together.
First, acquire a Severed Bat Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s First Rune Fragment. You can loot one from the following Duskbats:
Next, collect a Severed Murloc Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s Second Rune Fragment. You can loot one from any of the following Vile Fin Murlocs:
Finally, collect a Severed Gnoll Head to turn in for a Monster Hunter’s Third Rune Fragment. You can loot one from any of the following Rot Hide Gnolls:
Turn in all three items to Dorac Graves, a Monster Hunter in the Apothecarium in Undercity, around 48.6, 71.6, near the Alchemy Trainer. She’ll give you the three Monster Hunter’s Fragments. When you have all three, right-click one of them to combine them into a Rune of Devastate, then right-click this item to learn the rune.

turned in all 3 trophys and nothing happens
Turn in for the night elves is Spider, Tiger and Owl Trophy to the Monster hunter in Darnassus by the Skinning and Leatherworking trainer.
Does any spider drop it in Teldrassil?
For Stormwind turn in a murloc severed head and kobold. Turn it in Old Town
Hey there! Where in old town do you turn it in? lol
what lvl do u need to be ? becouse everytime i have a murlock head i cant seem to get the kobold head … i delete the murlock head i get the kobold head i`m lvl 9 maby to low lvl ?
you have to turn them into the monster hunter in the old town in stormwind near the building where warrior abilities are collected the turn in npc is surrounded by stuffed animals
I need a third head? what is it?
For humans, Monster Hunter is called “Viktoria Woods” located at 69.7 50.6 Stormwind old town. she is standing next to a stuffed bear and a stuffed plainstrider.
Turn in the following heads.
Gnomes, Dwarfs here she is: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/npc=208652/junni-steelpass#comments