Consumables: can’t live with them, can’t live without them. Classic is all about buff and consumable stacking, and it can get expensive quickly. The following is a list of all consumables useful for us warlocks.
Limited Invulnerability Potion (LIP) – Use if you pull aggro, this will prevent you from pulling the mob you way, and give the tank a chance to get aggro again!
Fire/Frost/Shadow/Arcane/Nature – Depending on the instance, you’ll need to bring diffrerent protection pots
Good Extras
Flask of Supreme Power – Big damage boost, used for progression kills or if you want to top meters
Bandages – In general it is always a good idea to have some form of selfhealing, just in case.
About the Author
I am a Classic Warlock enthusiast and in general like theorycrafting.
I am the owner and admin of the best community in the whole wide world, being the Classic Warlock Discord. This is the home of some of the best Warlocks in this game and the basis for theorycrafting and figuring out the optimal plays for us warlocks.
My aim is to make sure this up-to-date information is out there everywhere to be found and to give back to the community.