- Author: Luxrah
- Date: September 26, 2024
- Updated: September 28, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Terrestris/Terrestris is a two-in-one shield that is available for Shamans in Phase 5 of Season of Discovery. This guide will walk you through how to get your hands on this epic class item, which offers powerful stats and effects for all three Shaman specializations: Restoration, Elemental, and Enhancement.
How to Get Terrestris
To get your hands on Terrestris/Terrestris, you’ll first need to loot Hardened Elementium Slag from Broodlord Lashlayer, the third boss in the Blackwing Lair raid. This item starts the quest Heavy Metal, which begins the chain.
Head to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale and speak with Brikk Keencraft in the Blacksmithing shop (29.0, 75.4). He’ll give you the next quest, A Particular Set of Skills.

This quest wants you to return to Blackwing Lair and find a way to speak with Master Elemental Shaper Krixix (who is normally hostile). To do this, you need to purchase the Supercharged Gobmogrifier from Pix Xizzix in Booty Bay (28.4, 75.8) at a cost of 50 Tarnished Undermine Real.

Use Supercharged Gobmogrifier anywhere inside Blackrock Mountain to disguise yourself (warning: you will be flagged as hostile to your own faction while in disguise, so be careful) and then enter the raid — you can’t be in a group, otherwise you will lose the buff. You’ll be able to make your way through and speak with Krixix, a goblin who is found between Firemaw and the other two dragon bosses. He will give you the next quest, Efficiency is Priority One.
Now you will need to locate a stone that looks like a mining node in the Burning Steppes around (40, 30), behind the stronghold, in the area that is covered in harmless red lava (it’s not the orange liquid lava). Interacting with it does not require Mining, since it’s not an actual node.

Doing so will spawn an elite mob with 19,000 HP, but you should be able to take it down by yourself — just make sure to get the boss away from the lava area. There have been reports of players getting teleported away when trying to engage with the boss in a group, but pets, totems, or other players present nearby did not cause any issues. It will drop the quest item you need.
Finally, return to Master Elemental Shaper Krixix in the Blackwing Lair to get Terrestris/Terrestris.
first hand in is a goblin in booty bay Brikk Keencraft in the blacksmithing area.
2nd step is getting the “Supercharged Gobmogrifier” from the real vendor after completing a dialogue with her, you buy this for 50 reals.
3rd step is using the “Supercharged Gobmogrifier” OUTSIDE the instance and then entering – you then go to the NPC Krixix standing infront of ebonroc/flamegore
4th step is finding a “magical means to keep his forge hot” – not yet solved’
need find “Everburning Flame Core” , i dont know where…
Any news about flame core?
the everburning flame core drops off a rock elemetnal outside of blackrock mountain on the burning steppes side, in a lava lake that is west of the flight path along the north side of the map
When i use the Supercharged Gobmogrifier (Outside), i will lose the disguise if i enter BWL. Iam not in a group or raid. Is there any other requirement to the progress you had in BWL in this ID? We cleared it 5/7.
Relogg did it 😀
Thx for the guide!