Thorium Brotherhood Reputation Guide – WoW Classic & Season of Discovery

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The Thorium Brotherhood is a faction of Dark Iron Dwarves based in the Searing Gorge in WoW Classic, that doesn’t align with the Dark Iron Clan. They are well-renowned as some of the best craftsmen in Azeroth, offering Fire Resistance gear and many other powerful items that can be crafted with various professions. Those items are vital to one of the main raids in WoW Classic, the Molten Core!

In Season of Discovery, the Thorium Brotherhood received somewhat of an overhaul, being tied to an entirely new event, the Blackrock Eruption, and gaining a handful of new recipes that players can acquire by farming reputation with the faction.

Thorium Brotherhood – Main Hub

Thorium Point is the main hub for the Thorium Brotherhood! It is located in the northwestern part of the Searing Gorge and can be accessed by walking or using a mount. Most of the NPCs that give you quests are tied to the Thorium Point, however, the quartermaster for the faction can be located in a different location.

thorium point thorium brotherhood main hub
Thorium Point – The Thorium Brotherhood Main Hub

The spot acts as a flight point, as well as the main space for most quests from the Searing Gorge questline. In WoW Classic, you will complete quests in the Thorium Point up until the Honored reputation. In Season of Discovery, Thorium Point is the main hub for the dailies you can complete during the Blackrock Eruption event.

Thorium Brotherhood – Quartermaster

Players can purchase many things from the Thorium Brotherhood, but the main vendor for the majority of items that can be acquired from the Thorium Brotherhood is Lokhtos Darkbargainer!

Lokhtos Darkbargainer can be found in The Grim Guzzler tavern, inside the Blackrock Depths dungeon! The Grim Guzzler acts as a neutral safe spot inside the dungeon but it’s difficult to reach without having a solid group. Lokhtos Darkbargainer acts as the quartermaster for the faction and the main quest-giver for multiple quests required to raise your reputation from Honored to Exalted with the Thorium Brotherhood.

Thorium Brotherhood Reputation Farming

Increasing your reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood is quite different than other factions you can farm reputation for in WoW Classic! Whenever you encounter the faction, your reputation will be set to Neutral. The faction requires you to complete a handful of repeatable quests given by different quest-givers to raise your reputation with them. All of the repeatable quests are gather quests, meaning you need to hand in many materials to gain reputation.

Reputation can also be earned by completing the main questline offered by the Thorium Brotherhood, which is different than the repeatable quests! Ideally, complete all the one-time quests besides What the Flux after reaching the Honored Reputation Status.

Reputation SystemRequired Reputation Points per Reputation Status

  • Neutral (0/3000)
  • Friendly (0/6000)
  • Honored (0/12000)
  • Revered (0/21000)
  • Exalted

Searing Gorge Thorium Brotherhood Questline

Below, we compiled a list of all the one-time quests that grant experience with the faction:

Searing Gorge:

Tanaris: (Blacksmiths Only) :

This set of quests is reserved for Blacksmiths and should ideally be completed after reaching the Honored status from the repeatable quests at Thorium Point! The quest chain costs a total of 270 x Thorium Bars.

One quest is also directly tied to the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort which grants reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood!

Molten Core/Blackrock Depths:

Lokhtos Darkbargainer also grants a one-time quest besides the repeatable quests tied to the legendary Sulfuras Hammer that should be completed after Honored status. The quest can be picked up after looting a Sulfuron Ingot from Molten Core.

Thorium Brotherhood Repeatable Quests

Besides the one-time quests, the main way of obtaining reputation for the Thorium Brotherhood is by completing repeatable quests! Unlike other factions, those quests are segmented per Reputation Status, meaning they will only be available during certain stages of your farming journey. You will need to complete the What the Flux quest to become eligible for the upcoming repeatable quests!

Neutral to Honored Reputation

From the Neutral status until the Honored status, you will pick up repeatable quests from Master Smith Burninate!

Neutral Status Quests:

Each quest grants 25 Reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood! You are not required to complete each quest, instead, you can choose which quest is more affordable based on your realm’s economy and choose to spam it until you reach the Friendly status. You will need to complete 116 quests since you will have a 100/3000 Neutral reputation by completing What the Flux.

List of materials required from Neutral to Friendly if you only complete the What the Flux quest:

Friendly Status Quests:

Upon reaching the Friendly status, the previous quests become unavailable. You’ll be given the Gaining Acceptance quest, which you can spam until you reach the Honored status. The quest requires you to deliver Dark Iron Residue which can be mostly farmed inside the Blackrock Depths dungeon! Each quest rewards 25 Reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood. The quest must be turned in 240 times if you start at 0/6000 Friendly reputation.

List of materials required from Friendly to Honored:

Honored to Exalted Reputation

After reaching the Honored status, you won’t be able to acquire repeatable quests from the Thorium Point anymore! You’ll be able to acquire repeatable quests from Lokhtos Darkbargainer in The Grim Guzzler tavern, inside the Blackrock Depths dungeon. The quests work in the same way as the ones given by Master Smith Burninate, so you’ll be able to choose whichever quest you wish to spam without needing to complete them all.

From this point forward, all the repeatable quests will be delivered to him. This time, the quests won’t change throughout Honored to Exalted. The only thing that will change is the number of required materials per Reputation Status.

This time, not all quests reward the same amount of reputation! The number of materials you require and the number of turn-ins you must do change based on the quest you prioritize.

Honored, Revered, and Exalted Status Quests:

List of materials required from Honored to Exalted (33000 Reputation Required) by only completing repeatable quests:

Congratulations, you’ve reached Exalted after delivering the materials for the quests you’ve chosen!

Thorium Brotherhood Rewards

As mentioned before, most of the rewards you can gain from the Thorium Brotherhood faction can be acquired from Lokhtos Darkbargainer, the faction quartermaster. However, some rewards can also be bought from The Grim Guzzler‘s barkeep, Plugger Spazzring!

Below we compiled a list of all available rewards that can be bought from the Thorium Brotherhood. Keep in mind that the prices listed below are according to their respective reputation levels, but they change once you raise your reputation level. For example, the costs for Friendly items are reduced whenever you reach Honored, and reduced once more for every other reputation level, including Exalted.

Reputation Requirement
1 Gold 50 Silver
2 Gold 20 Silver
12 Gold
3 Gold
15 Gold
8 Gold
16 Gold
7 Gold
16 Gold 20 Silver
5 Gold 40 Silver
7 Gold 20 Silver
5 Gold 40 Silver
14 Gold 40 Silver
8 Gold 10 Silver
19 Gold 80 Silver
19 Gold 80 Silver
5 Gold 40 Silver
6 Gold 30 Silver
7 Gold 20 Silver
16 Gold 20 Silver
18 Gold
6 Gold 30 Silver
8 Gold 10 Silver
9 Gold
8 Gold 10 Silver
8 Gold 10 Silver
8 Gold 10 Silver
10 Gold 80 Silver
7 Gold 20 Silver
10 Gold 80 Silver
10 Gold 80 Silver

Season of Discovery – Thorium Brotherhood Changes

Season of Discovery introduces quite a few changes to the Thorium Brotherhood! The faction is tied to the Blackrock Eruption event, providing players with multiple new ways of increasing their reputation. In addition, Lokhtos Darkbargainer provides players with several new items, while many of the old recipes he provided have received overhauls.

In addition, Phase 6 of the Season of Discovery allows players to increase their reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood by using Alliance Commendation Signets/Horde Commendation Signets during the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort event!

Season of Discovery (Blackrock Eruption) – Thorium Brotherhood Reputation Quests

New quests have been introduced in addition to the old ones at the Thorium Point! Those quests were initially introduced during Phase 4 of the Season of Discovery but persist even in Phase 6. Players were initially able only to complete a rotation of the daily repeatable quests in Phase 4, but in Phase 6 they can complete all the daily quests at once!

Quest-giver NPC
Reputation Reward
Oh, Shiny!
150 Reputation
Sleepless Nights
200 Reputation
Priority Target: Duke Searbrand
400 Reputation
More Like Lame-bringers!
400 Reputation
Lava Diving
200 Reputation
200 Reputation
Priority Target: Duke Tectonis
400 Reputation
Grinding Them Down
200 Reputation

New Season of Discovery Thorium Brotherhood Recipes

As mentioned, some of the old recipes Lokhtos Darkbargainer gave have been overhauled. In addition, the faction quartermaster now offers plenty of new recipes that are especially powerful.

Explosive Sand Trap and Overseer’s Anvil are purchased using your faction’s Commendation Signets.

Firelands Embers are required to purchase many of these items. They can be obtained by participating in the Blackrock Eruption event.

11 Gold 25 Silver
11 Gold 25 Silver
2 Gold 25 Silver


About the Author


Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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