In addition to the hotfixes that went out today, Blizzard has announced plans for additional tuning to the Molten Core raid that will be implemented tomorrow, sometime after the weekly maintenance has ended and other changes have been implemented.
These changes include three adjustments to boss abilities on Heat level 1: Baron Geddon will cast Armageddon at 5% rather than 10% and his Living Bomb will no longer leave pools, and Ragnaros will only submerge once. And on Heat level 2, Baron Geddon‘s Living Bomb will be cast twice rather than three times.
There will also be adjustments made to dispel mechanics, and Flamewaker Protectors will use the their Dominate Mind ability less often.
All of this should amount to a smoother and easier experience in the new-old raid, particularly on the lowest difficulty level.
We’re working on a series of hotfixes to adjust Molten Core, and we don’t expect to get these changes implemented until some hours have passed after weekly maintenance tomorrow morning.
- Ragnaros no longer submerges twice on Heat 1.
- Baron Geddon now casts Armageddon at 5% on Heat 1 (was 10%).
- Baron Geddon now casts 2 Living Bombs at a time on Heat 2 (was 3 casts).
- Living Bomb no longer leaves Living Fallout pools on Heat 1.
- Flamewaker Protectors now cast Dominante Mind much less frequently.
- We’re maximized the cast and recast times of several dispel mechanics.
We’ll let you know when these changes go live tomorrow afternoon.