- Author: Luxrah
- Date: January 23, 2024
- Updated: January 23, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Blizzard Community Manager Kaivax confirmed in a blue post today that Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor can no longer be restored using the lost item restoration tool. He also added that on February 6th, any Marks of Honor in player mailboxes will be purged.
This action is meant to prevent players from stockpiling Marks of Honor and using them to quickly level up when Phase 2 launches on February 8th. Marks of Honor are Unique (20) items, meaning you can only carry 20 at a time. Players have been looking to get around this by deleting and restoring their Marks and leaving the restored items in the mailbox.
Also recently announced for Phase 2 are changes to battleground matchmaking, but we don’t know what those will be yet.
Can confirm.
- In Season of Discovery, these items have been prevented from being restorable.
- During maintenance on February 6, we will purge any that are already in players’ mailboxes.
We suggest that any players who have any Marks in your mailbox, retrieve them and use them before the end of Phase 1, or they will be lost.
Does this mean that on February 7th, we can stack as many as we want in our mailboxes before P2 launches?