- Author: Luxrah
- Date: November 1, 2024
- Updated: December 20, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
This guide will cover how to get the Shadowstep rune for Rogues in Season of Discovery. We’ll go over all of the locations and requirements in the walkthrough below as well as any useful tips and tricks.
- Rune: Shadowstep
- Engraving: Engrave Belt – Shadowstep
- Class: Rogue
- Slot: Waist
- Added: Phase 2
- Level: 30 (Required)
How to Get the Shadowstep Rune
As of Phase 6, all runes and skill books can be purchased from Rune Brokers in starting zones and major cities for 1 copper a piece. Each of these vendors is simply named “Rune Broker” and can be easily spotted by their purple glow, lurking very close to where new characters enter the game. You can see all of their locations in our guide below.
Original Discovery Method
To get the Shadowstep rune, you’ll first need to reach level 30. You will receive another letter in the mail from someone named C, just like you did for the Deadly Brew Rune.
Once you receive the mail, head to Pyrewood Village in Silverpine Forest. Near the entrance there will be a small house with a Dead Drop chest inside (47.1, 71.1). Loot it to start the quest The Eye of Bhossca to get the rune.

When you have the quest, head to the Scarlet Monastery in Tirisfal Glades. Look for the stables near the entrance and loot the Supply Locker chest (81.2, 32.1) to get a Scarlet Initiate’s Uniform.

Equip the disguise and head inside the Scarlet Monastery Graveyard dungeon, which is through the leftmost portal. You must be alone, you won’t be able to do this if you are in a group. Inside, Pick Pocket a Scarlet Scryer to get a Scryer’s Key.
Next, enter the Scarlet Monastery Library dungeon, which is through the portal on the opposite side. Look for a Personal Letterbox near the final boss and use the key to open it. You’ll loot a Confidential Message from the chest.
Head back to Scarlet Monastery Graveyard once more and look for two benches between statues. Approach each one and type /sit to sit down. You’ll get 3 dialogue prompts total if you do this correctly. Then look for a Stone Coffer chest in the northern mausoleum (on the right when you enter the graveyard). Open it to loot a Reliquary Key.
Head back to Scarlet Monastery Library and look for a Padlocked Reliquary chest. It’s in one of the rooms in the middle of the instance. Loot it for the item you need to complete the quest, Eye of Bhossca.
Head back to the Dead Drop where you started the quest in Silverpine Forest and turn in the item. Then return to any city and you’ll get another mail from C. Head back to the Dead Drop in Silverpine Forest once more to loot the rune.