- Author: Luxrah
- Date: November 1, 2024
- Updated: December 20, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
This guide will cover how to get the Mutilate rune for Rogues in Season of Discovery. We’ll go over all of the locations and requirements in the walkthrough below as well as any useful tips and tricks.
- Rune: Mutilate
- Engraving: Engrave Gloves – Mutilate
- Class: Rogue
- Slot: Hands
- Added: Phase 1
- Level: 10 (Recommended)
How to Get the Mutilate Rune
As of Phase 6, all runes and skill books can be purchased from Rune Brokers in starting zones and major cities for 1 copper a piece. Each of these vendors is simply named “Rune Broker” and can be easily spotted by their purple glow, lurking very close to where new characters enter the game. You can see all of their locations in our guide below.
Original Discovery Method
This rune can be discovered in Dun Morogh, Durotar, Elwynn Forest, Teldrassil, or Tirisfal Glades.
Dun Morogh (
Alliance Zone)
To obtain the Mutilate rune, head to the southeast corner of Dun Morogh, south of Helm’s Bed Lake (around 77.8, 62.6), and kill or use Pick Pocket on Dark Iron Spy until you get Blackrat’s Note.
Take this note and look for Blackrat, a Dark Iron Dwarf who is stealthed at a boat near Misty Pine Refuge. Give him the note to receive a Rune of Mutilation, which you can right-click to learn the rune.
Durotar (
Horde Zone)
To obtain the Mutilate rune, use Pick Pocket on Burning Blade orcs until you loot a Note from Ba’so. Burning Blade orcs can be found in a few different places in Durotar, including Dustwind Cave (entrance: 52.9, 29.0). Here are the mobs that are known to drop the note:
- Burning Blade Apprentice
- Burning Blade Cultist
- Burning Blade Fanatic
- Burning Blade Neophyte
- Burning Blade Thug
- Fizzle Darkstorm
- Yarrog Baneshadow
Take this note and look for Ba’so, a troll who is stealthed near 51, 58, south of Razor Hill. Give him the note to receive a Rune of Mutilation, which you can right-click to learn the rune.

Elwynn Forest (
Alliance Zone)
To obtain the Mutilate rune, you’ll need to use Pick Pocket on Garrick Padfoot, a level 5 human in the Northshire Vineyards in Elwynn Forest (57.4, 48.6) to get Cutty’s Note. Alternatively, you can use Pick Pocket on Morgaine the Sly at the lake just south of Stormwind City (31.6, 65.6) or Morgan the Collector at Brackwell Pumpkin Patch in the southeast (71.0, 80.6).
Take this note and find Cutty, a human who is stealthed just south of the Northshire wall (49.8, 52.0). Give him the note to receive a Rune of Mutilation, which you can right-click to learn the rune.
Teldrassil (
Alliance Zone)
To obtain the Mutilate rune, head to Fel Rock, the cave just north of Dolanaar in Teldrassil (entrance: 55, 53), and kill Lord Melenas, a level 8 satyr. He will drop a Rune of Mutilation, which you can right-click to learn the rune.
Tirisfal Glades (
Horde Zone)
To obtain the Mutilate rune, Pick Pocket any of the following Scarlet Crusade officers to get a Scarlet Lieutenant Signet Ring:
- Captain Perrine inside the tower across the road from the entrance to Undercity (51.8, 67.4)
- Captain Melrache inside the tower at Scarlet Watch Post, at the end of the road west of Scarlet Monastery (79.5, 25.2)
- Captain Vachon inside the tower at Crusader Outpost in the east-central part of the zone, north of Balnir Farmstead (78.8, 56.1)
Take this ring to the town hall building in Brill and use the writing table to get Forged Scarlet Memorandum. Then speak to Jamie Nore nearby (60.8, 50.4) to receive a Rune of Mutilation, which you can right-click to learn the rune.
ORCS/TROLLS – I pick Pocketed this off the only Orc in the starting area cave, the one full of imps and felhunters “ooo a humanoid to be my first pickpocket” then I got the note, just thought that was the way this one would be done, then met a Orc farming cultists, asked him if he was farming for map parts, he said the troll note, explained to him how I got it then came to the site to see how the guide explains only to find it suggests killing…
Thanks for pointing that out! You caught us before our first round of edits – should be all fixed up now 🙂