We’ve been waiting to hear more about what Blizzard has planned for us in Deadwind Pass for Phase 7 of Season of Discovery and beyond, and a quick visit to the area on today’s PTR build reveals that a Karazhan Crypts instance is indeed coming to the game at long last.
Heading to the crypt entrance behind the main castle reveals a brand new Meeting Stone, and hovering over it gives the name “Karazhan Crypts” with a level range of 58-60. The presence of this Meeting Stone and its level range suggests that this is a new endgame dungeon and not a raid.
The area around the crypt is mostly empty, but there’s a mysterious blue light emanating from the stairs that lead down inside. Heading down the stairs, you run into a static gate that blocks the way, but behind it you can see the glow of a purple portal.
Karazhan Crypts has been teased since Season of Discovery was first announced, and some of the season’s previous content has been leading us to Karazhan, such as the Dark Riders questline that brought us a rune for every class. Now that it appears to be finally making its way into the game, we’re reminded that the legendary weapon Atiesh in the upcoming Naxxramas raid allows its wielder to teleport themselves and their group to Karazhan (an effect that wasn’t previously useful in WoW Classic until the game progressed to The Burning Crusade expansion).
Map of the Karazhan Crypts area in WoW Classic
Notably, this isn’t the only upcoming content that we’ve spotted on the PTR. There’s also a new Scarlet Enclave area in Eastern Plaguelands, although that appears to be unfinished and may not be coming with Phase 7.
About the Author
I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.