- Author: Luxrah
- Date: November 6, 2024
- Updated: December 20, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
This guide will cover how to get the Metamorphosis rune for Warlocks in Season of Discovery. We’ll go over all of the locations and requirements in the walkthrough below as well as any useful tips and tricks.
- Rune: Metamorphosis
- Engraving: Engrave Gloves – Metamorphosis
- Class: Warlock
- Slot: Hands
- Added: Phase 1
- Level: 25*
How to Get the Metamorphosis Rune
As of Phase 6, all runes and skill books can be purchased from Rune Brokers in starting zones and major cities for 1 copper a piece. Each of these vendors is simply named “Rune Broker” and can be easily spotted by their purple glow, lurking very close to where new characters enter the game. You can see all of their locations in our guide below.
Original Discovery Method
You must be at least level 25 to start this quest.
The following locations have crates that can be looted, which will be needed later in the questline:
- Orb of Des from the Demonic Reliquary, found in the Tower of Ilgalar in Redridge Mountains, around 80, 49
- Bough of Altek from the Tower of Althalaxx in Darkshore, around 56, 27

To start the questline, head to the center of The Barrens and look for Doan Karhan, a human, on the other side of the central road from Camp Taurajo at 49, 57. He offers the quest The Orb of Soran’ruk. This quest requires a few items:
- 3x Soran’ruk Fragment, looted from Twilight Acolytes along Zoram Strand in Ashenvale or in the Blackfathom Deeps raid
- 1x Large Soran’ruk Fragment, looted from Shadowfang Darksouls in the Shadowfang Keep dungeon.

Return to Doan Karhan when you’ve collected all the items to turn them in and start the next quest, for which you will turn in the two items you picked up from the towers. Next you’ll get the quest The Conjuring, which requires you to collect 10 Blood of the Legion from the following demons at Demon Fall Ridge in southeastern Ashenvale:
After collecting the blood, head to the altar at (79, 80) and interact with it to begin a ritual that will spawn some demons. You must use Drain Soul on every demon in the ritual circle. Once the Searing Infernal has been drained, a Mysterious Traveler will appear and offer you the quest Mysterious Traveler.
Head back to The Barrens to turn in this quest in to Doan Karhan. He will then offer the quest Raszel Ander, which will award you with the Rune of Metamorphosis. Right-click this item to learn the rune and start tanking!
Thanks for nothing i guess.
Metamorphosis update: Loot the Orb of Des at the top of the Tower of Ilgalar in Redridge Mountains. Loot the Bough of Altek at the top of the tower of Althalaxx in darkshore. – Alliance Player no idea about horde
old news
How is it possible it hasn’t been found? The sweats disappoint me.
Yeah, what sucks is we need this rune to tank dungeons. We can’t even start practicing tanking until we are lvl 25… not even sure if we can tank BFD raid
You have made some fantastic guides for these runes, but this one needs an alliance update.
Meta is the same quest for both factions.
I we take the other branch of quest, do we lose permanently the option for the Meta rune? it seems we need to make a choice early
Man I read the items and it’s sed something about badlands. And if you watch some comercial vids about the warlock tanks you see the metamorphosis in some place like dark portal maybe could be bad lands to idk.
SE Ashenvale supposedly has the ritual sight in area with lvl 30 demons
Did anyone verify this? I believe this is for paladins
Staysafe cleared the whole area with a raid of about 20 warlocks. Nothing there for Warlocks
I can confirm, I also spent all of last night as a ghost running around the lower levels too. Couldn’t see anything that would suggest there’s a shrine. Maybe we need a 3rd item or something idk. I am trying to find where Illidan first ate the skull of Gul’dan and did the orginal Metamorphsis
i feel like its three items like how it was for the summoning in the sewers of UC
IIRC there is a demon skeleton in darkshore, same species as mannoroth or whatever his name was.
Maybe something is there? doubt that no one else has looked though