Seal of the Dawn Capped at Rank 7 in Season of Discovery

Seal of the Dawn Trinkets & Sanctified Gear Guide – Season of Discovery (SoD)

Blizzard has announced that the current cap for the Seal of of the Dawn items in Phase 7 of Season of Discovery will remain in place indefinitely. This decision was based on the current performance of groups in the Naxxramas raid and the desire not to trivialize the content with further buffs.

This means that you will not be able to upgrade the items past Rank 7. Any extra Remnants of Valor that you have saved can be spent on Argent Dawn Valor Tokens or sent to alts.

The change comes six weeks after the start of the phase. There’s been no update yet on when we can expect Phase 8 to arrive, although it has been confirmed as in the works.

Kaivax – (Source)

Since the raid opened, we’ve closely tracked the performance of groups in Naxxramas at all difficulties. We’ve now concluded that The Seal of the Dawn item will stop increasing at Rank 7.

This means there is no increase this week, and you will not have to spend Remnants of Valor if you are already at Rank 7.

If you have additional Remnants of Valor, you can spend them on Argent Dawn Valor Tokens or send them to alts via the mailbox to upgrade your alts’ Seal of the Dawn or increase their Argent Dawn reputation through Argent Dawn Valor Tokens.

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About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.

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