- Author: Caperfin
- Date: March 19, 2019
- Updated: March 23, 2025
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Can Shamans tank in WoW? The short and to the point answer is, yes. You might be rubbing your eyes in disbelief of this answer. Perhaps conjuring a ten page manifesto about how only warriors can and should tank. Although, I can go on a long rant about how there are many other classes that can tank, today, I’ll be focusing on our totemic friend, the shaman.
About Me

I’m Caperfin. This culminates years of work. If you have questions, see my Livestream.

The topic of viable and optimal is contentious as some don’t see the difference or mix them up and levy a misguided philosophy onto it. Optimal is the most efficient and foolproof solution that eliminates as many negative variables as possible and favors an easier path. Viable or often referred to as: possible, seen as the more challenging path but to many is a greater personal triumph. Shaman Tank is labelled as viable.
Many Shaman tanks agree their motivation is from the glory of seizing a feat the rest of the realm dares not try. If this resonates with you, please continue reading. You shaman tank if you want a challenge and a refreshing perspective from a 15 year old game. If it wasn’t obvious before, shield bearing is a sizable undertaking.
When experienced players Shaman tank and put in the effort, it shines tenfold. Shamans can fully tank 5mans, 10mans, off-tank & main-tank raids. But, this is reliant on personal and guild experience. Our overall defensive statistics won’t reach a warrior’s. However, it isn’t necessary to do so, to tank.

Races play a big part as we are grasping for any amount of extra efficiency possible. Unfortunately, shamans aren’t on the Alliance side, therefore, we are being relegated to spend our fighting days with the Horde. As for race, choose wisely as once the decision is made there is no going back. Some players might want to choose a certain race to assure the clearing of a specific boss or raid.
Axe Specialization Blood Fury Hardiness Command
What does this mean?: Orc sadly fall short in survival & threat aspects. Akin to the troll, orc’s focal point is threat. However, they’re seen as a more riskier race option considering the -50% to healing from Blood Fury, which is a negative to non-attentive healers. In all honesty, in our strict testing, they surpass other races for dealing threat on short fights but it made the majority of healers very nervous. On the bright side, they proved more effective in the off-tank position. In conclusion, they plunge too deep into the situational category to be justified.
Nature Resistance War Stomp Endurance Cultivation
What does this mean?: Considered the most suited race for surviving long fights and ideally clearing ZG/AQ, which will be the first raids where difficulties will arise. The 5% hp is great and is inherently based on absolute hp, so it will scale with the amount of hp obtained from gear and world buffs. In regards to War Stomp, be cautious you cannot dodge, block, or parry while casting the spell. However, its overall usefulness outweigh this slight inconvenience. The 15 skill increase to Herbalism is also nothing to scoff at while leveling.
Throwing Specialization /Bow Specialization Beast Slaying Regeneration Berserking
What does this mean?: The race focusing on dealing threat instead of anything else. Generally, threat is not an issue, if you glaringly foresee having threat issues, than I unquestionably advocate for troll above all other races. Their “Regeneration” racial is insignificant even with a lot of spirit. Troll will especially deal a lot of threat on “Beast” bosses, ex: Magmadar in MC, Whirlaxis and Gahz’ranka in ZG, etc…

Engineering: Goblin Sapper Charge,
Masterwork Target Dummy,
Force Reactive Disk,
Gnomish Battle Chicken, etc… It helps if party engineers use Gnomish Battle Chicken since
Battle Squawk stacks to 25%. The other profession is to gain gold to buy consumables.
While leveling, select Herbalism & Alchemy. Herbalism provides reagents for Alchemy and a source of gold for our eventual endgame professions. The goal is to gather a large supply of gold and a bank full of potions the raid might need, for example the potion, Flask of the Titans.
After drop Herbalism and go for the late game profession, Engineering. In order to get a few tools, such as: Gnomish Battle Chicken, Goblin Sapper Charge among many other beneficial gadgets.
- Note: If you plan to raid tank, get Enchanting for Smoking Heart of the Mountain and feel free to drop Enchanting afterwards.
Finally, for secondary professions, I urge grabbing all of them as they all provide valuable assets. In terms of fishing, you can farm those elusive Stonescale Eels that are highly contested after for Flask of the Titans. First aid grants bandages for healing that don’t require any mana to use. Lastly, cooking has Dragonbreath Chili a sheer delight as it not only scales with spell damage but also with the trinket: Arcanite Dragonling and its fire increasing debuff: Flame Buffet. The debuff also scales with Goblin Sapper charge. All these items nicely combine into a decent boost in threat. Contrary to popular belief, Dragonbreath Chili does stack with another food buff.
Threat Management

Deal threat: Earth Shock, Stormstrike, Rockbiter Weapon, etc. Potions deal threat, ex: Major Rejuvenation Potion based on 50% Health & 50% Mana gained. Damage items, ex: Rough Dynamite & buffs, ex: Thorns deal 100% threat based on damage. Items, ex: Gift of Arthas deal threat on each trigger.
Name | Threat Value | Notes |
Black Grasp of the Destroyer (item) | 8 threat per proc, 4 threat from mana drain. | Mainly for AoeTanking. |
Crusader | 100 Pure threat on all mobs. Buff deals threat. | Great for AoE Tanking. |
Demonic Rune | 50% of Mana gain. | Shares CD w/ Healthstone |
Earth Shock | Cause threat based on x2 damage. | |
Flask of Distilled Wisdom | 50% of Mana gain. | 3 second Cooldown |
Flask of the Titans | 50% of Health gain. | 3 second Cooldown |
Force Reactive Disk (engineering) | Threat equal to damage. Great for AoE. | Great for AoE Tanking. |
Gift of Arthas | 90 threat on each trigger. | |
Goblin Sapper Charge | Threat equal to damage. | From Engineering. |
Healing Wave & other healing spells | Threat is 50% of healing dealt. | |
Heavy Runecloth Bandage | 50% of Health gain each second. | Mainly for AoE Tanking. |
Lightnig Bolt & Chain Lightning | Threat equal to damage. | Used for pulling. |
Lightning Shield | Threat equal to damage. | |
Major Healthstone | 720 threat. | Shares CD w/Demonic Ru |
Major Rejuvenation Potion | 50% of Health gain, 50% of Mana gain. | Great for AoE Tanking. |
Oil of Immolation | 50 threat every 3 seconds. | Resets swing timer. |
Rockbiter Weapon | 72 threat divided by weapon speed. | |
Stormstrike | Threat equal to damage. | |
Thorium Shield Spike | Threat equal to damage. | A shield enchant. |
Thorns | Threat equal to damage. |
Because a plethora of questions surrounding aggro/threat are bound to come out of confusion. I’d like to first reference Kenco’s words about how gaining aggro on a mob and overall threat functions in World of Warcraft.
Now, let’s examine shaman threat. They’re on another tier when it comes to outputting threat, but demand a lot of dedication comparably to the more laxed tanks out there. With proper optimization, their threat is nearly equal to a pure protection warrior and in some situations just shy of a druid tank. Of course, the shorter a fight, the better, since a shaman can freely throw mana around without going out of mana as fast. Resulting in more dependable damage being dished out and correlates into predictable threat. Let’s see how to get creatures more mad at you than unusual.
- Earth Shock is first as it deal a high amount of threat because of its 2x damage threat modifier. The downside is nature damage is burdened on three fronts: no warlock curses bolster it, a spell coefficient of 40.71% of the caster’s spell damage and some raid content is somewhat resistant to nature. Lastly, downranking our spells is crucial in tanking to be cost-effective. Anything resembling an elemental (noticeable in MC) will have a high resistance to nature damage. All the Dragons of Nightmare are also immune to nature damage or tend to have the same high resistance to nature as to fire. The same applies for some creatures in: AQ, ZG and Naxx. Basically, if an environment has a disease or poison theme, expect nature damage to be hampered. Here’s a chart to better explain the notion. Don’t fret, items exist to counter this damage dampening downside, ex: Eye of Moam & the debuff from Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker helps with Earth Shock’s damage by reducing the target’s nature resistance.
- Frost Shock is used against nature immune targets. Frost Shock or referred as “FS” doesn’t consume a debuff slot on a boss impervious to movement impairing effects (most bosses). There are additional ways to circumvent the lack of threat done against nature immune targets, which will be peppered throughout the upcoming topics.
- Rockbiter Weapon at rank7, is 72 threat per second on hit. With 2.6 speed weapon, each hit is: 2.6 * 72 = ~172 threat. Weapon speed won’t matter, but haste does. Haste effects are wanted to counter nature defiant mobs & low percent chance to hit. Once at an auto attack DPS of ~140, Rockbiter isn’t optimal, instead use Windfury Weapon. Players use fast daggers because of its higher chance to trigger the effect.
- Lightning Shield or known as “LS” imposes conditions to be cost effective. Firstly, LS is on the GCD and shouldn’t be casted over other spells, such as: Earth Shock so weigh your mana and threat. Secondly, downranking LS is vital to conserve our resources and maintain productivity. Each charge of LS scales with 33% of total spell damage but can’t crit.
- Oil of Immolation might not seem like much but floats around fourth on the list. It will interrupt your swing timer but not trigger a GCD. It’s undeniably good before a boss pull or versus many mobs. Can be bought off the Auction House.
- Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning (depending on number of mobs) will be the first spells dealing threat on the target. Downranking isn’t as harsh or compulsory since these spells are only casted upon engaging a boss.
- Goblin Sapper Charge and similar bombs are great to output additional threat and a definite must against multiple mobs. The majority of bombs are made through Engineering with the exception of the last two in the list below:
– Goblin Sapper Charge (It shares a 1 minute GCD w/other bombs)
– Dark Iron Bomb will require you to stand still and a 1 second cast.
– Crystal Charge this can be stacked up to 20 & used when moving.
– Note: Not a bomb but Clutch of Foresight (shares CD with bombs) is an arcane spell, great versus fire resistant mobs. - Major Rejuvenation Potion & similar potions are global and .5x of the amount replenished. Health and mana effects will not cause threat if at maximum capacity. Players on coherent battles will use a heal pot after Goblin Sapper Charge to deal a lot of threat. In order of threat, there is:
– Major Rejuvenation Potion is the highest threat but can be costly.
– Major Healthstone is next on the list and given to us by a warlock.
– Major Mana Potion is buyable on AH. (Shares CD with the above)
– Demonic Rune / Dark Rune (Shares a CD with the below item)
– Night Dragon’s Breath easy to acquire so place them in the bank. - Thorns and similar reflective effects are last. Typically, these type of buffs are great against multiple mobs and remain relevant in single target scenarios. You can only have one reflective buff on you at a time. The second highest dealing damage reflective effect is: Fire Shield from a warlock’s imp.
Threat Diminishers

Items reduce threat, ex: Fetish of the Sand Reaver. Mage:
Burning Soul. Shaman:
Tranquil Air Totem. Rogue and Hunter wipe threat w/
Vanish &
Feign Death and so can
Flask of Petrification. Items prevent aggro:
Limited Invulnerability Potion & redirect aggro Masterwork Target Dummy. Classes at 30-40 yards compared to melee must deal more damage to aggro.
Name | Type | Threat/Aggro Effect | Tips – Notes |
Item – Engineer | 10 yard Taunt ability for 5sec. 150 threat in 10yard AoE every 3 sec. | ||
Trinket | Use: Reduces the threat you generate by 35% for 20sec. | ||
Hunter Spell | Wipes the Hunter’s threat completely to zero. | ||
Trinket | Use: Reduces the threat you generate by 70% for 20 sec. 3 Min Cooldown | ||
Shaman Spell | Aggro through damage. Can cause mob(s) to walks towards it for a second. | Used by other Shaman | |
Item – potion | Wipes the user’s threat completely to zero. | ||
Mage Talent | Reduces the threat caused by your Frost spells by 10%. | ||
Potion | Use: Prevents the user from gaining Aggro but threat continues to garner. | ||
Shaman Spell | ~170 threat each pulse. | 1 Earth totem at a time. | |
Item | Idle for 10 sec, after deals 500 threat in a 10 yard AoE radius every 2 sec. | No CD with anything. | |
Trinkets – Pets | Aggro through damage. Activated before a pack of mobs. Can get Thorns. | Used for mob packs. | |
Shaman Spell | Totem reduces threat dealt by party members within 20 yards by 20%. | ||
Rogue Spell | Wipes the Rogue’s threat completely to zero. |
Aggro and threat from teammates is a daunting obstacle to tackle. Luckily, there are ways for classes to reduce their threat. Firstly, ranged classes are favored because any aggro they mistakenly get is likely from a 30-40yrd range, so it’s easier to supervise. Also classes standing out of the 30-40yrd range will not draw aggro until they exceed the threat level of the mob’s current target by 30% as opposed to 10% for melee classes. Here are a few examples of threat reducers or resets, in no particular order:
- Rogue deal with threat thanks to Feint and wipe threat with Vanish.
- Mage have the talent Frost Channeling and the talent Burning Soul.
- Druid in cat form can use: Cower & healing druids can get Subtlety.
- Priest reduce threat with the talent Silent Resolve & the spell: Fade.
- Shaman who heal can get Healing Grace & use: Tranquil Air Totem.
- Formula: Enchant Cloak – Subtlety: Used by high threat dealers in raids.
- Limited Invulnerability Potion: Will prevent aggro gain during its effect.
- Fetish of the Sand Reaver & Eye of Diminution: Available in AQ/Naxx.

Totems can’t deal threat for you. Common totems: Grace of Air Totem,
Stoneskin Totem &
Healing Stream Totem. AoE Tanking:
Stoneclaw Totem afterwards Fire Nova Totem.
We’ll be asking our shamanistic brothers from the restoration side to land a hand with totem utility, so be kind and compliment each others advantages in the group. keep in mind, there can only be one type of totem per shaman so having another shaman is welcomed. Also, fire totems can crit & scale with spell damage. Each totem below is in order of importance per category.
- Strength of Earth Totem: Put by a 2nd shaman w/Enhancing Totems.
- Stoneskin Totem: Dropped by us or 2nd shaman w/Guardian Totems.
- Stoneclaw Totem: For AoE tanking a mob in a pack you don’t have aggro.
- Earthbind Totem: A tool for kiting possible unbound trash in an instance.
- Tremor Totem: This totem will see some relevancy on a few boss battles.
- Frost Resistance Totem: Ideal for fights with high doses of frost damage.
- Fire Nova Totem: Usually for bursting down low HP adds on encounters.
- Searing Totem: Damage totems are costly since they don’t grant threat.
- Magma Totem: Superb for AoE damage on high HP adds in encounters.
- Flametongue Totem: A weak enchant incomparable to other enchants.
- Grace of Air Totem: Optimally, put by a shaman w/Enhancing Totems.
- Nature Resistance Totem: To counteract nature damage, mainly ZG/AQ.
- Tranquil Air Totem: All raid party groups should have this, except yours.
- Grounding Totem: Sadly, this totem will rarely if ever used when tanking.
- Windwall Totem: Never used. I don’t recommend purchasing this totem.
- Windfury Totem: Our Rockbiter enchant is better. But it may help others.
- Mana Spring Totem: Usually, put by a shaman w/Restorative Totems.
- Healing Stream Totem: Place if the before totem is put by a 2nd shaman.
- Poison Cleansing Totem: Good against a high poison output, ex: AQ/ZG.
- Fire Resistance Totem: Ideal versus high amounts of fire damage, ex MC.
- Disease Cleansing Totem: Unfortunately, it will rarely see the light of day.
The optimal talent setup for a Shaman Tank: (16/35/0), it has steady threat per second for raids & excels on short fights.

Additional Builds
Naturally, if you’re only doing dungeons the road ahead is much easier and there’s more freedom to move talent points. However, raid tanking follows strict guidelines to be effective. The last two talent setups assume you’re in a serious guild who confidently clear raids.
- “The Basic”- 14/37/0
The new player starter pack in 5mans. Pick if unsure of an upcoming boss fight or are still learning about dungeon shaman tanking.
- “The AoE” – 24/27/0
For tanking many targets at a time in raids. It mainly uses Chain Lightning alongside Eye of the Storm for threat. Against +3 mobs, see: AoE Tanking.
- “The Advanced”- 21/30/0
For Raid Tanking. The highest threat setup & for mobs resilient or immune to nature damage. Good gear and a solid knowledge of tanking is needed.
- PrePull: Cast Lightning Shield. Get all Buffs the group can supply. Cast Rockbiter Weapon. Place: Stoneskin Totem, Grace of Air Totem & Healing Stream Totem. Mark the mobs in front of you by right-clicking their portrait, pick Raid Target Icon, choose from either a Skull = kill first, a red X = kill second, a blue square = Hunter trap and a moon = Polymorph.
- Pulling: Cast
Lightning Bolt, followed by as many
Lightning Bolt possible to trigger,
Elemental Focus. Lastly,
Earth Shock.
- Combat: For raids, use
Nat Pagle’s Broken Reel to assure the first few Earth Shocks hit. In a fight, use relevant ranks of Earth Shock that suits your mana & threat. Stormstrike can’t be downranked but is also used in similar cases. If
Lightning Shield expires, cast it. If you suddenly might die, equip a defensive weapon, ex:
Spineshatter w/
Enchant Weapon – Agility &
Rockbiter Weapon, use Masterwork Target Dummy (taunts boss), use
Juju Escape, possibly Major Healthstone & Major Rejuvenation Potion
Original Rotations
First, on the list is a simple dungeon tank rotation and we’ll be presuming the boss fight is simple.
- Pre-pull: Cast Lightning Shield and assure all possible buffs are present and max duration. Next, place the appropriate totems. Lastly, if it hasn’t been done get the addon: KTM Threat, it displays the threat of members. A scenario can turn ugly quick, so watch KTM often. At any moment, you need to be sure of the fitting Earth Shock rank to use.
- Pulling: Cast Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning and Earth Shock. If all goes smoothly, Earth Shock again and turn the boss away from the group. If the boss suddenly targets someone or drops aggro, use rank7 Earth shock to aggro them. For future threat problems, see: Threat.
Second is a complex rotation mainly for raid tanking, it has great results but requires good gear, buff, etc… Naturally, if you aren’t able to perform every single action below don’t get discouraged, its mostly to showcase the maximum potential possible.
- Pre-pull: Equip a spell damage gear set (ex: Gear Set + Brilliant Wizard Oil), cast Rank7 Lightning Shield. Equip normal tanking gear, except the weapon & drink mana. Place Stoneclaw Totem & back up 25-30yrds. (It will later halt the boss for 0.5 seconds or the boss attack’s it) Equip 3 pieces of Stormcaller’s Garb Place Mana Spring Totem. Activate Oil of immolation. Cast Rank1 Lightning Bolt on Unconscious Dig Rat to proc the previous nature effect or try to get Flurry & Elemental Devastation instead, your choice. (a mage can polymorph the rat, until it triggers.)
- Pulling: Lightning Bolt, while it travels, equip a healing weapon (ex: Jin’do’s Hexxer) As the bolt hits, cast R6 Lesser Healing Wave on a warlock who recently Life Tap. Equip a spell damage weapon (preferably staff). Cast R4 Chain Lightning. Equip all normal tanking gear. Immediately after cast R7 Earth Shock Activate Juju Flurry and Juju Escape, if the situation is ideal. Repeat the appropriate rank Earth Shock until boss is dead.
- Situational: If mana allows it, cast a suitable rank of Lightning Shield. If mana is foreseeably a problem, use Oil of immolation often. If mana is foreseeably an issue but threat isn’t also cast R1 Frost Shock.
- Note: Versus nature immune bosses, to pull: use Magic Candle (equip spell damage weapon). After, follow the healing-threat tactic above & cast Lesser Healing Wave as much as possible until the boss is at melee range than Frost Shock. If more threat is needed: Flame Shock instead. MUST need Flame Buffet (don’t bother otherwise) & similar debuffs.

Avoid nearing the 32 buff cap, as it may result in Buffs being mistakenly removed, the addon: Buff Cap Tracker helps. (see List of Buffs). Prioritize defensive Buffs, ex: Elixir of Fortitude before Threat Buffs, ex: Juju Might.
Prioritize obtaining Defensive buffs before acquiring Threat related buffs. Agility for example has the added byproduct of helping with defensive and threat measures. Generally, off-tanks or known as “OT”, take less damage, therefore, it’s not fully needed to aim for Defensive buffs. Also, some buffs are unobtainable due to certain patch restrictions or unable to stack with others. There is a max of 32 buffs: Talents, Set bonuses & Equip effects don’t count. But Gear enchants count with exceptions: (Crusader enchant and enchants from the profession enchanting don’t count.) Resistance enchants however need to be reconfirmed as they make it seem now like those should count. Let’s move on and explore relevant buffs to our tanking duties. The following buffs are classified into sub-groups to better highlight their usefulness and showcase different options.
Threat Increasing Buffs
- Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer:
- Gnomish Shrink Ray: (can backfire increasing group’s attack power)
- Fengus’ Ferocity: From Dire Maul.
- Trueshot Aura: +50 Attack power.
- Battle Shout: (Improved by Battlegear of Wrath (3/3) tier set bonus)
- Juju Might: +40 Attack power. (from repeatable Winterspring quest)
- Sayge’s Dark Fortune of Agility: +10% Agility. From Darkmoon Faire.
- Ground Scorpok Assay: +25 Agility.
- Elixir of the Mongoose: +25 Agility, +2% Melee Crit.
- Grace of Air Totem: +77 Agility (effect is increased through a shaman talent)
- Call of the Raptor: +12 Agility for 30min. (non-repeatable quest reward item)
- Grilled Squid: +10 Agility for 10min. (does not stack with other food buffs)
- Strength of Earth Totem: (effect is increased through a shaman talent)
- Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian: (can’t stack w/Moonkin Form)
- Slip’kik’s Savvy: From Dire Maul.
- Moonkin Form: +3% Spell Crit.
- Headmaster’s Charge: +20 Intellect.
- Arcane Intellect: +31 Intellect.
- Gnomish Battle Chicken: Upon attacking it might give party +5% Attack Speed for 4 min.
- Warchief’s Blessing:
- Fist of Shahram(Blackblade of Shahram): +25% haste to party for 8sec.
- Juju Flurry: +3% Attack Speed for 20 sec. (Others can cast it on you)
- Swift Wind: (Only receivable upon finishing the Call of Air totem quest)
- Mana Spring Totem: +10 mana every 2 sec. (Only causes threat if you cast)
- Mageblood Potion: +12 mana per 5 sec. (regen effect doesn’t cause threat)
- Innervate: Increases Mana regen by 400% for 20 sec.
- Oil of Immolation: 50 Fire dmg to target within 5yds every 3 sec for 15 sec.
- Lightning Shield: (Scales with spell damage)
- Static Barrier: From Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator.
- Crystal Spire: (From a repeatable quest & anyone can cast it on you)
- Fire Shield: Deals 13 Fire dmg to melee attackers.
- Thorns: (Improved by Cenarion Raiment (3/3) tier set bonus )
- Brilliant Wizard Oil: On a swappable weapon for the pulling of a mob.
- Blessed Wizard Oil: Ideal for Scholomance, Stratholme & Naxx.
- Flask of Supreme Power: (Can’t stack w/Flask of the Titans, so choose wisely.)
- Greater Arcane Elixir: +20 dmg dealt from spells & abilities.
- Traces of Silithyst: +5% damage to melee, range and spell damage dealt.
- Power Infusion: The target receives +20% spell damage & healing for 15 sec.
- Songflower Serenade: Boost melee, ranged, or spell to crit 5%, +15 all stats.
- Mark of the Chosen: 2% chance when hit of increasing all stats by 25.
- Spirit of Zandalar: +10% move speed, +15% all stats.
- Mark of the Wild: +384 armor, +12 all attributes,+27 all resistance.
- Elixir of Greater Firepower: Bolster fire damage by up to 40 for 30 min.
- Blessing of Blackfathom: +5 intellect & spirit. +15 frost damage.
- Elixir of Frost Power: Increases spell frost damage by up to 15 for 30 min.
- Dragonbreath Chili: (scales with spell damage and fire increasing buffs)
- Sayge’s Dark Fortune of Stamina: +10% Stamina (+10% Armor also exists)
- Dirge’s Kickin’ Chimaerok Chops: (can’t stack w/other food buffs)
- Rumsey Rum Black Label: From Booty Bay.
- Power Word: Fortitude: +54 Stamina.
- Mol’dar’s Moxie: +15% Stamina overall.
- Spirit of Zanza: +50 Stamina, +50 spirit.
- Blood Pact: +42 Stamina.
- Flask of the Titans: +1200 Hp.
- Elixir of Fortitude: +120 Hp.
- Regrowth: From the (6/6) Dreamwalker Raiment tier set bonus.
- The Lion Horn of Stormwind: (a friendly tank can activate it for you.)
- Greater Stoneshield Potion: +2000 Armor for 2min.
- Elixir of Superior Defense: +450 Armor.
- Crystal Ward: From repeatable quest in Un’Goro Crater. (allies can also cast on you)
- Inspiration: Increases armor by 25% for 15 sec.
- Power Word: Shield: Absorb 1105 dmg for 30 sec. While active…
- Scarab Brooch: (Healers can trigger its effect on you before a fight)
- Greater Heal Renew: From the (4/4) Vestments of Faith tier set bonus.
- Bloodkelp Elixir of Dodging: +3% dodge for 30 min. (one time usable item)
- Juju Escape: +5% Dodge for 10 sec.
- Healing Stream Totem: Doesn’t cause threat for you.
- Greater Heal Renew: From (8/8) Vestments of Transcendence tier set.
- Rejuvenation: Heal for 888 over 12 sec.
- Regrowth: Heal for 1064 over 21 sec.
- Renew: Heal for 970 damage over 15 sec.
- Stoneskin Totem: Reduce melee damage taken by 30.
- Dampen Magic: Useful for magical heavy fights.
- Amplify Magic: Useful for physically heavy fights.
Resistance Buffs
- Greater Fire Protection Potion: Absorbs fire damage.
- Fire Resistance Totem: +60 fire resistance.
- Frozen Rune: Absorbs 1500 to 2500 fire damage.
- Juju Ember: +15 fire resistance for 10 min.
- Greater Frost Protection Potion: Absorbs frost damage.
- Frost Resistance Totem: +60 frost resistance.
- Juju Chill: +15 frost resistance for 10 min.
- Greater Nature Protection Potion: Absorbs nature damage.
- Nature Resistance Totem: +60 nature resistance.
- Greater Shadow Protection Potion: Absorbs shadow damage.
- Crystal Basilisk Spine: +10 Shadow resistance & Frost for 1 min.
- Gift of Arthas: +10 Shadow resistance for 30 min.
Mind Control Buffs
It is possible for an Alliance priest to use Mind Control or someone with engineering to use the head slot item Gnomish Mind Control Cap versus players on the Horde. For that duration the mind controlled Horde character is now considered an Alliance player. This allows the character to receive buffs from paladins. In the many guild raids I’ve taken part, we’d have 2-3 players on their paladins and priests stationed near the raid entrance for mind control buffing. It’s also possible for a priest of any faction to Mind Control certain mobs, which can dish out buffs to all raid members.
- Greater Blessing of Sanctuary: (Will stack w/Stoneskin Totem)
- Greater Blessing of Wisdom: (Will stack w/Mana Spring Totem).
- Greater Blessing of Salvation: (can’t stack w/Tranquil Air Totem).
- Greater Blessing of Might: (can’t stack w/Strength of Earth Totem)
- Greater Blessing of Kings: +10% to all stats for 15 min.
- Improved Lay on Hands: Possible once it expires to go outside to get re-buffed then re-enter the instance & summoned back to allies.
- BONUS: You can get Fear Ward from dwarf priests and if survivability is secured Curse of Recklessness from horde warlocks.
Mind Control Buffs from mobs
- Fury of Ragnaros: From Twilight Emissary in BRD.
- Resist Arcane: From Scarlet Medic in Plaguelands.
- Resist Fire: From Scarshield Spellbinder in BWL.
- Bloodlust: From Gordok Mage-Lord in DM.
- Bloodlust: From Hamhock in Stockades.
Special Event Buffs:
On an ending note for buffs, we can also get buffs from special events. An example, is The Midsummer Fire Festival an event celebrating the hottest season of the year. It lasts about two weeks (mid-late June to early July). The next ones are Love is in the Air, Lunar Festival, Wickerman Festival and Scourge Invasion. The following buffs are separated by their event.
- Thunder Bluff Gift Collection: +30 Intellect for 1 hour.
- Ironforge Gift Collection: +30 Intellect for 1 hour.
- Stormwind Gift Collection: +30 Intellect for 1 hour.
- Undercity Gift Collection: +30 Intellect for 1 hour.
- Orgrimmar Gift Collection: +30 Agility for 1 hour.
- Darnassus Gift Collection: +30 Agility for 1 hour.
- Fire Festival Fortitude: (stacks w/stamina buffs above)
- Midsummer Sausage: Bolsters damage from spells by up to 23.
- Fire-toasted Bun: +2% hit chance for 1 hr.
- Fire Festival Fury: +3% spell and melee crit for 1 hr.
- Elderberry Pie: +13 defense for 1 hr.
- Buttermilk Delight: +13 defense for 1 hr.
- Very Berry Cream: Bolsters damage from spells by up to 23.
- Dark Desire: +2% hit chance for 1 hr.
- Celebrate Good Times!: +10% to all stats for 30min.
- Elune’s Blessing: All stats increased by 10% for 1hr.
- Invocation of the Wickerman: +25% health & mana regen. +25% stamina.
- Soul Revival: +10% to all damage caused for 30 minutes.

There can be a total of 16 debuffs on a boss. Having as many debuffs on a raid boss is crucial. All debuffs on the list below benefit us in either Threat or Defensive aspects and assumed to be at their maximum rank and talent improvement. The following debuffs are placed into sub-groups to better highlight their utility and showcase different options.
- Curse of Recklessness: – 290 armor but bolsters melee attack power by 45.
- Expose Armor: (can’t stack w/Sunder Armor but it reduce more armor).
- Sunder Armor: Reduces armor by 450. Can be applied up to 5 times.
- Annihilator: Reduces an enemy’s armor by 200. Stacks up to 3 times.
- Faerie Fire: Reduces armor by 505 for 40 sec.
- Improved Shadow Bolt:
- Curse of Shadow: Reduces Shadow & Arcane resistances by 75…
- Shadow Weaving:
- Wail of the Banshee: (affected by spell hit, usually casted by healers.)
- Insect Swarm: Reduces target’s chance to hit by 2%…
- Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker: (can’t stack w/Thunder Clap)
- Thunder Clap: (can’t stack w/Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker‘s slow effect)
- Improved Scorch: To increase Flame Shock’s damage (niche scenario).
- Flame Buffet: To increase Flame Shock’s damage (niche scenario).
- Curse of the Elements: -75 resistance to Fire & Frost and increase Fire…
- Winter’s Chill: To increase Frost Shock’s damage (niche scenario).
- Stormstrike: Next 2 sources of Nature damage dealt are increased by 20%.
- Gift of Arthas: If a target strikes you, they have a 30% chance…
- Nightfall: Spell damage taken by target increased by 15% for 5 sec.
Curse of Weakness: (effect is increased through a warlock talent)
Demoralizing Shout: Reduce attack power of mobs by 140 for 30 sec.

Solidify defensive stats when gearing, threat is second. 4k HP & 5k Armor unbuffed for Molten Core. Blackwing Lair, ~4800 to 5k HP & 6500-7k Armor. For threat, 2% melee Hit for dungeons, raids 4%. See Gear List.

There are two types of enchants, defensive, ex: Enchant Gloves – Superior Agility. And offensive, ex:
Enchant Gloves – Threat.
Defensive Enchants
Name | Slot | Effect |
Weapon | 15 Agility | |
Shield | 7 Stamina. | |
Head | 100 Health. | |
Chest | 100 Health. | |
Shoulder | 16 Stamina & 100 Armor. | |
Bracer | 9 Stamina. | |
Legs | 100 Health | |
Feet | 7 Stamina. | |
Back | 1% Dodge. | |
Gloves | 15 Agility. |
Offensive Enchants
Name | Slot | Effect |
2h Weapon | Permanently enchant a melee weapon so that often when attacking in melee it heals for 75 to 125 and increases Strength by 100 for 15 sec. | |
Weapon | Permanently enchant a melee weapon so that often when attacking in melee it heals for 75 to 125 and increases Strength by 100 for 15 sec. | |
Shield | ~30 damage on Block | |
Head | 1% Haste | |
Chest | 4 to all Stats. | |
Shoulder | 26 Atk Pwr, 1% Crit Melee | |
Bracer | 9 Strength | |
Legs | 1% Haste | |
Feet | 7 Agility. | |
Back | 3 Agility. | |
Gloves | Increase threat from all attacks and spells by 2%. |
Tank Comparison
To showcase our max potential a full BiS geared and buffed shaman will be the closest in stats to approach a Druid tank. Let’s look at the stats to see the differences. As a guideline, the Example Druid Tank below is BiS/buffed and able to clear most bosses with no issue. A shaman like other tanks tailors his gear versus the boss they’re facing. Obviously, the Example Druid Tank can reach higher numbers and has a plethora of defensive spells, but the goal is to showcase the class with the closest similarity to a shaman in stats across the board that gets the job done in high-end raids.

Druids have the luxury of having multiple categories covered and a broader safety net on top of having access to join Alliance for the added advantage of paladins spells, while shaman tanks are required to significantly maximize a specific category for a certain boss.done in high-end raids.
Now, let’s explores the threat generated by other classes to showcase where shaman tanks stand. Remember, threat depends on gear, boss, etc… But in general, the current standing of tanks that can do the most threat are:
- Feral Druid/Warrior.
- Paladin/Enh Shaman.
- Dem warlock.
- Priest tanks
AOE Tanking

Actions can solidify AoE cases, ex: Oil of Immolation,
Force Reactive Disk, Thorns, etc… Tabbing & attacking mobs also helps. In combat, items & spells giving health or mana deal 50% threat divided by each mob.
Name | Threat Value | Notes |
Black Grasp of the Destroyer | 8 threat per proc, 4 threat from mana drain. | Mainly for AoeTanking. |
Blessing of Sanctuary (Paladin Buff) | Threat equal to damage. | Mind Control Trick |
Crusader | Pure AoE threat on every mob. | Buff gain deals threat. |
Demonic Rune | 50% of Mana gain. | Share CD w/Healthstone |
Flask of Distilled Wisdom | 50% of Mana gain. | 3 second Cooldown |
Flask of the Titans | 50% of Health gain. | 3 second Cooldown |
Force Reactive Disk | Threat equal to damage. Great for AoE. | Engineering Shield. |
Goblin Sapper Charge | Threat equal to damage. | From Engineering. |
Healing Wave & other healing spells | Threat is 50% of healing dealt. | |
Heavy Runecloth Bandage | 50% of Health gain each second. | Mainly for AoeTanking. |
Lightning Shield | Threat equal to damage. | |
Major Healthstone | 720 threat. | Share CD w/Demonic Rune |
Major Rejuvenation Potion | 50% of Health gain, 50% of Mana gain. | |
Oil of Immolation | 50 threat every 3 seconds. | Resets swing timer. |
Thorns | Threat equal to damage. |
Raid Composition

Suggest a raid comp without overstepping. In our group, Warlock: Blood Pact, Warrior:
Battle Shout, Shadow Priest:
Vampiric Embrace, Resto Shaman: Mana Tide Totem. Range classes are preferred for damage. If melee is needed, rogue is best.
Raid composition differs with each boss but is seen as a skill that evolves over time and reflects the playstyle of a guild or raid. The following composition is an example with minor exceptions differing from the norm. By no means is it perfect since compositions change along side: patches, gear, experience, etc… With the raid leader’s permission offer your advice on an ideal comp catering to your needs without overstepping.

- In (Group 1): A fellow tank in your party can equip The Lion Horn of Stormwind, granted the trinket slot isn’t needed for anything else.
- A bear can replace a prot warrior in the tank party, if the raid is comfortable enough with the idea and could probarbly use an emergency Innervate or Rebirth Also, only bring the bare minimum of tanks. This will open a spot for either: a lock with Blood Pact, or a hunter with Trueshot Aura.
- Rogues are favored over fury warrior, they Feint, Sprint, Evasion and Vanish to manage their threat/aggro.
- Feral cat druids can offer similar utilities as a bear and can Cower and Dash to manage their threat/aggro.
- Discipline priest with experience and ease of mind may occasionally throw a Power Infusion on a shaman tank during the pull phase.
- In (Group 6): The shaman is elemental since healing is not an issue and we are relying mostly on Tranquil Air Totem. In the situation, you are taking too much damage this spot can be replaced by a restoration shaman.
- In (Group 7): A mage could be replaced by a shadow weaving healing priest.
- In (Group 8): Mages gravitate to Fire Specialization after AQ but keeping a single mage as Frost with the talent Winter’s Chill is advisable.
- A rogue can be replaced by a melee hunter on Nightfall duty.
Guide creator here,
The guide has been further updated, let me know what you think. I’m also in the process of finishing the TBC Shaman Tank guide and would love some feedback on it.
By the https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=5926/holy-power of https://classic.wowhead.com/object=202003/uther-the-lightbringer, I say ! This https://classic.wowhead.com/npc=10556/lazy-peon outperformed himself with this madness, as if he was the reincarnation of https://classic.wowhead.com/npc=82/crazy-leonetti !!
Nice read. I love the thought off non-cookie cutter builds. Lot’s of undefined items/spells for me, will read it through once more when the undefined is fixed. ̶B̶y̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶y̶,̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶W̶e̶a̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶P̶r̶i̶e̶s̶t̶?̶ Edit: Shadow weaving, I get it now.
This is a great guide, very interesting!
Interesting guide but has this ever been attempted in a raid or is it just for dungeons at best?
It is definitely something I will work towards on the side, possibly to help dungeon groups if there are no other tanks around, because I think it could prove a lot of fun. Great guide!
This looks amazing! Currently at work, so I don’t have the time currently to read it entirely, but I’m really curious. Will definitely read later!
Good job!
Before even reading: thank you. I dreamed about a guide like this. I tried so many time to do a leveling shaman to tank some dungeons here and there (no raiding in my goals) and usually hitted a wall with people not wanting me as a tank. This guide will only reinforce my dream 🙂 Shaman ALT incoming for sure!
What’s interesting is the last time I played and leveled in Vanlla, me and my 5 man group experimented with double tank comps in certain dungeons that had really tough pulls, and it was too much damage for one tank to take. Maybe this only works if you have a druid healer with strong HoTs, but it was me (a bear druid) and the other guy was a prot warrior. And it worked really really well, clearing packs that we wiped on previously.
So I’d be curious if this kind of shaman build would be viable for 5 mans. It would do more damage than a prot warrior and give buffs to the rest of the party. But maybe double tank in 5 mans is just dumb, and even if it isn’t, a druid healer is the only thing that makes it viable.
So yeah, that’s a long-winded way of saying this seems super cool, and it’s clear that Blizzard at least thought about enhancement being a tank spec to mirror protection, but the only place I can see this working, especially at low gear levels, is in 5 man content. I feel like without this god-tier gear shown in the guide, this entire gimmick just falls apart.
Before even reading: thank you. I dreamed about a guide like this. I tried so many time to do a leveling shaman to tank some dungeons here and there (no raiding in my goals) and usually hitted a wall with people not wanting me as a tank. This guide will only reinforce my dream 🙂 Shaman ALT incoming for sure!
See my post after yours. I think it can be viable as a second tank/buffer/dps in 5 man groups. Not sure about raids.
I have been waiting for this for ages, finally a good & detailed guide for Shaman Tanking.
Something interesting to read when I am bored at work 🙂
Thanks Devner
A valid case can be made for also having a lvl 1 alt stationed permanently in a major city to disenchant unwanted items through mail and store items at a bank for later use.
Pardon me if I’m wrong, but isn’t there a level 5 requirement to get professions such as enchanting?
Aside from that, I’m quite impressed! A lovely guide! :biggrin:
Before even reading: thank you. I dreamed about a guide like this. I tried so many time to do a leveling shaman to tank some dungeons here and there (no raiding in my goals) and usually hitted a wall with people not wanting me as a tank. This guide will only reinforce my dream 🙂 Shaman ALT incoming for sure!
See my post after yours. I think it can be viable as a second tank/buffer/dps in 5 man groups. Not sure about raids.
Gensei Shamans tanking has grown tremendously since Vanilla. They can tank the majority of raid bosses out there. I was capable of reaching AQ, just before the server I was playing on was closed. Keep in mind, I was not using special event buffs. With these buffs, I would confidently see myself tanking NAXX.
Have a nice day
Interesting guide but has this ever been attempted in a raid or is it just for dungeons at best?
Nymis Shamans tanking has grown tremendously since Vanilla. They can tank the majority of raid bosses out there. I was capable of reaching AQ, just before the server I was playing on was closed. Keep in mind, I was not using special event buffs. With these buffs, I would confidently see myself tanking NAXX.
Have a nice day
Interesting guide but has this ever been attempted in a raid or is it just for dungeons at best?
@Nymis Shamans tanking has grown tremendously since Vanilla. They can tank the majority of raid bosses out there. I was capable of reaching AQ, just before the server I was playing on was closed. Keep in mind, I was not using special event buffs. With these buffs, I would confidently see myself tanking NAXX.
Have a nice day
Yeah, that’s fair, it’s just that I can’t seem to find a single video of that or any proof of it happening, private server or otherwise – in anything other than a dungeon setting. Maybe it’s just me not looking long enough but I find it hard to believe this actually happened without some proof.
Place a Mana Spring Totem (it gives threat to you)
Mana Spring Totem isn’t supposed to cause threat.
“for example mana from Blessing of Wisdom or a Mana Spring totem doesnt cause threat”
Before even reading: thank you. I dreamed about a guide like this. I tried so many time to do a leveling shaman to tank some dungeons here and there (no raiding in my goals) and usually hitted a wall with people not wanting me as a tank. This guide will only reinforce my dream 🙂 Shaman ALT incoming for sure!
See my post after yours. I think it can be viable as a second tank/buffer/dps in 5 man groups. Not sure about raids.
@Gensei Shamans tanking has grown tremendously since Vanilla. They can tank the majority of raid bosses out there. I was capable of reaching AQ, just before the server I was playing on was closed. Keep in mind, I was not using special event buffs. With these buffs, I would confidently see myself tanking NAXX.
Have a nice day
Do you have a gear list of what you were using in MC?
I have no time to read right now, but well definitely look into this as I’m probably going to main a Shaman in Classic! Thanks 1000x!!!
For anyone wondering, none of this is even remotely necessary to tank 5-mans or even early raids. For much of the game, Shaman threat exceeds that of Warriors rather effortlessly, and their survivability isn’t as much of an issue as you might expect. Don’t feel as though this is something you have to wait until AQ40/Naxx BIS before hoping to attempt, as you can (and honestly should) start collecting tank gear as early on as possible and be prepared to fill the role when needed throughout your leveling journey.
Interesting guide but has this ever been attempted in a raid or is it just for dungeons at best?
@Nymis Shamans tanking has grown tremendously since Vanilla. They can tank the majority of raid bosses out there. I was capable of reaching AQ, just before the server I was playing on was closed. Keep in mind, I was not using special event buffs. With these buffs, I would confidently see myself tanking NAXX.
Have a nice day
Yeah, that’s fair, it’s just that I can’t seem to find a single video of that or any proof of it happening, private server or otherwise – in anything other than a dungeon setting. Maybe it’s just me not looking long enough but I find it hard to believe this actually happened without some proof.
Here’s a video of my guild’s third Vael kill. There’s no footage of the first one, so you’ll have to take my word for it when I say I was the first tank on that as well. ZG was open prior to BWL on the server, but I used no gear from it on this fight.
I’ve tanked every leveling 5-man at the appropriate level as well as each 60 dungeon, UBRS included, significantly undergeared (I repeated this on The Rebirth as well as Kronos 2, with comparable success). I’ve also offtanked MC, BWL and ZG progression, sometimes main tanking fights where the extra threat generation could be taken advantage of. I’m also a huge slacker and cut lots of corners. I can personally answer any questions about the viability of progression tanking at those stages, beyond which I don’t know enough to really comment on.
I’m also new to this forum; saw a Shaman tanking thread and couldn’t help myself.
Cool stuff btw OP.
I can’t believe what I just read, I’m into this kind of shit.

Hello Caperfin!
Amazing guide; I’ve read this over a few times and come back often in my theorycrafting for my own build, where I want to find a balance between tanking, PvP and DPS (Totem Twisting, Nightfall bot, probably).
I am wondering about the importance of the talent Toughness, specifically versus Weapon Mastery.
I imagine that Weapon Mastery is quite good for PvP, and will help with threat generation during tanking, but I would be forgoing Toughness for this, which means lowering my EHP.
Is Toughness’ mitigation percentage substancial overall?
I am playing around with a few builds right now, so I don’t have just one to link for context, but the essence of my dilemma is written above.
Thank you for the marvelous guide!
Hello Caperfin!
Amazing guide; I’ve read this over a few times and come back often in my theorycrafting for my own build, where I want to find a balance between tanking, PvP and DPS (Totem Twisting, Nightfall bot, probably).
I am wondering about the importance of the talent Toughness, specifically versus Weapon Mastery.
I imagine that Weapon Mastery is quite good for PvP, and will help with threat generation during tanking, but I would be forgoing Toughness for this, which means lowering my EHP.
Is Toughness’ mitigation percentage substancial overall?
I am playing around with a few builds right now, so I don’t have just one to link for context, but the essence of my dilemma is written above.
Thank you for the marvelous guide!
When you need to compromise but have your sights set on tanking and PvP, Toughness > Weapon Mastery.
Weapon Mastery is mainly important for DPSing since it’s a 10% damage increase to your white hits, which is all you’d really be using in a raid setting. For holding aggro, white hits could make up anywhere from 20-50% of your threat generation depending on how much earth shocking you’re doing (the far end of that spectrum being literally none), which means a 2-5% increase overall for 5 talent points. You’d get more bang for your buck with a really strong weapon from BWL and later when the weapon damage starts to outweigh the invisible additive from Rockbiter, but it’s still not enough to warrant losing all that extra armor. The extra mitigation from Toughness is a huge deal considering survivability is your main weakness relative to other tanking classes.
PvP Enhance is kind of a meme, and when you’re getting those triple Windfury crits, your target is dead anyway so that extra 10% would be overkill. Yeah you’re not always getting Windfury procs, but your basic melee swing feels like it might as well be doing zero damage so you won’t ever notice that teensy increase.
I am slowly updating the guide to reflect Classic. If there is anything I forgot or something doesn’t stack, scale, etc… please let me know.
Woohoo, Thanks Caperfin, tell us when complete!
Which parts have to be changed?
I can help with some of those from testing back in vanilla:
Vanish wipes threat and has no resist chance.
Flask of Petrification prevents movement, attacking, and spell casting – but you become immune to damage. It does not wipe threat, but you cannot have aggro unless there are no other targets on the threat table or you have the enemy taunted. Enemies will ignore you and go after other targets on the threat table.
Limited Invulnerability Potion works like Blessing of Protection – enemies which deal physical damage will ignore you and go after other targets on the threat table. It does not modify or reset your threat or threat generation, you will continue to generate threat while under the effect, and can potentially gain aggro once the effect ends if this puts you in 1st with 110% or 130% of whoever has aggro.
I just want to see some video footage of Enhance Shaman tanking during progression. I’m not interested in a fully geared team carrying a poor tank. I want to see this spec working during progression to see if its actually viable or not.
I just want to see some video footage of Enhance Shaman tanking during progression. I’m not interested in a fully geared team carrying a poor tank. I want to see this spec working during progression to see if its actually viable or not.
I don’t think Shaman can tank progression fights in raids. I think maybe prot paladin can do some progression stuff but not well. Like you say, it would still be interesting to see some videos of attempts etc.
I like the idea of shaman tanks. But they were unfortunately just not designed to tank raids. They were designed as a backup/emergency tank in certain dungeon situations. They weren’t intended to soak crushing blows from patchwerk. Caster tanks wearing mail are a cool concept, but they are missing key ingredients. They suffer from the hybrid tax. Druids are good at healing and tanking. Shamans are good at healing, and elemental PvP. Paladins are good at healing…. prot has some utility in tanking dungeons, but are pretty harshly hybrid taxed.
I don’t think Shaman can tank progression fights in raids. I think maybe prot paladin can do some progression stuff but not well. Like you say, it would still be interesting to see some videos of attempts etc.
I like the idea of shaman tanks. But they were unfortunately just not designed to tank raids. They were designed as a backup/emergency tank in certain dungeon situations. They weren’t intended to soak crushing blows from patchwerk. Caster tanks wearing mail are a cool concept, but they are missing key ingredients. They suffer from the hybrid tax. Druids are good at healing and tanking. Shamans are good at healing, and elemental PvP. Paladins are good at healing…. prot has some utility in tanking dungeons, but are pretty harshly hybrid taxed.
I agree. And if that is the case, they are not viable as tanks so conversations about enhance tanking are silly. Because technically anything can tank with the right amount of heals and gear. People will just spam them to death while they rock every consume in the game… This doesnt make it viable.
When considering if something is viable, we should ask ourselves if these things are worth doing.
When considering if something is viable, we should ask ourselves if these things are worth doing.
Worth doing is subjective. People do get enjoyment out of a mage tanking an encounter, because it’s “breaking the rules”. It’s certainly not optimal, and obviously if it ‘works’ you could call it viable, but in that case nearly anything is viable.
I won’t stop anyone from trying these things – but they certainly aren’t going to become mainstream, optimal, or overly viable to the normal player. They will provide enjoyment and engagement from a part of the community, so it is what it is I guess.
Worth doing is subjective… or overly viable to the normal player.
I get what youre saying, but this is where conversations become unproductive when discussing what is or isnt viable. “Overly viable”? Being viable should not be a fluid state that is left to interpretation. It is either viable, can work in progression and thus is worth doing or it is not viable. Youre entirely right that this is subjective, which is why so many guys play as sub optimal builds and nerf their teams performance to enhance their own personal experience through selfish play.
All content can be downed with 39 players and thus everything could be considered viable by definition, but I dont think that is realistic or applicable within the context of determining if a specific spec should be brought into a team.
I just want to see some video footage of Enhance Shaman tanking during progression. I’m not interested in a fully geared team carrying a poor tank. I want to see this spec working during progression to see if its actually viable or not.
They’re viable as an OT who drops totems, and while MTing is certainly possible (the line between OT and MT is often blurred in MC), it’s really not a great idea for most bosses. I can give you a real-ass take on how it pans out on any fight BWL or lower.
They’re viable as an OT who drops totems, and while MTing is certainly possible (the line between OT and MT is often blurred in MC), it’s really not a great idea for most bosses. I can give you a real-ass take on how it pans out on any fight BWL or lower.
I want to see this done – during progression. Even if it is possible… Why? Why gear and bring someone who is only capable of situationally offtanking? Thats dumb.
They’re viable as an OT who drops totems, and while MTing is certainly possible (the line between OT and MT is often blurred in MC), it’s really not a great idea for most bosses. I can give you a real-ass take on how it pans out on any fight BWL or lower.
I want to see this done – during progression. Even if it is possible… Why? Why gear and bring someone who is only capable of situationally offtanking? Thats dumb.
Full time OT (think second or third tank). High burst threat on the first mob you kill helps smooth out fights in early endgame, and it’s pretty easy to snag stray trash when one of your main threat generators has a 20 yard range. They can do MC in pre-raid BiS and they’re not exactly stealing gear meant for other classes.
Great FR tanking as well; being able to gear around your own fire res totem makes it pretty easy to cap out without gimping yourself too hard, plus you got a 10% fire/frost/nature reduction talent and a spell redirect on a short cooldown.
Casual/Semi-casual guilds are also just happy to field more Shammies period. Not saying it’s optimal, but it can be and has been done. It’ll be a lot easier to do on Classic too considering how much less everything hurts compared to private servers.
Only video I have is the Vael one I linked earlier in the thread.
Only video I have is the Vael one I linked earlier in the thread.
Yeah, I’d be super interested in seeing it used during progression to see if its viable or not.
Only video I have is the Vael one I linked earlier in the thread.
Yeah, I’d be super interested in seeing it used during progression to see if its viable or not.
I would mostly just be worried if I had to tank Golemagg as his earthquaking would give me a goddamn heart attack.
Magmadar could also be a bit dicey. I mean it’s the kind of fight where everything generally goes fine but I’m actually sweating profusely at the thought of him being enraged for slightly too long.
Grabbing aggro back after a Shazzrah blink could get mana-intensive; the constant resets mean you can’t frontload your threat in a huge burst and spend time regenerating, so you might need an innervate.
Everything else is pretty easy to tank because it’s MC. I’d love to try and demonstrate that if I can make room in my schedule to raid this time around, because I know that my anecdotal experience doesn’t amount to all that much. It’s not something I think could become a new meta or anything lofty like that, but I feel that a Shaman tank’s success serves to deconstruct the conventional wisdom of raid tanking and kinda naturally lends itself to the train of thought that brought us DW fury tanks. Warriors also really like not competing with you for loot.
I can help with some of those from testing back in vanilla:
Vanish wipes threat and has no resist chance.
Flask of Petrification prevents movement, attacking, and spell casting – but you become immune to damage. It does not wipe threat, but you cannot have aggro unless there are no other targets on the threat table or you have the enemy taunted. Enemies will ignore you and go after other targets on the threat table.
Limited Invulnerability Potion works like Blessing of Protection – enemies which deal physical damage will ignore you and go after other targets on the threat table. It does not modify or reset your threat or threat generation, you will continue to generate threat while under the effect, and can potentially gain aggro once the effect ends if this puts you in 1st with 110% or 130% of whoever has aggro.
I very much appreciate your help 🙂 Do you know if the Petri buff can be clicked off?
but I feel that a Shaman tank’s success serves to deconstruct the conventional wisdom of raid tanking and kinda naturally lends itself to the train of thought that brought us DW fury tanks. Warriors also really like not competing with you for loot.
Yes, hopefully with enough people joining the fray and contributing we can someday reach noticeable old remnants that we saw from fury tank warriors back in the testing days. Classic is turning out to be much more approachable and smoother than pservers. Just recently a Shaman Tank on Faerlina, offtanked all of MC.
Hi, great job putting this comprehensive guide together.
I’m just a newbie when it comes to wow classic so not everything was easy to understand for me.
Although i’m bold enough to start a shamy alt that can tank dungeons.
I have no aspiration of tanking raids so i got a good feeling not everything is mandatory for dungeon tanking what you listed.
My aim is to do the dungeon runs with pug not only with friends. So would be great to have a dungeon leveling section with talent progression, with stat priorities.
When i read the talent sections it didnt make sense to me to have 5percent more mana and not to have the shield spec when admittedly the greatest weakness of the class is the dam reduction.
Daidalos Dungeon tanking as a Shaman is very approachable, no reason to worry at all. You should not have any issues even considering this is your first time with an MMO. Right now, a bunch of Shaman Tanks are wielding 2handers and tanking dungeons…
Shamans don’t block very often. Shield spec only becomes relevant in Naxx (very niche). Any other time the threat generated by the extra mana from spells is more important. Threat generation is a much more important achievement/goal than Mitigation.
If you have any other questions, feel free to let me know.
A lot of subjects in my guides have been polished and generally revamped to reflect Classic WoW more adequately. If some thing is incorrect (values/data, etc…) please bring it to my attention.
Why is Stormstrike taken? High mana cost and cooldown.
Also, can a 0/30/21 spec work for dungeon tanking or healing? Not raiding.
Why is Stormstrike taken? High mana cost and cooldown.
Also, can a 0/30/21 spec work for dungeon tanking or healing? Not raiding.
Stormstrike is taken in dungeons because of its bolstering of nature damage, which increases the damage of Earth Shock (our highest threat spell). Also, dungeons are considered very easy, therefore, it’s suggested to have a threat weapon which also takes benefit from the instant attack portion of SS.
Yes, you should be fine with 0/30/21 for tanking and healing dungeons. You may encounter difficulties threat-wise if 2 fury warriors are present however, so be on your toes if this ever happens.
What talents would you suggest for a 0/30/21 dungeon tanking/healing build? Or would 0/31/20 be better? I’m just looking for something flexible for gearing up and getting into dungeons faster.
What talents would you suggest for a 0/30/21 dungeon tanking/healing build? Or would 0/31/20 be better? I’m just looking for something flexible for gearing up and getting into dungeons faster.
0/31/20 https://classicdb.ch/?talent#hZVV00Exukxctz0x I’d recommend carrying a spirit/mp5 and equip it when you drink to save time on drinking.
If you have more questions, feel free to let me know!
First of all, thanks for keeping the guide up to date.
A more general question, what made you shift from a more avoidance oriented version as in the past to armor/sta/SP gear?
I understand that a tank’s biggest limitation nowadays its going to be threat generation and keeping up with the dps since we don’t have that magic taunt to work with. I really like this version to just increase spell dmg for threat. However, do you not face problems given the lack of +%spell hit and +%hit?
Something I want to try out in the future once I have the PVP gear is to just run my normal ele/resto build with tank gear. Thinking of 3% melee/spell hit + 5% crit + NS + 25%armor buff (if eye of storm procs and threat is not needed) vs. 5% dodge 5+%parry and flurry should be equivalent for dungeon tanking.
For weapons:
The axe Serathil could be a very good option instead of the Timeworn mace for orcs. 20Armor 11Sta vs. 3% hit
Comparing Spineshatter with Timeworn mace on ph3?
A note, 15agy on weapon is only available on ph3+.
I personally would prefer Shifting Cloak to Cloak of warding. +0.85% crit +1.85%dodge +8sta vs. +132armor +5 Def
Given that your focusing most of your threat from spells wouldn’t Malistar’s Defender be a better choice? 180mana and 9mp5 vs some hp and armor
Almost no shaman will go for Mark of Tyranny. What other trinkets would you recommend for phase2+? I was thinking of Mark of the chosen/Briarwood Reed/AV trinket
Thank you for the support! Avoidance is more sought after for dungeon tanking since there is no stat increasing buffs to take advantage of since less classes are present. However, this avoidance meta was merely for a few weeks. Atm dungeon tanking is fairly trivial and assuming a semi-competent group, it’s altogether better to go Agi over avoidance since it increases our armor, dodge and crit. Also stamina is more attractive since it defensively helps us with physical and magical damage. Hit and spell hit is not needed in dungeons since the mobs are lower/similar level as you, thus requiring barely any hit chance. Simply equipping a dagger or fast weapon will help you meet the hit requirement in a roundabout way. Refer to the first talent setup in Talent section to learn more.
You should not have any problems dungeon tanking at this point in the game. Have the appropriate gear on you and carry a few health potions just in case, talents are secondary.
Serathil is a threat weapon, if you have threat problems.
Timeworn Mace is a defensive weapon, if you have survival problems.
Spineshatter offers the unscalable defense stat, as opposed to timeworn mace (scales with “Toughness”, “Inspiration”). However, weapons with a lot of stamina are good to equip versus magical dealing bosses.
Shifting Cloak is ideal if survival is not an issue all the while bolstering threat.
I have Malistar (in the spreadsheet) listed as the 5th best shield in the game for threat in the game, maybe I am misunderstanding your question?
Mark of Tyr is ideal for raid tanking but if you don’t see doing this in the future, choose Blackhand. Mark of chosen is the 2nd best defensive related trinket in the game and best threat trinket in the game, assuming it procs. Against +2 target it should absolutely be equipped.
I see your point towards armor value.
Exactly my opinion with Shifting Cloak. As long as we using Rank13 gear or similar it is a better choice than guardian cloack.
With Malistar, I’m questioning how it is not superior to rank14 shield for almost any scenario. It has less armor yes, but can make up for it with extra threat potential.
It is a fact dungeon tanking can be done with any spec given the proper gear. But lets move to raid tanking, how does spell hit not play a major role here? A max rank ES/CL resisted will be a major loss on threat and mana wasted.
Malistar is the best threat related shield and 2nd best defensive related shield. Rank14 shield is the best defensive related weapon but doesn’t surpass the threat potential of Malistar. (unless the nature damage of Rank14 shield does something unforeseen, time will tell…)
Yes, dungeons are trivial. The talent setup for dungeons in “Talents” assumes a new person is tanking and they won’t put a lot of effort and need as much going for them passively as possible.
The threat granted by the talent Nature Guidance is incomparably low as opposed to the massive threat in the Elemental talent tree.
But, once +spell hit readily become available on wep/offhand, we swap to these when we want to cast ES during combat. During pre-pull you can do the same thing for CL. For now in Phase2, we swap to +spell damage weapon which is similar, to the previous method. You can find what I am talking about in “Raid Tanking Strats” -> Molten Core -> Read more.
Hi! Love the guide! I’m currently running 11/40/0 with 2/2 guardian, 2/2 enhancing totems, and 2h specialization simply for versatility. My guild is actually considering letting me tank some MC, and I was looking to get some feedback on what I should switch out of in order to get 3/3 elemental warding. I’m strongly considering taking the three talent points from 2h specialization and going 3/5 weapon mastery.
My reasoning behind keeping guardian totems is that I want to take as little damage as possible so that I am invited to tank again, I don’t foresee having threat issues because I will not be main tanking, and I also have Hand of Edward the Odd as my weapon, which is fast, hits relatively hard, and the proc will be used to induce even more threat (not to mention the increased spell dmg to es/fs due to the added int!). Thanks in advance!
I would go from 5/5 weapon mastery to 3/5*
This is a truly excellent Guide. Many thanks. I did alot of Shammy tanking years ago and it was one of the single most fun experiences I’ve ever had. Glad to see word is out!
Very good guide, I’ve used it numerous times to elaborate my own opinion on Shaman Tanking.
Right now I’m RL and MT in 3rd static of my guild in MC, 5/10. Going pretty well, my overall effective HP is combarable to warriors in my static.
Only real problem on most bosses is lack of “oh shi…” button while warriors have number of those.
Classic is all about experiments, after all.
Thanks for you guide and having unpopular opinion while using facts to your defense, not concepts.
By the way, It would be really great if you could make a BIS phase gear w/o PVP gear, simply because it’s much harder to get then most of raid epics. I see it on phase 2 and 3, but not on later ones.
TheGreatShambino For new shaman tank players looking to raid tank, I recommend incremental steps forwards, start with off-tanking on easy/quick bosses and progressively go for main-tanking. As far as talents, judging by what you said I am think this https://classicdb.ch/?talent#hiczZVi0dExut it’s not too mechanically demanding or gear dependant. The moment you’re more conformable with shaman raid tanking but need more threat, float the idea of having a resto shaman in the group to place down improved totems or possibly forgo a debuff slot to allow Stormstrike to be applied by another shaman in the raid.
I highly recommend getting Timeworn Mace from DM, it’s the BiS weapon for defensive purposes for the majority of the game. If threat is needed, at any moment swap in a fast dagger, for example: Core Hound tooth. Hand of edward has a low proc rate and is nichely used for aoe tanking, which could be too mechanically taxing atm for you.
Feel free to ask me more questions! I’ll also be starting my streaming debut next week and can answer questions with even more detail.
So I did a little bit of research, and some math. It turns out that The Hand of Edward the odd has a ‘timer’ of once per minute. The way that is normalized by swing is through weapon speed, 1.6seconds, coming out to 2.667% proc chance per swing. But when we’re comparing the threat to the Majordomo dagger you mentioned the once per minute is more important. Both items have the same rockbiter threat modifier because they are the same speed. The dagger gets an additional 2.5 Dps/tps from the attack power, bringing the threat/per second up to about 53 tps, while Edward sits at 45 tps, without the proc. Now you convert the proc chance into what you can do with the instant cast every minute, and thus convert it to tps. In order to make up the 8 tps difference between the two weapons, all you need to do is heal yourself for 16hps, 16×60=960. Healing wave rank 8 more than does the trick, as it heals for 1040 to 1191, putting you just over the tps you’d generate using the dagger. However it will cost 440 mana each team
TLDR: the tps difference between Corehound Tooth and Edward the odd is 8 tps, you can make up that threat when using Edward the odd’s once per minute proc by using healing wave rank 8 in single target, adding 17.33 to 19.85 hps. Unreliable? Yes. However, for longer fights it opens the door to far more threat generation than that dagger while adding in more survivability on top.
Seeing how those heals compare to the 120 armor from timeworn mace would be interesting to looks at, but it entirely depends on How hard you are being hit and how fast, entirely subjective data.
Timer data in the 2nd comment https://classic.wowhead.com/item=2243/hand-of-edward-the-odd#comments
I’m actually very surprised you don’t mention Eskhandar’s Right Claw as a weapon in gear list.
I suppose its proc has a very good synergy with RB, because extra TPS doesnt descale with Haste.
If I get this weapon, I’ll try to measure its PPM and added TPS.
This is a truly excellent Guide. Many thanks. I did alot of Shammy tanking years ago and it was one of the single most fun experiences I’ve ever had. Glad to see word is out!
Thank you for the support!
TLDR: the tps difference between Corehound Tooth and Edward the odd is 8 tps, you can make up that threat when using Edward the odd’s once per minute proc by using healing wave rank 8 in single target, adding 17.33 to 19.85 hps. Unreliable? Yes. However, for longer fights it opens the door to far more threat generation than that dagger while adding in more survivability on top.
Remember Healing Wave won’t cause threat at max hp, you’d have to tell healers to stop healing so you can get a Healing Wave off and if you’re lucky really lucky you’ll heal for 100% of the damage you are missing (cuz of overhealing). And also if Healing Wave crits all of that extra healing is wasted and becomes overhealing. The only solution is to cast Healing Wave on a warlock who has life tapped his hp to low amounts, but this would not be survival focused but threat focused. However, it is still a negative. In this super rare scenario, the warlock would cause more damage from not life-tapping (cuz of CD) and their damage would significantly reduce the boss fight length, which outweighs the shaman threat gain over a boss fight length. Also, Hound tooth is still somewhat a defensive weapon (the stam), if we truly wanted to compare threat we’d use Perdition’s Blade or similar. Don’t get me wrong I love Edward, it’s a core weapon within aoe threat generation. If you’re interested, I am answering questions if you care to join.
So I still have my elemental shaman, a troll. I’ve not played in a couple months because of RL stuff. But damn it if shaman tank has always interested me but I can’t envision end-game tanking with my skinny ass troll.
I tanked WC, BFD, and SM Library while leveling, and it was super fun. But I feel like a troll tanking, even as a warrior, feels not quite right.
In my opinion, if someone can’t time an instant cast self heal with their next tick of incoming damage, they likely have other, more pressing, in game problems than managing threat/survivability, and probably shouldn’t be rolling a shaman tank. Maybe for the inexperienced shaman, a different weapon could be better, but with experience using Edward, the threat and survivability are unparalleled until p3. It takes good timing and more experience, but the results are there to be attained. Like other classes and high performance specs with nuance, you just gotta know what you’re doing and practice practice practice!
Only real problem on most bosses is lack of “oh shi…” button while warriors have number of those.
Thank you so much for the support.
Our ohh-sh%& button is more elaborate it’s a health potion/Healthstone, swapping to defensive wep+shield and if a buff slot is available: activate JuJu Escape.
I am currently working on implementing non-pvp gear sets. If you have anymore question I am Livestreaming and answering questions whether it be about Shaman tanking, warlock tanking, priest tanking
In my opinion, if someone can’t time an instant cast self heal with their next tick of incoming damage, they likely have other, more pressing, in game problems than managing threat/survivability, and probably shouldn’t be rolling a shaman tank. Maybe for the inexperienced shaman, a different weapon could be better, but with experience using Edward, the threat and survivability are unparalleled until p3. It takes good timing and more experience, but the results are there to be attained. Like other classes and high performance specs with nuance, you just gotta know what you’re doing and practice practice practice!
With fights lasting mere minutes, Edward “should” not be triggering that often. Perhaps in a more casual guild?
Around P3 fights start lasting longer, so that’d be your best bet. But the amount of agi or spell crit to have Flurry active enough to get consistent proc of Edward is insane. Also, you’d need to be in a luxurious position in order to forgo defensive buffs and go for offensive buffs (JuJu Flurry, chicken, etc…) There’s the option of just getting Bloodlust but that might be too hardcore for most.
Unless, I am missing something, a fast PURE threat dagger with WF will always out-threat Edward’s heal/damage. But you can always equip Edward if the priest is kind enough to throw a PI your way but again this is a luxurious position.
So I still have my elemental shaman, a troll. I’ve not played in a couple months because of RL stuff. But damn it if shaman tank has always interested me but I can’t envision end-game tanking with my skinny ass troll.
Troll’s are the ideal threat race for raids, don’t be afraid of their fragile physique most top guild warrior tanks are trolls. If you don’t plan on raid tanking you’ll still be fine with Tauren.
I’m actually very surprised you don’t mention Eskhandar’s Right Claw as a weapon in gear list.
I suppose its proc has a very good synergy with RB, because extra TPS doesnt descale with Haste.
If I get this weapon, I’ll try to measure its PPM and added TPS.
Esk is a luxury weapon, it assumes you don’t need Timeworn (which is godly survival-wise). To get consistent procs of Esk you need a lot of agi/crit, which is gained later on in the game, at that point better weapons are available.
Hi so about Eskhandar’s, word on the street (warrior community) is that you cannot parry when using this weapon, which effectively ranks it at the very bottom of the totem pole for tanking! 🙁 60% reduced attack speed would be brokenly nice, though.
Edit: HOWEVER… this item will easily keep you in the top echelon of threat generators on fights with a Single tank/bosses immune to taunt, such as Onyxia, essentially making you wipe prevention during the enrage phase of a boss. If the tank dies, just swap it out for your tanking weapon, and you may very well buy your raid the extra 15 or 30 seconds needed to down the boss. Which is priceless, and has a place in all progression guilds.
Hi so about Eskhandar’s, word on the street (warrior community) is that you cannot parry when using this weapon, which effectively ranks it at the very bottom of the totem pole for tanking! 🙁 60% reduced attack speed would be brokenly nice, though.
I’ve heard something similar regarding parry on fist weapons.
Hi so about Eskhandar’s, word on the street (warrior community) is that you cannot parry when using this weapon, which effectively ranks it at the very bottom of the totem pole for tanking! 🙁 60% reduced attack speed would be brokenly nice, though.
I’ve heard something similar regarding parry on fist weapons.
Interesting. According to this wowwiki patch notes history for parry, fist weapons were supposedly fixed to allow them to parry just like any other weapon back in patch 1.6:
If that patch history is accurate, then seems like eskhander’s claw should be able to parry.
Interesting. According to this wowwiki patch notes history for parry, fist weapons were supposedly fixed to allow them to parry just like any other weapon back in patch 1.6:
that might be the case I’ll ask around, I’ve never had a fist weapon, since I got Deathbringer first and most weapons generally outperform fist weapons.
that might be the case I’ll ask around, I’ve never had a fist weapon, since I got Deathbringer first and most weapons generally outperform fist weapons.
Eshkander’s claw just looks so cool though. So is the claw of the black Drake. Shame they don’t keep up.
Eshkander’s claw just looks so cool though. So is the claw of the black Drake. Shame they don’t keep up.
Esk is in a weird place.
Timeworn mace is so good for raids, you have to be in a very luxurious scenario to forgo it’s defensive stats to opt for a threat weapon such as: Esk.
If you are in this prestige position you would also need a lot of agility to trigger flurry to trigger Esk and you’d be yet AGAIN sacrificing defensive stats for Esk’s proc rate.
You eventually do reach a consistent proc rate of Esk around P3-P4’ish but at that point there are better threat weapons that also don’t demand you to sacrifice defense.
I’d suggest Empyrean (esp if Troll) and Core Hound Tooth, which has stamina and still remains a threat weapon alongside a spell damage weapon like staff of dominance for Earth Shocks.
Here’s my take on current phase 2.5 Pre-raid gear setup.
Here’s my take on current phase 2.5 Pre-raid gear setup.
https://classic.wowhead.com/gear-planne … FOPZExOk4x
Good take, I’d have a set similar like this in my bag if my group is showing bad signs, I’d maybe change the Demon Howl for Lordly and have Timeworn as wep.
P.S. how do you add enchants on wowhead gear planner?
When selecting item for a given slot, there’s an enchant selection below the items window:

When selecting item for a given slot, there’s an enchant selection below the items window
Thank you, I couldn’t figure it out lol.
If you have any more shaman tank questions, feel free to let me know. There’s also a whole shaman tank discord, if you’re looking to get a second opinion, just tell me and I’ll send you a link.
Mana Spring Totem: Optimally, put by a shaman with: Restorative Totems. The only totem capable of giving us threat.
Hello there, every other source I’ve read states that mana spring totem does not give any threat, am I missing anything here?
Hello there, every other source I’ve read states that mana spring totem does not give any threat, am I missing anything here?
Unless it got silently changed in the last few weeks. You can only get threat from your own Mana Spring Totem.
Hello there, every other source I’ve read states that mana spring totem does not give any threat, am I missing anything here?
Unless it got silently changed in the last few weeks. You can only get threat from your own Mana Spring Totem.
How would it be supposed to work? I did the following test:
Emptied my mana by self healing
Body pulled a low level mob
Placed mana totem (more than one actually)
asked a priest to punch the mob
The priest actually missed the mob (!) and still got aggro!
Combat log screenshot below (Helki is me, Bleurk is the priest):

How would it be supposed to work? I did the following test:
The threat generated by Mana is half of the amount, so it would be quite low.
I will re-test this and get back to you.
If you have any other questions regarding the guide, feel free to ask.
The threat generated by Mana is half of the amount, so it would be quite low.
I will re-test this and get back to you.
If you have any other questions regarding the guide, feel free to ask.
Hello, have you had any chance to re-test it? From my post above it looked like the threat generation is zero, so I’m using Healing Stream now instead, which also generates zero but at least counts as a little mitigation
Touched up quite a large amount of things (all positive stuff). If you have any questions, feel free to let me know.
I have a question regarding the stat weight you give to defensive stats. You give armor a weight of 0.34, agility a weight of 0.9 and dodge a weight of 17
We know that 20 agility gives 1 dodge and 40 armor so according to your weights:
40 armor = 13.6 points
1 dodge = 17 points
20 agility = 18 points…..shouldn’t this be the same as the previous 2 stats together for a total of (13.6+17=) 30.6 points?
Same thing for the “threat” weights, with a weight of 0.6 per point 20 agility give 12 points, but 1 crit is weighted 10 instead of 12
Guide has been fully updated for ZG. If there’s any questions, please let me know.
Well somebody finally did it
39 man all-shaman MC raid
starring multiple shaman tanks.
Woohoo, Thanks Caperfin, tell us when complete!Which parts have to be changed?
I need to confirm the following: if https://classic.wowhead.com/item=12641/invulnerable-mail effect can be clicked off.The threat generated by Rockbiter at max rank (not as easy as it sounds).Apparently Dragon Breath Chili will stacks with food buffs, if you eat Chili after?Debuff priority of https://classic.wowhead.com/item=13514 and how much threat it deals?
The behaviour behind https://classic.wowhead.com/item=13506/flask-of-petrification.Is like BoP, but can it be clicked off?The threat caused by the buff: Eye of the storm, Elemental Focus, Lightning Shield, Flurry and https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=20554/berserking.The threat caused by the buff https://classic.wowhead.com/item=13937, https://classic.wowhead.com/item=8956 and https://classic.wowhead.com/item=17774.The threat caused by https://classic.wowhead.com/item=11564/crystal-ward and https://classic.wowhead.com/item=11567/crystal-spire and if it resets swing timer and if spamming it continue to generate threat?(Phase5) The behaviour of https://classic.wowhead.com/item=21946 and the threat caused by its buff.Behaviour of https://classic.wowhead.com/item=4397/gnomish-cloaking-device (can you drop combat in-between boss combat pulse, if timed properly?)https://classic.wowhead.com/item=20007/mageblood-potion (phase 4)https://classic.wowhead.com/item=13452/elixir-of-the-mongoosehttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=12460/juju-mighthttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=13512/flask-of-supreme-powerhttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=17774/mark-of-the-chosenhttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=13454/greater-arcane-elixirhttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=10306https://classic.wowhead.com/item=13445/elixir-of-superior-defensehttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=20079/spirit-of-zanza (phase 4)https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=26119/stormcaller-spelldamage-bonus (Setbonus-phase 5)Can you get armor capped in classic on shaman?
About 14k armor is the highest armor you can get while still having a reliable amount of HP.
Guides has been updated, let me know if you have questions!