In a recent post on X, formerly Twitter, Aggrend, Senior Game Producer for WoW Classic asked the following:
This is an often debated topic within the community. Should raids be open immediately, or should they be delayed? As seen in Phase 1 of Season of Discovery, not delaying the raid lead to the raid being fully cleared before the vast majority of players had even reached level 25. This also meant that a majority of players missed at least one raid lockout, with a lot missing two or three lockouts.
Having raids open immediately also incentivizes rushing to max level, instead of taking time and enjoying the leveling experience. On the flip side, opening the raid a week later does not mean that the faster players will level any slower, it just means that the first raids inside will have significantly better gear than they otherwise would have.
Delaying raids also seems to fit significantly more with the laid back approach Blizzard seems to have chosen for Season of Discovery. No matter what, some portion of the community will be upset. What are your thoughts on this? Should the raid be delayed, or should those that reach max level faster have the chance to raid earlier?