The newly revamped Blackwing Lair raid has already been cleared in Season of Discovery, just a little over an hour after it opened. The first clear was achieved by the guild <Btribe> (formerly known as <BEEF BAR>) from the Living Flame (EU) realm in a very tight and rapid race!
This is the first world first in Season of Discovery that did not go to <none of the above>, who did not compete this time. The guild <Fake Fresh> was a very close second, also on the Living Flame (EU) server.
There are still challenges remaining for any guild looking for bragging rights: you can have up to five dragonflight trial affixes active in the raid at once, with each adding additional mechanics that you must deal with. The raid only offers rewards for up to 3 trials at once, but clearing with all 5 will be the ultimate challenge in this phase of Season of Discovery. There is also the newly overhauled 5-Priest Hakkar fight in Zul’Gurub, which was famously one of the most challenging fights in Vanilla WoW.