Earlier today Bornakk, a Blizzard Community Manager, posted on the official WoW Classic forums that Dire Maul is releasing at 10AM PDT. They originally announced on the 8th that they would be releasing it today in advance of the rest of the Phase 2 launch, which will now include world bosses Azuregos and Kazzak, the PVP Honor System (including Dishonorable Kills), and PvP Rank Rewards.
Dire Maul has some fantastic loot drops that players are exited to get, you can check it out on our instance loot lists:
Additionally this means that Warlocks and Paladins can work on getting their epic class mounts! Check out our warlock epic mount quest guide if you need help!
How to get to Dire Maul
- The closest flight path for Horde players is Camp Mojache. From there, then run west until reaching a road in the High Wilderness that forks to the North.
- Alliance players will fly into Feathermoon Stronghold as their closest flight path then run east until reaching a road in the High Wilderness that forks to the North.
Bosses: 16
Level Range: 54-60 (Recommended 55-60)
How to get the Crescent Key
Check out our Diremaul attunement guide for full instructions and a map to get the Crescent Key.
Following up on our announcement from last week, Dire Maul will become available today, October 15, at 10:00am PDT.