Blue Post: Cause of the Crash Found - Warcraft Tavern

Cause of the Crash Found

Dec 18, 2021


I’m hijacking the title of this thread to make it as clear as possible that the PTR is offline.

Have a good weekend.

Dec 18, 2021

It’s looking unlikely we are going to be able to solve this tonight. This plus another few crashes we’ve discovered are likely to make raid testing pretty difficult, so we are likely going to be shutting PTR down shortly and will be looking to reschedule our raid test for a later date.

For what it’s worth, this is the result of some of the backend changes we made that we alluded to in our dev notes for this week. This was a pretty large under-the-hood change and these issues are the exact kind of thing we were hoping we’d catch with a PTR. Obviously would have preferred it to not be this severe, but we are glad to have the data and reports in any case.

We intensely appreciate your help today, however. Please enjoy your weekend!

Dec 18, 2021

Thanks everyone, we are looking into this now. Unclear if we will be able to get it resolved tonight or not at this point, but we are actively working on it.

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