- Author: Luxrah
- Date: November 1, 2024
- Updated: December 20, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
This guide will cover how to get the Cutthroat rune for Rogues in Season of Discovery. We’ll go over all of the locations and requirements in the walkthrough below as well as any useful tips and tricks.
- Rune: Cutthroat
- Engraving: Engrave Gloves – Cutthroat
- Class: Rogue
- Slot: Hands
- Added: Phase 1
- Level: 25 (Recommended)
This discovery previously taught the Shiv ability, but it was changed in Phase 4.
How to Get the Cutthroat Rune
As of Phase 6, all runes and skill books can be purchased from Rune Brokers in starting zones and major cities for 1 copper a piece. Each of these vendors is simply named “Rune Broker” and can be easily spotted by their purple glow, lurking very close to where new characters enter the game. You can see all of their locations in our guide below.
Original Discovery Method
Note – this method will work for Horde players, but it may be a bit difficult on PvP servers.
To get the Cutthroat rune, head to Yorgen’s Farm in Duskwood (50, 73) and use Pick Pocket on Defias Enchanters, Defias Night Blades, and Defias Night Runners to get the Engraved Gold Ring.
Next, go to the Tranquil Gardens Cemetery and lockpick the chest in the chapel (81, 71) to get an Engraved Silver Ring. (In earlier phases, only one ring was needed, but now you need both.)
When you have the ring, locate the statue in the center of Raven Hill cemetery (19.9,45.5). Equip the ring and use the /kneel emote in chat. A Rune of Shiving will appear in your bags. You can right-click this item to learn the rune.

Doesn’t have to be Nightrunners. I got mine from a Night Blade.
So are the rings mandatory or not, two conflicting statements here. Really wish you guys would upload the time stamp of the most recent update to these guides to know if the information is still valid or not.
Confirmed that you only need to wear the gold ring.
As of Phase 5, both rings are mandatory
both rings are mendatory