Valor of Azeroth Skill Book – Season of Discovery (SoD)

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Phase 4 of Season of Discovery introduced powerful new spell books that empower each class, offering them unique effects! One such unique effect is the Valor of Azeroth, which turns Warriors into walking World Buffs!

This article will tell you where you can acquire the Handbook of Valor of Azeroth Skill Book and learn the Valor of Azeroth ability!

Handbook of Valor of Azeroth

Handbook of Valor of Azeroth can be directly gained from the capital cities of both Horde and Alliance. The book can be acquired for 4 gold on a character that has completed the Onyxia Attunement questline. The book is Bind on Account, so even if your Warrior has not completed this quest chain themselves, you can purchase it on a character who has.

handbook of valor of azeroth

World Of Warcraft Alliance Icon Alliance Vendor Location – Stormwind

For Alliance players the Handbook of Valor of Azeroth can be purchased from Squire Rowe in Stormwind, he’s located at the entrance to the city by the main gates at 70.4, 85.2.

World Of Warcraft Horde Icon Horde Vendor Location – Orgrimmar

For Horde players the Handbook of Valor of Azeroth can be purchased from Eitrigg in Orgrimmar, he’s located in the Valley of Wisdom inside Thrall’s Hall on the left hand side at 34.2, 39.0.

Once you acquire the Handbook of Valor of Azeroth, all you have to do is click it to learn the Valor of Azeroth ability and provide a powerful World Buff to all nearby allies!


About the Author


Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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4 months ago

WRONG, you need to be Onyx attuened, to get it

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