Eye of the Void Rune – Season of Discovery (SoD)

Eye of the Void Rune – Season of Discovery (SoD)
  • Author: Luxrah
  • Date: October 14, 2024
  • Updated: December 20, 2024
  • Expansion: WoW Classic

This guide will cover how to get the Eye of the Void Rune for Priests in Season of Discovery. We’ll go over all of the locations and requirements in the walkthrough below as well as any useful tips and tricks.

How to Get the Eye of the Void Rune

As of Phase 6, all runes and skill books can be purchased from Rune Brokers in starting zones and major cities for 1 copper a piece. Each of these vendors is simply named “Rune Broker” and can be easily spotted by their purple glow, lurking very close to where new characters enter the game. You can see all of their locations in our guide below.

Original Discovery Method

To get this rune, you’ll need to locate several eyes in different zones. You can collect the eyes at any time, but you will need to be level 50 in order to pick up the quest and complete the rune.

Baleful Eye (Stranglethorn Vale)

On the table behind Captain Stillwater on one of the pirate ships in the south of Stranglethorn Vale (33, 88).

where to eye of the void rune 3 baleful eye stranglethorn vale
Location of the Baleful Eye at (33, 88)

Burning Eye (Feralas)

In the northwest tower in Ruins of Isildien, behind the night elf NPC, in Feralas (57.25, 68.74).

where to eye of the void rune 7 burning eye feralas
Location of the Burning Eye at (57.25, 68.74)

Glowing Eye (The Hinterlands)

On a table at Jintha’Alor in The Hinterlands (58.4, 72.7).

where to eye of the void rune 4 glowing eye the hinterlands
Location of the Glowing Eye at (58.4, 72.7)

Oozing Eye (Tanaris)

In the middle of The Gaping Chasm Silithid hive in Tanaris (56.4, 73.7).

where to eye of the void rune 5 oozing eye tanaris
Location of the Oozing Eye at (56.4, 73.7)

Piercing Eye (Felwood)

Inside Jaedenar in the first open area near the escort quest in Felwood (36.55, 55.75). The cave entrance is at (35.3, 58.7).

Pulsating Eye (Blasted Lands)

Levitate to the top of a tower in Blasted Lands (49, 14).

where to eye of the void rune 1 pulsating eye blasted lands
Location of the Pulsating Eye at (49, 14)

Vibrating Eye (Searing Gorge)

You will find the Vibrating Eye in one of the Dark Iron Dwarf caves in the chasm of Searing Gorge, at (43.8, 45.8).

To get into the cave, jump down at (45.1, 50.5). Make sure you dismount before doing this, as you don’t want any extra speed or you might overshoot the jump!

Once you’ve found them all, head to the Tower of Eldara in Azshara (89, 33). Inside you’ll find a shrine. Type /kneel to summon the Eye of the Void. You may need to type /reload before it appears.

When the Eye appears, target it and type /pray. Then talk to it to learn the rune.

where to eye of the void rune 8 tower of eldara shrine azshara
Location at the Tower of Eldara, (89, 33)


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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11 months ago

You could take the time to order them. Perhaps first Eastern Kingdoms then Kalimdor in a route that makes sense for least time consumption.

Last edited 11 months ago by Mattie
11 months ago

I looted a Glowing eye up in Jintha’Alor, on a table. Might be for this but I have no clues what to do with it.

11 months ago

i have 2 eyes atnm

11 months ago

looted the Oozing Eye at (56.4, 73.7) room off to the left , lootable object in the middle of the room

Simon st.john-Jones
Simon st.john-Jones
Reply to  UnKnowNzz
6 months ago

Any body else find this eye not there, have followed questie and tom tom to where it should be, have put ticket in GM thinks it may be bugged ( yet another rune bugged ) not that does help me gain the eye :{

11 months ago

i have yet to see a curse, just the dmg.

Reply to  Giggly
10 months ago

ik it curses one target with curse of shadows but idk if it does anything more than that one curse ive only seen it a couple times

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