Tarnished Undermine Real Currency Guide

Tarnished Undermine Real Currency Guide

Tarnished Undermine Real is a currency introduced in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery serving as a way of attaining powerful set items and multiple items. The currency is mainly earned from non-rare dungeon bosses which are level 55+ but can also be earned from certain raid bosses as of Phase 5 of Season of Discovery and a very specific box inside the Stratholme dungeon.

Where to Acquire Tarnished Undermine Real Currency

As stated previously, Tarnished Undermine Real can only be acquired from non-rare bosses from dungeons that are level 55+ or from raid bosses that have their own individual instances. Keep in mind, however, that Tarnished Undermine Real can only be collected from a specific instance or a specific boss only once per day, meaning that you will have to cycle through the available instances in order to gather as much Tarnished Undermine Real currency as possible.

Complete list of dungeons and raids that drop Undermine Real Currency:

Possible Total Amount
Unknown specific amount
Prince Thunderaan
Unknown specific amount

However, you should keep in mind that all of the bosses from the dungeons listed above have a specific drop chance for Tarnished Undermine Real, with only a very few of them having a 100% drop chance for the currency! Additionally, some of the bosses have the chance to drop between 1 and 3 or 1 and 2 Tarnished Undermine Real, making the specific amount of currency that you can acquire per run quite inconsistent.

It is yet unknown whether or not Prince Thunderaan in the Crystal Vale will work just like Onyxia, Lord Kazzak, or Azuregos but considering that all 3 are single-instanced raid bosses that drop Tarnished Undermine Real, we can assume that Prince Thunderaan will also drop the currency.

How to Use Tarnished Undermine Real Currency

Tarnished Undermine Real can be used to acquire a diverse amount of items, ranging from class-specific items, and sets to consumables, and even trade goods! Every item that can be acquired with Tarnished Undermine Real can be bought from Pix Xizzix in Booty Bay. Phase 5 of Season of Discovery expands the inventory of Pix, offering players even more available items, among which are special items related to runes from previous phases such as the Emblem of the Violet Eye which allows players to skip over the original difficult process of attaining the rune.

pix xizzix tarnished undermine real currency vendor
Pix Xizzix – Tarnished Undermine Real Currency Vendor

List of Items that can be Acquired with Tarnished Undermine Real Currency

The items sold by Pix Xizzix can be split into two separate categories: Class-Specific Items and Non-Class Specific Items!

Non-Class Specific Items


Class Specific Items


About the Author


Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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