- Author: Luxrah
- Date: October 4, 2024
- Updated: December 20, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
This guide will cover how to get the Divine Storm rune for Paladins in Season of Discovery. We’ll go over all of the locations and requirements in the walkthrough below as well as any useful tips and tricks.
- Rune: Divine Storm
- Engraving: Engrave Chest – Divine Storm
- Class: Paladin
- Slot: Chest
- Added: Phase 1
- Level: 25 (Required)
How to Get the Divine Storm Rune
As of Phase 6, all runes and skill books can be purchased from Rune Brokers in starting zones and major cities for 1 copper a piece. Each of these vendors is simply named “Rune Broker” and can be easily spotted by their purple glow, lurking very close to where new characters enter the game. You can see all of their locations in our guide below.
Original Discovery Method
To obtain the Divine Storm rune, you will either need a group or you will need to be a high enough level to deal with level 30+ mobs.
Head to the Tower of Althalaxx in northern Darkshore, around 56, 26. At the top of the tower, click on the Strange Orb to pick up an Althalaxx Orb. You can do this with only 1 other person if they aggro the mobs while you pick it up.

With the orb in your inventory, head to Maestra’s Post in western Ashenvale and speak with Delgrin the Purifier around 26, 39. He’ll give you the quest Advice from Stormwind.

Head to Stormwind City and speak with Katherine the Pure in the west wing of the Cathedral of Light, around 37, 32. You’ll progress to the quest A Second Opinion.

Speak with Ursula Deline in the Mage Quarter next. She’s in the basement of The Slaughtered Lamb, around 26, 77. You’ll progress to Earning Your Salt.

Head to northwest Redridge Mountains and kill Blackrock Champion and Blackrock Summoner to collect 14 Summoner’s Salt. Bring it back to Ursula Deline in Stormwind to turn in the quest, and you’ll get the quest It Must Be Destroyed.
Now head to Demon Fall Canyon in southeast Ashenvale and kill demons to collect 12 Mote of Mannoroth. When you have all 12, head to the coordinates 89, 77 in Ashenvale (see map below) and click on the circle beneath Mannoroth’s weapons. A Shattered Orb will appear on the ground; click it to pick up the Orb Fragments and start the quest Return to Delgren.
Head back to Delgrin the Purifier at Maestra’s Post to turn in the quest and receive your rune!

Just got my 12th mannoroth mote with a helpful group, im lvl 23. Ive been carried through a few of the challenging runes. oooohp, welp, just shattered the orb while typing this in the demon fall canyon. It goes a long way to just be a little social and show solidarity with players, gets you in and carried. The group i was with, i got lucky and got all my mannoroth motes super fast. they just abandoned the paladin that I came duo’d with. So i roleplayed a little to get that paladin another group. Its shit like that that makes the new experiences again. the things these players have been chasing to recapture for years.
SOO yeah… all that to say, its not so bad, be a chill dude and you just might get carried. prob can be duo’d or even soloed by the right person, who knows.
Can you do last step as a Raid?
My guess would be no since there is a quest involved.
No because it is a quest item. You can’t get quest items as raid.
Just did it in a raid group.
such a joke, farm lvl 29-30 mobs. other classes do not have to fight so hard for runes. i am done with sod what a waste of time
get a group. i did it with 2 other paladin
Imagine being pissed off that the game isnt spooning you
wah wah its too hard
imagine thinking classic is difficult.
I did this at level 11 XD and you’re over here crying because the game doesn’t cater to you 😂