WoW Classic Warlock Epic Mount Quest Guide

Dreadsteed of Xoroth Warlock Epic Mount

Warlocks are one of two classes that get unique mounts specifically for their class, the other being Paladins. Both classes get a basic mount at level 40 and an epic version at level 60. Your level 40 mount as a Warlock is free, and your level 60 mount comes at a steep discount. These mounts are also summoned via spells, which saves you a bag slot!

Your first mount is acquired via a simple quest from your class trainer. Later on you’ll need at least 418 gold and the help of allies to successfully acquire your epic mount. The mounts are well worth the effort for the style points since nobody other than a Paladin can ride one!

Note that the level 60 mount cannot be obtained until Phase 2, when the Dire Maul West dungeon is added to the game.

Warlock Felsteed Mount (Level 40)

To get your first mount at level 40, seek out one of the following Warlock trainers:

They offer the quest Summon Felsteed. This will task you with seeking out Strahad Farsan in The Barrens, near Ratchet. Once you find him, all you have to do is turn in the quest, pick up the next part of Summon Felsteed, and that’s it! You now have your Summon Felsteed spell. As a bonus, learning this spell also teaches you the Riding skill. Where other classes must pay 80-100 gold for their first mount and Riding skill, you get the whole package for free!

Warlock Dreadsteed Mount (Level 60)

This is going to be a bit more challenging! You’ll to invest both time and money to get this awesome mount, although you will save a lot of gold compared to buying a standard epic mount. Let’s first go over what you’ll actually need to complete the quest chain.

Shopping List

Throughout the quest line, you will be required to hand in certain components to move forward. Some of the items you will have to collect yourself from an NPC, however most are obtained via some form of profession, so be sure to check if any friends or guildmates can help with what you cannot collect yourself. Below is a list of all the items required in the order you need to hand them in.

You will need 418 gold total to purchase all of the required vendor items. If you know another Warlock who has already purchased J’eevee’s Jar, Black Lodestone, and Xorothian Glyphs, this will save you 250 gold, leaving you to purchase the other required items for 168 gold total.

Material Collections

These are the items that are needed for a trio of collecting quests, all of which can be gathered or purchased from the Auction House ahead of time.

The Xorothian Glyphs

These are bind-on-pickup items that you will purchase in the course of the quest chain.

Dreadsteed of Xoroth

These three items are purchased to be used in the end stage of the quest, and are the only items you don’t need to purchase if you know someone who already has them. For more details on how to obtain these items, please see the relevant section of the quest below.


Q) One of the first quests shows a level of 58 required, can I start the quest before level 60?
A) Unfortunately not, you must attain level 60 in order to receive the first quest from your Demon Trainer. You can however start collecting some of the materials listed above as early as you like.

Q) I heard that if you know another Warlock with the materials, you can save money. Is this true?
A) Yes, if you know another Warlock with the final three components of the quest, you can save yourself up to 250g! Read below for more information…

Q) If I know another Warlock with the materials, do I have to do any of the quest stages?
A) Yes, regardless of if you know someone with the mats or not, you must still complete all the quest steps until you have the quest Dreadsteed of Xoroth in your quest log.

Q) What items do I need to purchase if my friend has some?
A) If you know someone with the J’eevee’s Jar, Black Lodestone, and Xorothian Glyphs, those are the only pieces you do not need to purchase. You will still have to collect the other items such as the Dark Iron Ore, Large Brilliant Shards etc, as well as the Shadowy Potion and Xorothian Stardust.

Q) Okay, so how do I find someone with the mats?
A) Well, the first step is to look at your friends list and see if you already know any Warlocks who have done it. Along with your friends list, the other good way is to ask any of the other Warlocks in your guild if they might have them, or perhaps do they know someone who might help.

Q) Can more that one Warlock speak to the spirit of the Dreadsteed?
A) There is no limit to how many Warlocks can complete the quest at one time, so bring multiples with your group if they are up to the final step. In fact, until the spirit despawns, you can have Warlocks join the group, enter the instance, get summoned to the circle, talk to the spirit, and complete the quest, as long as they’re done with every quest in the series except Dreadsteed of Xoroth.

Q) Do I have to purchase the riding skill before I do my quest?
A) Although patch 1.12.1 changed the way riding skills and mounts were purchased, Warlocks have always received their riding skill upon completion of their quest, and this is still the way it works. Once you complete the final stage of the Dreadsteed quest and the spell is in your spell book, you are automatically given the Journeyman (150) riding skill.

Q) If I didn’t have to purchase the materials to complete my quest, can I purchase them later on if I want to?
A) Yes, if you wish to purchase the three items used in the ritual process down the track, they are available to buy from Gorzeeki Wildeyes.

Have a Friend Help

As mentioned above, you can save yourself up to 250g if you can find another Warlock with the final three components of the quest to come and summon the spirit of the Dreadsteed for you. The three items used – J’eevee’s Jar, Black Lodestone, and Xorothian Glyphs – do not get destroyed when you summon the spirit, instead staying with the Warlock who originally purchased them, allowing the items to be used repeatedly.

You will still need to complete all the steps of the quest until you have the one titled Dreadsteed of Xoroth, which is the one that requires you to enter Dire Maul and summon the spirit. Once you have this step, you can enter the instance with the other Warlock who has the items, clear your way to the summoning spot and have them place the bell, wheel, and candle. Once the fight is over and the spirit is ready, you can talk to it and complete your quest!

As mentioned above, you will still be required to purchase all the other items on the shopping list above. The only ones you don’t have to purchase are:

A little history: when the quest was originally implemented, there was a lot of confusion if the reusable components were bugged. On the 4/23/2005 Fangtooth made the following post on the official Warlock forums.

The reagents required to open the portal are not consumed when you use them, that is correct. It was done this way so that warlocks who have the reagents will be able to open the portal for themselves or others at a later time. The trade off for this is that any warlock who does not have the reagents will not be able to create their own portals and they will be at the mercy of others.

Quest Walkthroughs

Without further ado, we’ll start on the quest walkthroughs. There are several quests to do in the questline, so we’ve split it up into easily digestible sections. Make sure to fully read through them beforehand so you’re well prepared and have any necessary mats taken out of the bank.

Part One: Mor’zul BloodbringerWildeyes

Alter of Storms

  1. Upon reaching level 60, visit one of the following NPCs to pick up the first quest, Mor’zul Bloodbringer:
  2. Locate Mor’zul Bloodbringer on a hill near the Altar of Storms in the northwest corner of Burning Steppes (see map above).
    • Note: Just to clarify, there is also an Altar of Storms in the Blasted Lands. This is not the altar you seek.
  3. Pick up the next quest, Rage of Blood.
  4. Head to Winterspring and loot 30 Raging Beast’s Blood from owlbeasts. They can drop from the following mobs marked on the map below:
  5. Before heading back to Burning Steppes, you may want to gather the items from the Material Collections section of the Shopping List above, and bring enough gold for the items in The Xorothian Glyphs section (168 gold).
  6. Return to Mor’zul Bloodbringer to turn in the blood and get a Case of Blood along with the quest Wildeyes.
  7. Hand over the Case of Blood to Gorzeeki Wildeyes, who is standing nearby.
  8. You will now be able to complete Part Two and Part Three of this walkthrough in whichever order you prefer. Part Two involves turning in materials from the Material Collections list while Part Three requires spending some gold and a bit of travel.
winterspring owls

Part Two: Material Collections Quests

Warlock Epic Mount Quest Branch
  1. This set of 4 quests can be done before or after the set in Part Three.
  2. Pick up three new quests from Gorzeeki Wildeyes: Bell of DethmooraWheel of the Black March, and Doomsday Candle.
  3. Now you’ll need all of the items listed in the Material Collections section of the Shopping List earlier in this guide: 10 Elixir of Shadow Power, 6 Large Brilliant Shard, 35 Black Dragonscale, 25 Dark Iron Ore, and 3 Arcanite Bar.
  4. Turn in the three quests, handing over everything but the Arcanite Bars.
  5. Pick up the next quest, Arcanite, and hand in the Arcanite Bars to complete that one.

Part Three: The Xorothian Glyphs


  1. This set of quests can be done before or after the set in Part Two.
  2. Pick up the quest Lord Banehollow from Gorzeeki Wildeyes.
  3. Purchase a few Shadowy Potions from Gorzeeki Wildeyes before you leave. You will want at least 3 for yourself just to be safe, plus some for any other Warlocks who are assisting you. He sells the potions for 6 gold each.
  4. Be sure to have 150 gold on you before heading to the next location.
  5. Head to Jaedenar in Felwood (see map above).
  6. The Shadowy Potions you purchased will make this area’s inhabitants friendly to you for 20 minutes, allowing you to pass through without a fight. Technically this potion is only required to speak with one NPC at the bottom of the hold, but it will save you a lot of time if you use it to get through the rest of Jaedenar.
  7. Note that the slimes inside the Shadow Hold will still attack you regardless of the buff. You’ll have to kill them or do some creative jumping to avoid them.
  8. Pass through Jaedenar and look for the entrance to the Shadow Hold on the western edge. Enter and head down to the very bottom.
  9. Use the Shadowy Potion if you haven’t already and speak with Lord Banehollow to turn in the quest.
  10. Pick up the next quest, Ulathek the Traitor.
  11. Walk back through the Shadow Hold until you reach the area around where Ulathek is located. You should have passed his room on your way down.
  12. Speaking with Ulathek will cause him to see through your disguise and turn hostile. He is accompanied by four guards. Howl of Terror will help here. Don’t worry about pulling other mobs as the other residents will remain friendly as long as you have the potion buff. Neither Ulathek nor his guards are elite, so you should be able to deal with them solo as long as you are prepared.
  13. Loot The Traitor’s Heart from Ulathek’s corpse and drink another Shadowy Potion if needed.
  14. Return to Lord Banehollow to turn in the quest and pick up the next one, Xorothian Stardust.
  15. Speak with Ur’dan, who is right next to Lord Banehollow, to purchase Xorothian Stardust for 150 gold.
  16. Head back to Gorzeeki Wildeyes in the Burning Steppes to complete this quest and continue on.

Part Four: Imp Delivery (Scholomance)

Scholo alchemy lab

  1. Pick up the next quest, Imp Delivery.
  2. Get a group together for Scholomance. Be sure to bring a Rogue or someone with the Skeleton Key so you can open the door.
  3. Fight your way through the dungeon and loot the Viewing Room Key from Rattlegore.
  4. Pass The Viewing Room (the room with the neutral NPCs) and enter the Laboratory by using the Viewing Room Key. Clear the trash that is between you and the Alchemy Table on the right side of the room. You don’t need to kill Ras Frostwhisper.
  5. When you’ve cleared around the table, use the Imp in a Jar to release J’eevee and wait for him to finish his experiment. You’ll see a “Parchment Created 1/1” notification when he’s done.
  6. When you’re done in Scholomance, return to Gorzeeki Wildeyes in the Burning Steppes to complete this quest and continue on.
  7. If you do not have another Warlock helping you with the final three items, you’ll need to bring

Part Five: Dreadsteed of Xoroth (Dire Maul West)

Dire Maul Pylons

  1. Speak with Mor’zul Bloodbringer to pick up the quest Dreadsteed of Xoroth.
  2. If you do not have another Warlock helping you with the final three items, you must now purchase them from Gorzeeki Wildeyes: J’eevee’s Jar (150 gold), Xorothian Glyphs (50 gold), and Black Lodestone (50 gold).
  3. As mentioned earlier in this guide, these items can be reused, so you can save yourself 250 gold if you can find another Warlock who already has them and is willing to help you in Dire Maul. Alternatively, go ahead and purchase them and keep them so you can help out other Warlocks in the future!
  4. Get a group together for Dire Maul West. Be sure to bring a Rogue or someone with the Crescent Key so you can open the door.
  5. You will need to fight your way through the dungeon to the Prison of Immol’thar. To remove the force field surrounding the boss here, you must clear the Mana Remnants surrounding the five pylons that you’ll find throughout the early part of the instance (show in the screenshot above). There is one in the courtyard near the entrance, two on the upper level, and two near the door where you enter the Prison. You’ll also need to kill Tendris Warpwood to reach the Prison.
  6. When the force field has been taken down, Immol’thar will be freed and will attack his jailers. Wait for him to finish them off before attacking him. Defeat the boss, and then take a minute to recover and prepare.
  7. When you’re ready, use J’eevee’s Jar to release J’eevee, who will place the three items you acquired from the Materials Collection quests around the circular platform. Each of these items provides a benefit to you and your party:
    • Bell of Dethmoora restores 150 health and 150 mana to any Warlocks in the party with the Ritual Bell Aura
    • Wheel of the Black March protects all party members by absorbing 100 points of damage from every hit with its Black March Blessing
    • Doomsday Candle burns anyone not in the party with 250 fire damage every second
  8. During the fight, these artifacts will randomly power down, which is accompanied by a noise. You must click on them and fix them using the Black Lodestone. If all three artifacts stop working, you will fail the event. However, each fix will require one Soul Shard, so make sure you have 10-15 just to be safe. Fixing the artifacts has a 3-second casting time and is interrupted by any damage, so be sure to have your group members keep the mobs off you or use a Voidwalker or Felguard to taunt. Any Warlock in the party who has the Black Lodestone can help with this.
  9. When J’eevee sets up all three artifacts, waves of non-elite imps and elite felguards will start to spawn. This will occur for approximately 5 minutes as 9 runes appear around the raised platform. Have your tank pick up the adds and assist the DPS take them down while keeping your head on a swivel, fixing artifacts as they power down.
  10. After 5 minutes elapses and the 9 runes spawn, the waves of adds will stop. Make sure to regenerate resources before heading to the center of the platform and clicking on the Xorothian Glyphs. This will cause the Xorothian Dreadsteed and its master, Lord Hel’nurath, to spawn. Focus on one and bring them down before moving to the other.
  11. When the Xorothian Dreadsteed is defeated, you can turn in the quest to the Dreadsteed Spirit that spawns and receive both your Summon Dreadsteed spell and Journeyman Riding.
  12. Congratulations on finishing your Warlock’s epic mount quest and enjoy riding your fancy dreadsteed!


About the Author


If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.
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4 years ago

Is it still necesary to do this quest in TBC ? Or do you just learn the summon epic mount from trainer ?

Reply to  Yony
3 years ago

Yes, this is still necesary in TBC. In Wrath you can buy it from the trainer!

5 years ago

so we cant do this until phase 2?

Last edited by Robbd65
5 years ago

Just heads up, WoW classic does not give you your riding skill. You must purchase that if you wish to ride any other mount that requires riding skill.

Last edited by Chris
5 years ago

Wait your shopping guide tells me I need 10 Elixir of Shadow Power 3 Arcanite Bar and 35 Black Dragonscale. But when I read threw the quest here I don’t need 1/2 that. Am I missing something? If not you might want to update the shopping list so people don’t waste gold like I did.

Last edited by sethern
Reply to  Furious
5 years ago

Dang I just did the same thing…which I would have seen this comment. sooner. So it isn’t 3 arcanite bars?

Last edited by Raukgol
Reply to  Furious
5 years ago

Wait, so? Do we need
35 x Black Dragonscales
10 x Elixirs of Shadow Power
6 x Large Brilliant Shards
25 x Dark Iron Ore
3 x Arcanite Bar
or half of that?

Last edited by Dusclops
Reply to  Furious
5 years ago

Can you update the required mats?

Last edited by Jayskillet
Reply to  Furious
5 years ago

they are not updated??

Last edited by Groove
Reply to  Furious
5 years ago

Yeah, but what got updated? The shopping list still says

35 x Black Dragonscales
10 x Elixirs of Shadow Power
6 x Large Brilliant Shards
25 x Dark Iron Ore
3 x Arcanite Bar

like it did befor?

Last edited by Corvus
Reply to  Furious
5 years ago

It still shows 10 Elixir of Shadow Power in the Shopping List but when I read through the Quests later it states “Objective: Bring 2 Elixirs of Shadow Power to Gorzeeki Wildeyes in the Burning Steppes.” same goes for the Arcanite Bar (1 vs 3 pieces) and Black Dragon Scale (3 vs 35 pieces). What are the correct values?

Last edited by Giusti
Reply to  Giusti
5 years ago

Sounds like your looking at a classic wow list (this one) and comparing it to a retail wow quest log….

Last edited by Raithaam
5 years ago

For those who are doing the quest now in wow classic.
I can confirm the amount of the mats are correct.
Some additional info: the fight against imps and dread guards are very tough and longer than you expected, don’t watch old stream/videos guide on YouTube. They only showed 60-80% of difficulty level comparing the real one in classic. Make sure you use 4-5 extra soul shards on inslaving the dread guards, they help aoe tank a lot. And the group might get wiped out towards the end, normally around 8-10min. But it is ok, just get res and run back close to the circle, all the demons will disappear anyway and thus the ritual is completed. So go ahead summon the final bosses.

Last edited by Enko
5 years ago

I calculated the price for the “Material collection” which is all from AH if you want, on my server (Gehennas Horde side) it would run you about 280g

Last edited by KorvMedDöD
4 years ago

Q) What items do I need to purchase if my friend has some?
A) If you know someone with the J’eevee’s Jar, Black Lodestone, and Xorothian Glyphs, those are the only pieces you do not need to purchase. You will still have to collect the other items such as the Dark Iron Ore, Large Brilliant shards etc, as well as the Shadowy Potion and Xorothian Dust

Why would you still need to buy the xorothian dust if its used to make the glyph…and you can hve your friend provide the glyph.

4 years ago

You need to complete that quest as its a prerequisite

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