Fingers of Frost Rune – Season of Discovery (SoD)

Fingers of Frost Rune – Season of Discovery (SoD)
  • Author: Luxrah
  • Date: October 2, 2024
  • Updated: December 20, 2024
  • Expansion: WoW Classic

This guide will cover how to get the Fingers of Frost rune for Mages in Season of Discovery. We’ll go over all of the locations and requirements in the walkthrough below as well as any useful tips and tricks.

How to Get the Fingers of Frost Rune

As of Phase 6, all runes and skill books can be purchased from Rune Brokers in starting zones and major cities for 1 copper a piece. Each of these vendors is simply named “Rune Broker” and can be easily spotted by their purple glow, lurking very close to where new characters enter the game. You can see all of their locations in our guide below.

Original Discovery Method

This rune can be discovered in any of four different zones: Dun Morogh, Durotar, Elwynn Forest, or Tirisfal Glades.

You will need to decipher a scroll with a Comprehension Charm, which can be purchased from Reagent Vendors. You can find a complete list of vendors in our Mage Scrolls Guide.

Dun Morogh (Wow Alliance Crest Alliance Zone)

To get the Fingers of Frost rune, kill any of the following named enemies in Dun Morogh:

  • Timber, a level 10 rare wolf found in the Iceflow Lake in Dun Morogh around 35, 42
  • Vagash, a level 11 elite yeti found north of Gol’Bolar Quarry around 61, 48
  • Old Icebeard, a level 11 elite yeti found in a cave west of Kharanos around 38, 53
  • Edan the Howler, a level 9 rare yeti inside the Grizzled Den west of Kharanos around 41, 49
  • Gibblewilt, a level 11 rare leper gnome in Brewnall Village around 26, 41
  • Fyodi, a level 7 elite board near Brewnall Village around 32, 40
  • Vejrek, a level 11 troll at the Frostmane camp in the west around 28, 57
  • Bjarn, a level 12 rare bear west of Gol’bolar Quarry around 60, 57
  • Captain Beld, a level 11 dark iron dwarf in the southeast corner of the zone in the basement of a building around 78, 63
  • Hammerspine, a level 12 rare trogg inside the cave at Gol’bolar Quarry around 73, 51
  • Great Father Arctikus, a level 11 rare troll inside Frostmane Hold around 24, 52
  • Mangeclaw, a level 11 bear in the northeast of the zone around 80, 37

They will drop Spell Notes: RING SEFF OSTROF, which you can decipher using a Comprehension Charm to get Spell Notes: Fingers of Frost. You can right-click this item to learn the Rune Engraving.

where to find mage fingers of frost in dun morogh
Locations of NPCs in Dun Morogh

Durotar ( Horde Zone)

To get the Fingers of Frost rune, kill any of the following named enemies in Durotar:

  • Zalazane, a level 10 troll found on the large Echo Isle around 68, 87
  • Warlord Kolkanis, a level 9 rare centaur at the south end of the zone around 49, 79
  • Felweaver Scornn, a level 11 rare elite orc inside Skull Rock in the northeast of the zone, around 53, 9 (close to Gazz’uz)
  • Gazz’uz, a level 14 orc inside Skull rock in the northeast of the zone, around 53, 9 (close to Felweaver Scornn)
  • Fizzle Darkstorm, a level 12 goblin at Thunder Ridge, around 43, 26

They will drop Spell Notes: RING SEFF OSTROF, which you can decipher using a Comprehension Charm to get Spell Notes: Fingers of Frost. You can right-click this item to learn the Rune Engraving.

where to find mage fingers of frost in durotar
Locations of NPCs in Durotar

Elwynn Forest (Wow Alliance Crest Alliance Zone)

Welcome back to Classic. Go and slay Hogger in Elwynn Forest, for old times’ sake. In case you’re not a veteran WoW player, he’s a level 11 elite gnoll in the southwesternmost part of the map, around 28, 90.

He will drop Spell Notes: RING SEFF OSTROF, which you can decipher using a Comprehension Charm to get Spell Notes: Fingers of Frost. You can right-click this item to learn the Rune Engraving.

location of hogger npc elwynn alliance races sod fingers of frost mage rune wow v2
Hogger’s location around (28, 90)

Tirisfal Glades ( Horde Zone)

To obtain the Fingers of Frost rune, head to the Solliden Farmstead in western Tirisfal Glades and follow the path west of the tower to a small lake in the mountains, around 27, 47. There you’ll find Gillgar, a level 7 elite murloc.

Kill him to loot Spell Notes: RING SEFF OSTROF, which you can decipher using a Comprehension Charm to get Spell Notes: Fingers of Frost. You can right-click this item to learn the Rune Engraving.


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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1 year ago

undead can get fingers of frost from gillgar in west tristfall near the tiny lake

1 year ago

I got the rune from a rare elite mob timber at Ice flow lake.

1 year ago

I got one from killing a rare bear near iron forge.

1 year ago


Last edited 1 year ago by Taju
1 year ago

does anyone else have the issue of not having any ui indicator when fingers of frost procs? I cant seem to figure out how to tell

1 year ago

(Dwarf/Gnome) Dropped for me from Captain Beld <Dark Iron Captain>, Captain Beld – NPC – World of Warcraft ( 76.80, 60.58 In Dun Morogh. Looted it, tossed it out, killed, and looted again to confirm.

Last edited 1 year ago by BlckJak