Free Character Moves are Now Open for Oceanic Realms in Both Directions for Season of Discovery

season of mastery transfers unlocked!
  • Author: Luxrah
  • Date: September 20, 2024
  • Updated: September 20, 2024
  • Expansion: WoW Classic

Oceanic realms that were originally left out of Tuesday’s realm consolidation are now able to transfer their character to the NA destination realms. Due to the hesitance of some players regarding the potential for higher latency on these servers, Blizzard is also allowing free transfers back to AU origin realms so that players can test the waters and see how it feels.

Here are the transfer options available:

  • Penance (AU) -> Wild Growth (NA)
  • Shadowstrike (AU) -> Crusader Strike (NA)
  • Wild Growth (NA) -> Penance (AU)
  • Crusader Strike (NA) -> Shadowstrike (AU)

Return transfers will eventually close, but they are planned to remain open for at least the next two weeks to give everyone a chance to decide where they want to be.

Fwoibles – (Source)

Hey there,

We have poured through all the feedback on this topic and settled on a direction forward for the Oceanic realms in Season of Discovery.

As of now, transfers are available from –

Penance (AU) —> Wild Growth
Shadowstrike (AU) —> Crusader Strike

Wild Growth —> Penance (AU)
Crusader Strike —> Shadowstrike (AU)

We’re leaving this both direction Free Character Move open to allow players to move a character, see how things feel and decide if they wish to commit and discuss things within their communities on next steps. The path back to the Oceanic realms is currently planned to remain open for the next two weeks, but we will evaluate extending that date if needed. It will not remain open indefinitely to avoid creating faction imbalance back-doors and farming shenanigans.

It is our belief that your best experiences within Season of Discovery lie on the larger realms and the effect of increased ping times is far less impactful than many players think. Classic World of Warcraft was designed for a world where dial-up was the norm and still performs well in surprisingly high latency. But, we also understand this is going to be very subjective to everyone.

We thank you for your patience while we mulled over the options here and hope this solution gives as much flexibility as possible for Oceanic players to try things out.

About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.

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