Season of Discovery Hotfixes August 13th – Alterac Valley Change, Rune Updates, and Class Changes

season of discovery hotfixes august 13th alterac valley change, rune updates, and class changes

To start off the % health buff that players saw in the previous battlegrounds is now going to be active in Alterac Valley as well. Who knew that super buffed abilities would make people blow up in PvP?

As for class changes, the major changes are going to be for Hunter, Rogue, and Paladin. Rogue and Paladin are receiving some nerfs, while Hunter they’re attempting to buff.

There’s also several other small changes present, so make sure to read below to see the full set of hotfixes.

Blizzard – (Source)

August 13, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • The % increase to player health that is present in Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin is now also active in Alterac Valley.
  • Items
    • Shard of the God’s summoned minion now has a 20-yard cone (was 40 yards) and will spend the first 3 seconds of its summon to run into range of a target.
  • Quests
    • “Stave of the Ancients” Demon NPCs will now respawn much more quickly.
  • Druid
    • The bonus on Moonkin Form that increases Moonfire (and Sunfire) periodic damage now increases it by 100% (was 50%).
  • Hunter
    • Immolation Trap now has a 7.5 second duration, but still deals the same amount of damage as it did over 15 seconds. This allows it to deliver all its damage before its cooldown is available again.
    • Raptor Fury now lasts 30 seconds and increases Raptor Strike damage by 15% per application (was 10%).
  • Mage
    • Arcane Barrage now has its mana cost correctly reduced by Clearcasting.
    • Pyroblasts from Hot Streak will no longer consume Clearcasting.
  • Paladin
    • Divine Light now has an 8 second cooldown.
  • Rogue
    • Main Gauche will now correctly be consumed when you Parry an attack, regardless of the type of enemy you are fighting.
    • Focused Attacks now refunds 2 Energy from critical strikes (was 3 Energy).
    • Envenom’s erroneous spell power ratio has been removed.
  • Shaman
    • Shamanistic Rage now grants the rest of the party and raid 18% of the mana granted to the Shaman (was 10%).
      • Developers’ notes: This change was made to better equalize mana provided to parties and raids between horde and alliance.
    • Warlock
      • Warlock pets will now correctly benefit from Fel Armor’s increase to their master’s spell power.

About the Author


I've been playing WoW since beta with some breaks here and there. I'm a semi-hardcore to hardcore raider that focuses on retail mainly. I'm a big fan of giant dragons and am excited for all that Dragonflight will have to offer.

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