Phase 3 Begins March 20 for WoW Classic Anniversary Edition: Blackwing Lair, Darkmoon Faire, & Arathi Basin

Blackwing Lair

The next content phase for WoW Classic Anniversary Edition has a launch date. Phase 3 will begin on March 20th, adding another raid, battleground, and monthly event from vanilla World of Warcraft.

The main attraction is the Blackwing Lair raid, which marks the second raid tier for Classic WoW. This raid has its own attunement process, 8 bosses, and drops Tier 2 sets and other powerful new loot.

Also included in this phase are new reputation rewards for the Argent Dawn, Timbermaw Hold, Thorium Brotherhood, and Warsong Gulch factions (Silverwing Sentinels for Alliance, Warsong Outriders for Horde). Level 50 class quests inside the Temple of Atal’Hakkar dungeon, aka Sunken Temple, will finally be available too.

The Darkmoon Faire arrives in this phase as well, alternating between Elwynn Forest and Mulgore. It’s unclear whether this event will occur once a month as it did originally, or every two weeks like in Season of Discovery and Cataclysm Classic.

Two weeks after the beginning of Phase 3, we’ll see some additional content added for PvP on April 3rd. This includes the third and final battleground from vanilla WoW, Arathi Basin, as well as the removal of the PvP Honor Rank cap and the weekly battleground bonus events.

Blizzard – (Source)

The WoW Classic 20th Anniversary realms Phase 3 update arrives on March 20 at 3:00 pm PDT and includes the addition of the Blackwing Lair raid, new Reputation rewards, new Class quests, and more!

Release Timetable:

  • March 20: Phase 3, including Blackwing Lair raid, Level 50 Class Quests, Warsong Gulch Reputation lists, Eternal Quintessence, and Darkmoon Faire
  • April 3: PvP Honor Rank 11 cap removed, Arathi Basin Battleground opens, and Battleground Bonus Weekends

Arriving on March 20

Descend Into the Darkness: Blackwing Lair Raid Opens

In the dark recesses of Blackrock Mountain’s peak, Nefarian, the eldest son of Deathwing, conducts some of his most awful experimentation, controlling mighty beings like puppets and combining the eggs of different dragonflights with horrific results. Should he prove successful, even darker pursuits rest on the horizon.

The ominous depths of Blackwing Lair are waiting for those brave enough to face its dangers. Gather your staunchest allies and prepare to undertake a treacherous journey into the heart of the mountain to reap the treasures within.

Raid Bosses: 8
Level: 60
Location: Blackwing Lair is located at the very height of Blackrock Spire—enter the mountain from the Burning Steppes or Searing Gorge.

After you get attuned, eight bosses await within Blackwing Lair, each with their own challenges and strategies you’ll need to employ to defeat them. You’ll need to coordinate closely with your raid team to be victorious.

  • Razorgore the Untamed: Razorgore is tasked with protecting and cultivating various black dragon eggs secreted away in Blackwing Lair.
  • Vaelastrasz the Corrupt: Having confronted Nefarian and losing to him in battle, Vaelastrasz has been corrupted and forced to fight Nefarian’s enemies.
  • Broodlord Lashlayer: Lashlayer is a drakonid of the black dragonflight. Even though drakonid are not true dragons, the dragonflights often use them as frontline soldiers.
  • Firemaw, Ebonroc, and Flamegore: As members of the black dragonflight, each of these imposing dragons is under the command of Nefarian but ultimately owes their loyalty to Deathwing.
  • Chromaggus: A unique chromatic monster created by Nefarian, Chromaggus can harness the power of the various dragonflights against its enemies.
  • Nefarian: The lord of Blackrock Spire, Nefarian is a member of the black dragonflight, the eldest son of Deathwing, and the creator of the chromatic dragonflight.
Dress to Impress

Players can continue pursuing their Tier 2 set and associated bonuses in Blackwing Lair, including bracers, belts, boots, gloves, shoulders, and chests.

Tier 2 helms can be acquired in Onyxia’s Lair from Onyxia, and legs can be earned in Molten Core from Ragnaros.

Additional Items

You’ll also find some additional notable items, such as the Claw of the Black Drake, Chromatically Tempered Sword, and Dragonbreath Hand Cannon. You’ll also be able to loot Elementium Ore from the Blackwing Technician. This can be smelted to make an Elementium Bar, which is needed as a part of the quest line to forge the legendary sword Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.

As with his sister Onyxia, you’ll be able to loot the Head of Nefarian when you defeat him, which will begin a quest to spread the word of your victory.

Reputation Rewards and Level 50 Class Quests

Reputation Rewards

With Phase 3 comes earnable Reputation rewards with the Argent Dawn, Timbermaw Hold, Thorium Brotherhood, Silverwing Sentinels (Alliance), and Warsong Outriders (Horde). Here are just some of the rewards:

Level 50 Class Quests

If you’re level 50 or above, it’s time to seek out your class trainer in any major city to begin the adventure that will ultimately lead you into the belly of the Temple of Atal’Hakkar, nestled in the Swamp of Sorrows.

Druids will be sent to meet up with Towa Pathfinder in Un’Goro Crater who will give you a series of quests: Blood Petal Poison, Toxic Test, and A Final Ingredient.

At the completion of this questline, you’ll be able to choose between three rare-quality rewards: Grizzled Pelt, Forest’s Embrace, and Moonshadow Stave.

Discover the Mysteries of Azeroth at the Darkmoon Faire

A gathering of the exotic from around the world and beyond, the Darkmoon Faire celebrates the wondrous and mysterious found in Azeroth. While the Faire spends most of its time in parts unknown, Silas Darkmoon and his enigmatic employees occasionally visit Mulgore and Elwynn Forest. When the Faire is on its way, barkers will travel to Orgrimmar and Ironforge to announce its arrival.

Arriving on April 3

On April 3, two weeks after the launch of Phase 3, the PvP Honor Rank 11 cap will be removed, giving access to titles and awards for ranking up to 14. The gates of Arathi Basin will open for a 15 vs.15 resource battle, and more opportunities for Honor and Rewards can be had during Battleground holiday weekends.

Get Ready for Arathi Basin

Players: 15 vs.15
Level Range:20+
Capture Points: Farm, Mine, Blacksmith, Lumber Mill, and Stables
Resources Needed to Win: 2000

Battleground Holidays: More Honor and Rewards

Every weekend from Thursday night at midnight until early Tuesday morning, performing objectives in the featured battleground gains increased Honor and Faction rewards. Battleground holidays are on a weekly rotation cycle, starting the weekend of April 4 with Arathi Basin. Seek out the emissary in major cities to get the objective for the featured battleground to kick off your battle weekend.

We look forward to seeing how you fare in Phase 3 of WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition.

See you in Azeroth!

About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.

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