- Author: Strong
- Date: November 8, 2024
- Updated: December 20, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
This guide will cover how to get the Sword and Board Rune for Warriors in Season of Discovery. We’ll go over all of the locations and requirements in the walkthrough below as well as any useful tips and tricks.
- Rune: Sword and Board
- Engraving: Engrave Bracers - Sword and Board
- Class: Warriors
- Slot: Wrist
- Added: Phase 3
- Level: 40 (Required)
How to Get the Sword and Board Rune
As of Phase 6, all runes and skill books can be purchased from Rune Brokers in starting zones and major cities for 1 copper a piece. Each of these vendors is simply named “Rune Broker” and can be easily spotted by their purple glow, lurking very close to where new characters enter the game. You can see all of their locations in our guide below.
Original Discovery Method
This discovery was simplified in Phase 5. Now, if you have discovered any of the following runes, you will be able to purchase the other runes for your alts without having to go through the entire questline again:
- Improved Frenzied Regeneration for Druids
- Lock and Load for Hunters
- Advanced Warding for Mages
- Improved Sanctuary for Paladins
- Divine Aegis for Priests
- Combat Potency for Rogues
- Riptide for Shamans
- Vengeance for Warlocks
- Sword and Board for Warriors
To do this, visit Pix Xizzix at Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale (28.4, 75.8) and buy an Emblem of the Wild Gods for 5 Tarnished Undermine Real. Then take this item to a Rune Broker in one of the following locations to obtain the rune:
Cut-Throat Alley in Stormwind City (57.5, 26.9)
The Forlorn Cavern in Ironforge (53.0, 12.8)
Cleft of Shadows in Orgrimmar (49.5, 46.0)
The Spirit Rise in Thunder Bluff (22.8, 13.8)
If you haven’t completed this questline on any character yet, read on to find out how!
The Wild Gods Questline
To get Rune of Sword and Board you will need to pick up quest The Wild Gods from the Shadowtooth Emissary in the Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood. This quest is not shareable, so make sure you grab it yourself. You will need to be at least level 40 to pick it up.

The Emissary will send you to Jintha’Alor in the Hinterlands to kill Elite Trolls for a Wildwhisper Draught. Only one player in your group needs this item to proceed.

Once you have Wildwhisper Draught, head over to the Razorfen Downs dungeon. Clear the final boss as well as all enemies close by and drink your Wildwhisper Draught. Speak to the ghost of Aggaman to move on to the next step.
The Wild Gods will provide you Agamaggan's Roar and task you to get 3 Wild Offerings. This requires you to find stealthed NPCs in level 40-50 dungeons. These NPCs will not spawn unless you clear the area! You can get an Offering from the mob each time you kill it, so you’re free to repeat the same dungeon instead of running all three.
- Delirious Ancient – Zul’Farrak – A giant spider wandering around Ghaz’rilla’s room.
- Delirious Ancient – Maraudon – A dinosaur in the water near Princess Theradras at the end of the dungeon.
- Delirious Ancient – Blackrock Depths – A dinosaur that spawns on the Dark Iron Highway, near Bael’gar after killing the Houndmaster, Inquisitor, and the Ring of Law
When you find one of these NPCs, blow Agamaggan's Roar. The NPC will become hostile. Kill the level 52 Elite and they will drop a Wild Offering. Once you have all 3 Wild Offerings head back to the Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood to receive your Rune.