WoW Classic Keys and Attunements

WoW Classic Keys and Attunements

Use this reference for a quick guide for what keys and attunements are worth getting and a quick source for them. This guide isn’t meant to give step by step instructions for each one, so consult a specific, more in-depth guide for the attunement or key you care about.


Keys are frequently needed to access doors and vaults in World of Warcraft. While most locks can be picked with Lockpicking, some absolutely require a key. Once a key is obtained, it will appear in your inventory, usually in your Key Ring (a special container separate from your bags) if there is room.

How to Obtain
Opens the back door to Gnomeregan
Key to Searing Gorge
(Wow Alliance CrestAlliance only)
Kill Margol the Rager and loot Margol’s Horn
Opens the gate between Loch Modan and Searing Gorge
Franclorn Forgewright (found while dead in Blackrock Mountain) starts the quest Dark Iron Legacy
Opens the Shadowforge Gate and allows access to more of Blackrock Depths
Opens all prison cell doors in Blackrock Depths
Drops from mobs in Blackrock Depths
Opens Relic Coffer in the vault (Need 12 to open all)
Wow Alliance CrestAlliance Quest: Clear the Way 
Horde Quest: Scarlet Diversions
Opens the door to enter Scholomance
Viewing Room Key
(One time use)
Needed to continue inside Scholomance
Opens the Strathome back door and Stratholme Undead
Opens the doors to Dire Maul West and Dire Maul North
Gordok Shackle Key
(One time use)
Allows you to complete Free Knot! and loot Knot Thimblejack’s Cache
Gordok Inner Door Key
(One time use)
Guard Mol’dar
(Dire Maul North)
(Use Lockpicking or blasting charge for Tribute)
Opens the last room of Dire Maul North
Opens the door to Upper Blackrock Spire if in inventory and also can be used during the fight against Rend Blackhand
Opens Scarab Coffer


Most raids in WoW Classic require attunement before you will be able to enter them. In the case of Onyxia’s Lair, you will need to carry an item, Drakefire Amulet, in order to enter the raid after you complete the attunement quests.

How to Obtain
Wow Alliance CrestAlliance Quest: Dragonkin Menace
Horde Quest: Warlord’s Command
The Dread Citadel – Naxxramas
(Argent Dawn – Honored)
The Dread Citadel – Naxxramas
(Argent Dawn – Revered)
The Dread Citadel – Naxxramas
(Argent Dawn – Exalted)

Special Items

There are several items in the game that aren’t keys, but still allow access to things you can’t otherwise get to.

Special Items
How to Obtain
Goblin Transponder
(Horde only)
Quest: Rig Wars
Quest: Chief Engineer Scooty
Teleports you to the entrance of Gnomeregan
Kill Qiaga the Keeper and loot Sacred Mallet then bang the gong at Jintha’alor
Allows you to summon Gahz’rilla in Zul’Farrak
Teleports you to the last section of Maraudon
Start Quest Screecher Spirits
Allows you to summon Avatar of Hakkar in Sunken Temple
After completing The God Hakkar talk to Yeh’kinya
Allows you to summon Avatar of Hakkar in Sunken Temple
Allows you to summon Kirtonos the Herald in Scholomance
Blood of Innocents
Allows you to summon Kirtonos the Herald in Scholomance
Start Quest Broodling Essence
Allows you to kill Vectus in Scholomance
Wow Alliance CrestAlliance Quest: An Earnest Proposition
Horde Quest: An Earnest Proposition
Allows you to summon Theldren in Blackrock Depths
Wow Alliance CrestAlliance Quest: An Earnest Proposition
Horde Quest: An Earnest Proposition
Aqual Quintessence
Douse runes in Molten Core to summon Majordomo Executus (Need 8 in raid)
Available when Revered with Hydraxian Waterlords
Douse runes in Molten Core to summon Majordomo Executus (1 hour cooldown)
Twilight’s Hammer Mobs (Silithus)
Allows you to summon Azure Templar, Crimson Templar, Earthen Templar, or Hoary Templar in Silithus
Twilights Hammer Mobs (Silithus), 3 Templars (Summoned, Silithus)
Allows you to summon The Duke of Zephyrs, The Duke of Cynders, The Duke of Shards, or The Duke of Fathoms in Silithus
Twilights Hammer Mobs (Silithus), 9 Templars (Summoned, Silithus), 3 Dukes (Summoned, Silithus)
Allows you to summon High Marshal Whirlaxis, Prince Skaldrenox, Baron Kazum, or Lord Skwol in Silithus


About the Author


Long time Classic WoW fan, I've had more fun building tools for the game than actually playing it.
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