- Author: Luxrah
- Date: November 1, 2024
- Updated: December 20, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
This guide will cover how to get the Slaughter from the Shadows rune for Rogues in Season of Discovery. We’ll go over all of the locations and requirements in the walkthrough below as well as any useful tips and tricks.
- Rune: Slaughter from the Shadows
- Engraving: Engrave Chest – Slaughter from the Shadows
- Class: Rogue
- Slot: Chest
- Added: Phase 1
- Level: 6 (Recommended)
How to Get the Slaughter from the Shadows Rune
As of Phase 6, all runes and skill books can be purchased from Rune Brokers in starting zones and major cities for 1 copper a piece. Each of these vendors is simply named “Rune Broker” and can be easily spotted by their purple glow, lurking very close to where new characters enter the game. You can see all of their locations in our guide below.
Original Discovery Method
This rune can be discovered in Dun Morogh, Durotar, Elwynn Forest, Teldrassil, or Tirisfal Glades.
Dun Morogh (
Alliance Zone)
The Slaughter from the Shadows rune can be acquired by heading to Kharanos in Dun Morogh and climbing on top of the inn. Facing the front of the building, go around the left side and up the mountain. Go around the large tree closest to the inn, then go left onto the highest part of the roof, and from there jump onto the large keg. Loot the chest on top of the keg (46.9, 52.0) to get Rune of Slaughter, which you can right-click to learn the rune.

Durotar (
Horde Zone)
The Slaughter from the Shadows rune can be acquired by heading toward Drygulch Ravine in Durotar and looking for a Rusty Lockbox above the tunnel that leads into it. Approach the Ravine from the north of Razor Hill:

You’ll come up onto a wide plateau — head as indicated (Image 1), to the right of the cave mouth, sticking to the right side of the cliffs above the ravine. The chest is located on a platform you can reach with a Sprint & jump — the spot you jump from is at precisely 54.0, 27.4 (Images 2 & 3). Loot the chest for Rune of Slaughter, which you can right-click to learn the rune.

Elwynn Forest (
Alliance Zone)
The Slaughter from the Shadows rune can be acquired by heading to Goldshire in Elwynn Forest and going to the house northeast of the inn. Use the stacked crates to reach the roof and loot the chest on top of the building (46.3, 62.1) to get Rune of Slaughter, which you can right-click to learn the rune.

Teldrassil (
Alliance Zone)
The Slaughter from the Shadows rune can be acquired by entering Ban’ethil Barrow Den in Teldrassil and looting Gnarlpine Caches until you find Rune of Slaughter, which you can right-click to learn the rune.

Tirisfal Glades (
Horde Zone)
The Slaughter from the Shadows rune can be acquired by heading to the Agamand Family Crypt in Tirisfal Glades (52, 26) and killing or pick pocketing undead in the area until one drops an Agamand Relic Coffer Key. Use this key to loot a Relic Coffer in the crypt and get your Rune of Slaughter, which you can right-click to learn the rune.

I pick pocket a Rotting Dead and got the Agamand Relic Coffer Key.