- Author: Luxrah
- Date: December 2, 2024
- Updated: December 2, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Uldaman is a Titan vault found buried in the Badlands. It contain the first creation of the Titans, the troggs. The history of the Dwarves, the Titans’ second creation, can be found deep within Uldaman. You’ll have to clear through countless troggs and stone guardians to reach the heart of this dungeon.
- Level Requirement: 30
- Recommended Level: 35-45
- Location: Badlands
- Boss Encounters: Revelosh, Ironaya, Obsidian Sentinel, Ancient Stone Keeper, Galgann Firehammer, Grimlok, Archaedas, The Lost Dwarves (horde only)
- Loot Drops: Ironshod Bludgeon, Galgann’s Fireblaster, Grimlok’s Charge, The Rockpounder, Cragfists, Archaedic Stone
Location & Map
The Uldaman dungeon entrance is located in the northern part of Badlands, near the entrance to Loch Modan around 44, 12. To reach the dungeon portal you’ll need to pass through the excavation tunnels, which are densely packed with elite mobs.

There are quite a number of quests inside Uldaman for Alliance players, and a few for Horde as well.
Quest Name | Acquired From | Shareable |
Shattered Necklace (Uldaman) | No | |
Ghak Healtouch (Loch Modan) | No | |
Krom Stoutarm (Ironforge) | Yes | |
Hammertoe Grez (Badlands) | No | |
Advisor Belgrum (Ironforge) | No | |
Prospector Stormpike (Ironforge) | Yes | |
Baelog (Uldaman) | No | |
Prospector Ironband (Loch Modan) | No | |
Jarkal Mossmeld (Badlands) | No | |
Patrick Garrett (Undercity) | Yes | |
Dran Droffers (Orgrimmar) | No | |
Theldurin the Lost (Badlands) | Yes | |
The Discs of Norgannon (Uldaman) | No |
Alliance Quests
The Shattered Necklace
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 37
- Start: Shattered Necklace drops from Shadowforge Dwarves inside or outside of Uldaman
- Finish: Talvash del Kissel at the Mystic Ward in Ironforge
- Objectives: Bring the Shattered Necklace to Talvash del Kissel
- Chain Rewards:
- Talvash’s Enhancing Necklace
- 22400 experience
- 575 reputation with Gnomeregan Exiles
The Shattered Necklace can drop from Shadowforge Dwarves in and around Uldaman. Bring it to Talvash del Kissel to start this quest chain. Then bring 5 Silver Bar to him. He then gives you another quest to go inside Uldaman and find Remains of a Paladin. You should be able to finish this chain in one dungeon run as you can turn in the quests as you complete them by using Talvash’s Phial of Scrying while still inside the dungeon.
Uldaman Reagent Run
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 36
- Chain Start: Ghak Healtouch at Thelsamar in Loch Modan
- Quest Start: Ghak Healtouch at Thelsamar in Loch Modan
- Finish: Ghak Healtouch at Thelsamar in Loch Modan
- Objectives: Collect 12 Magenta Fungus Cap inside Uldaman
- Rewards:
- 5x Restorative Potion
- 55 silver
- 3450 experience
- 100 reputation with Ironforge
Before you can pick up this quest, you must complete the quest Badlands Reagent Run, which is offered by the same quest giver.
Reclaimed Treasures
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 33
- Start: Krom Stoutarm at the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge
- Finish: Krom Stoutarm at the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge
- Objectives: Retrieve Krom Stoutarm’s Treasure from just outside Uldaman
- Rewards:
- 60 silver
- 3600 experience
- 100 reputation Ironforge
Amulet of Secrets
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 35
- Chain Start: Crumpled Map at Hammertoe’s Digsite in Badlands
- Quest Start: Hammertoe Grez just outside Uldaman in Badlands
- Finish: Hammertoe Grez just outside Uldaman in Badlands
- Objectives: Retrieve Hammertoe’s Amulet from Magregan Deepshadow just outside Uldaman in Badlands
- Rewards:
- 3150 experience
- 250 reputation with Ironforge
To pick up this quest, you must first pick up A Sign of Hope from the Crumpled Map at Hammertoe’s Digsite in Badlands. That quest will send you to Prospector Ryedol, who in turn will send you to Hammertoe Grez to start this one. Hammertoe’s Amulet can be looted from Magregan Deepshadow, who is outside the dungeon portal for Uldaman.
Continuing this chain will eventually lead you to the quest below.
The Lost Tablets of Will
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 35
- Chain Start: Crumpled Map at Hammertoe’s Digsite in Badlands
- Quest Start: Advisor Belgrum at the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge
- Finish: Advisor Belgrum at the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge
- Objectives: Retrieve the Tablet of Will from near Galgann Firehammer inside Uldaman
- Rewards:
- Medal of Courage
- 1 gold 30 silver
- 5850 experience
- 250 reputation with Ironforge
Continuing from the quest Amulet of Secrets above will eventually lead you to this quest after a bit of running around. The Tablet of Will you need can be found beside Galgann Firehammer, one of the bosses in Uldaman.
The Lost Dwarves
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 35
- Start: Prospector Stormpike at the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge
- Finish: Baelog inside Uldaman.
- Objectives: Find Baelog in Uldaman
- Rewards:
- 5 silver
- 320 experience
Completing this quest will unlock the one below.
The Hidden Chamber
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 35
- Chain Start: Prospector Stormpike at the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge
- Quest Start: Baelog inside Uldaman
- Finish: Prospector Stormpike at the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge
- Objectives: Create and use a Staff of Prehistoria to access a hidden chamber in Uldaman
- Rewards:
- 3900 experience
- 150 reputation with Ironforge
- Pick one of:
This quest continues after The Lost Dwarves above.
Open the chest beside Baelog to get a Gni’kiv Medallion, then combine it with The Shaft of Tsol from Revolosh to form a Staff of Prehistoria. Use it in the machine above the miniature town. This will spawn the boss Ironaya, which you need to kill then enter the chamber she came out of and complete the quest.
Agmond’s Fate
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 30
- Chain Start: Prospector Stormpike at the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge
- Quest Start: Prospector Ironband at Ironhand’s Excavation Site in Loch Modan
- Finish: Prospector Ironband at Ironhand’s Excavation Site in Loch Modan
- Objectives: Collect 4 Carved Stone Urn from the area just outside Uldaman
- Rewards:
- Prospector Gloves
- 2850 experience
- 100 reputation with Ironforge
You’ll have to complete a few quests in Loch Modan before you can pick this one up, starting with Ironband Wants You, which is obtained from Prospector Stormpike at the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge.
The Carved Stone Urn you need for the quest can be found in the excavation area that leads to the Uldaman dungeon portal.
Horde Quests
Uldaman Reagent Run
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 36
- Chain Start: Jarkal Mossmeld at Kargath in Badlands
- Quest Start: Jarkal Mossmeld at Kargath in Badlands
- Finish: Jarkal Mossmeld at Kargath in Badlands
- Objectives: Collect 12 Magenta Fungus Cap inside Uldaman
- Rewards:
- 5x Restorative Potion
- 55 silver
- 3450 experience
- 100 reputation with Darkspear Trolls
Before you can pick up this quest, you must complete the quest Badlands Reagent Run, which is offered by the same quest giver.
Reclaimed Treasures
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 33
- Start: Patrick Garrett in the Trade Quarter of UndercityÂ
- Finish: Patrick Garrett in the Trade Quarter of UndercityÂ
- Objectives: Retrieve the Garrett Family Treasure from the Garrett Family Chest just outside Uldaman
- Rewards:
- 60 silver
- 3600 experience
- 100 reputation with Undercity
Necklace Recovery
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 37
- Start: Dran Droffers at The Drag in Orgrimmar
- Finish: Dran Droffers at The Drag in Orgrimmar
- Objectives: Retrieve the Shattered Necklace from Shadowforge Dwarves in and around Uldaman
- Chain Rewards:
- Jarkal’s Enhancing Necklace
- 1 gold 25 silver
- 19550 experience
- 225 reputation with Orgrimmar
- 450 reputation with Darkspear Trolls
The Shattered Necklace item offers a quest for Alliance, but Horde are unable to obtain it. Instead, you’ll be able to hand it in to Dran Droffers for this quest. You can pick up the necklace before the quest or vice versa.
You’ll need to follow the lengthy chain back and forth to Uldaman a few times to get all of the rewards listed above.
Neutral Quests
Solution to Doom
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 30
- Start: Theldurin the Lost in BadlandsÂ
- Finish: Theldurin the Lost in BadlandsÂ
- Objectives: Retrieve the Tablet of Ryun’eh from the Ancient Chest just outside of Uldaman
- Rewards:
- Doomsayer’s Robe
- 3150 experience
The Platinum Discs
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 40
- Start: The Discs of Norgannon in the final treasure chamber of Uldaman
- Finish: The Discs of Norgannon in the final treasure chamber of Uldaman
- Objectives: Activate the The Discs of Norgannon
- Chain Rewards:
- 2 gold 20 silver
- 24,910 experience
- 880 reputation with
Ironforge or
Thunder Bluff
- Thawpelt Sack
- Pick one of:
This quest begins a lengthy chain that varies slightly for each faction. Follow the quests to the end of the chain to collect all of the rewards listed above.
There are 8 bosses in Uldaman, including one that is only available for Horde players.
- The Lost Dwarves (Horde only)
- Revelosh
- Ironaya
- Obsidian Sentinel
- Ancient Stone Keeper
- Galgann Firehammer
- Grimlok
- Archaedas
The Lost Dwarves (Horde only)
This first encounter in Uldaman is only available to Horde, as the three dwarves, Baelog (41+), Eric “The Swift” (40+), and Olaf (40+), are friendly to Alliance players. Each of the Lost Dwarves has a special ability: Baelog’s ranged attack, Eric’s Rushing Charge, and Olaf’s Shield Slam. Behind the three Lost Dwarves, loot the chest to receive the Gni’kiv Medallion which you will need to summon Ironaya.

- Tank: The tank should focus on picking up Olaf, so that he is only casting Rushing Charge on the tank. Initially the tank should also try to get threat on Eric to avoid the Healer and DPS taking unnecessary damage or being the target of Rushing Charge.
- Healer: The healer in this encounter should be maintaining maximum range and trying maintain healing spells on the tank and the DPS. Because of the likelihood of the healer and DPS being targeted by Rushing Charge, using bubbles and stacking HoTs on all party members is encouraged.
- Damage Dealers: In this fight, DPS need to focus down Eric, as the Tank will not be able to maintain threat through casts of Rushing Charge. DPS classes should cast crowd control spells to handle Baelog. Kill order is typically Eric, Olaf, then Baelog.
- Baelog’s Shortbow
- Battered Viking Shield
- Horned Viking Helmet
- Nordic Longshank
- Olaf’s All Purpose Shield
- Worn Running Boots
Revelosh is a Trogg who’s accompanied by two non-elite trogg adds. The boss drops The Shaft of Tsol, which you will need to summon Ironaya.

- Tank: Generate initial threat on Revelosh and the adds. If possible, interrupt the Chain Lightning spell while it is being cast.
- Healer: Healers in this fight should maintain max range, and spread out to avoid Chain Lightning.
- Damage Dealers: The priority in this fight is to kill Revelosh as fast as possible to avoid taking damage from Chain Lightning. Use any interrupt abilities to kick his Chain Lightning casts. Focus down any non-elite adds before damaging Revelosh.
Before the encounter, one player will need to combine The Shaft of Tsol with the Gni’kiv Medallion, both looted from the previous bosses. Ironaya is hard to kill – with high armor, a lot of hit points, immunity to damage over time effects (DoTs) and a knock back ability. Beyond these factors, the fight is a straightforward tank and spank.

- Tank: The Tank simply needs to pick up Ironaya and face her away from DPS and the Healer to avoid Arcing Smash.
- Healer: The healer in this fight should only need to focus on keeping up the tank, as DPS shouldn’t be taking much damage if they are positioned well. Spread out with ranged DPS and focus your healing on the tank.
- Damage Dealers: Ranged DPS should spread out behind the boss and focus on damage dealing spells. Avoid the use of damage over time effects, as Ironaya is immune to them. Melee need to also spread out as best they can while still avoiding Arcing Smash.
Obsidian Sentinel
Obsidian Sentinel is essentially the boss version of the Stone Steward mobs with higher armor, hit points, and damage over time (DoT) effect immunity. At 66% and 33%, Obsidian Sentinel will spawn two smaller, non elite Obsidian Shard.

- Tank: In this fight, the tank only needs to take the boss and face him away from the group to allow melee to attack from behind. Pick up adds as they spawn. Do your best to maintain threat on the adds when they spawn as well.
- Healer: The healer in this fight should simply remain away from the other members of the group and keep heals up on the tank.
- Damage Dealers: Obsidian Sential has a lot of health, and DPS should focus on the boss when no adds are present. When he summons Obsidian Shards, DPS should focus them down first then return to the boss. Give your tank a few moments to generate threat on the adds before attacking them.
- None
Ancient Stone Keeper
Ancient Sone Keeper is similar to the other stone mobs in the instance, with high health, armor, and immunity to DoT effects. This boss also has a notable Sand Storms ability, which is an AoE slow and silence.

- Tank: Tanking this fight is straightforward: simply maintain threat.
- Healer: Stay at max range to avoid the silence effect of Sand Storms and focus healing on the tank during this fight.
- Damage Dealers: Ranged DPS need to stay at max range in order to avoid being affected by the silence component of Sand Storms.
Galgann Firehammer
This boss is a Fire casting Dark Iron Dwarf accompanied by two Shadowforge Geologist as adds. This boss is the first in the instance to indicate any potential association of the Dark Iron Dwarves with Ragnaros.

- Tank: Tanking this fight will be significantly easier if another group member besides the primary tank can pick up one of the Shadowforge Geologists. The Main Tank should separate Galgann from the rest of the group and tank him facing away from the group. Pop any defensive cooldowns early if the healer is having a hard time keeping both tanking players alive.
- Healer: This fight will be healer intensive, as there is a lot of AoE damage, and Amplify Flames increases the need for healing spells throughout the fight. The healer will also need to focus keeping up both of the players tanking during the fight. Use bubbles and heal over time effects to aid you in alternating between targets. Dispell Amplify Flames if possible.
- Damage Dealers: The adds should be the primary targets of the DPS in this fight, then switching to Galgann after they are both down. One of the DPS classes should tank one Shadowforge Geologist away from Galgann.
Grimlok is another trogg boss in Uldaman, and he is accompanied by a Stonevault Geomancer, Stonevault Brawler, and Jadespine Basilisk. The basic strategy is to focus down Grimlok while the other adds are CC’d. If your group does not have three CC’s available, focus down the Basilisk first.

- Tank: The tank should pick up Grimlok and any other loose mobs, and tank them against a nearby wall.
- Healer: The Healer in this fight should focus on their positioning to avoid being stunned by the basilisk or attracting any threat from the other mobs in the fight. The main focus will be on keeping up the Tank who is handling the Basilisk and Grimlok, making sure that any damage done to DPS members and yourself from the adds or AoE effects is also covered.
- Damage Dealers: Work together with the other DPS in the group to CC as many mobs as possible. Burn Grimlock as quick as you can.
The final boss of Uldaman is Archaedas, a level 47+ giant. The boss has Ground Tremor ability, which stuns nearby enemies. Archaedas also summons a lot of non-elite adds. Because of the adds which are summoned from the room the boss is found in, many groups will choose to kite the boss on pull all the way up the ramps to the previous large, circular room with columns to down Archaedas. The boss will continue to summon non-elite Earthern Guardians and Vault Warder adds during the fight. At 20% health, Archaedas will spawn 4 elite adds who also die when the boss does. Groups who have the DPS and can handle the adds well enough should focus on downing the boss while other groups may opt to kill one or two adds before focusing down the boss.

- Tank: Tanking this fight begins with a ranged pull and generating initial threat on the boss, then kiting him up to the previous chamber for the fight. Keep the boss away form the group to help mitigating the effects of Ground Tremor. You will also need to focus on picking up adds as they spawn. Focus on protecting your healer, as DPS can kite and burn down adds that are causing them issues.
- Healer: All of the players in this encounter are likely going to take some damage, so be prepared to conserve mana using cool downs and potions. Protect your DPS classes as they are the ones keeping the adds from being directed towards you in this encounter. The tank will be your focus as Archaedas hits decently hard, but his swing timer is long. Spread out from the boss to avoid Ground Tremor.
- Damage Dealers: Archaedas has a lot of health, and the fight is going to be long relative to the other encounters in Uldaman. Use cooldowns, potions, bandages, and other abilities to help get through the fight successfully. When possible, spread out from the boss to avoid Ground Tremor. During the fight, prioritize the adds that spawn. Be sure to give your tank a few seconds to generate threat on the adds before damaging them. Only when all the adds are dead should you damage the boss.
Quest Rewards & Loot
Quest Rewards
The Shattered Necklace
Uldaman Reagent Run
The Lost Tablets of Will
The Hidden Chamber
Agmond’s Fate
Uldaman Reagent Run
Necklace Recovery
- Solution to Doom
- The Platinum Discs
Boss Drops