Race Requirements for Mage, Priest & Rogue Removed in Dragonflight Pre-Patch
October 25, 2022 • lettara
With the arrival of Dragonflight: Pre-Patch, you will now be able to make a Mage, Priest or Rogue of any race! In effect, 8 new race/class combinations will be available. Not only…
Dragonflight: Legacies – Chapter 1 Released!
October 25, 2022 • lettara
In the first installment of Blizzard’s new animated short series, we watch Nozdormu the Eternal explain the never-before-seen history of the Dragonflight. We travel back in time, d…
Dragonflight Beta Updates: Class Changes, Talents Rework, Hotfixes & More
October 21, 2022 • lettara
Blizzard just announced a whole bunch of class changes soon to be implemented on the Dragonflight Beta. They claim they will continue to adjust values as they see fit, in order to…
Dragonflight: Legacies – Animated Shorts Series Premiers October 25
October 21, 2022 • lettara
Tune in to watch Blizzard’s newest animated series, set to release on the day of Dragonflight Pre-Patch, October 25th. This series will chronicle the life of Nozdormu, and through…
Dragonflight Roadmap Soars Ahead
October 19, 2022 • milliondollarpuppy
With the releases of World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight expansion on the horizon, Blizzard has released a statement on the plans for pre-patch that will begin on October 25th. The pr…
Dracthyr Racial Ability ‘Soar’ Adjusted & Dragonriding Updates
October 19, 2022 • Furious
WoW Developer Greyton took to the official forums to post an updated related to upcoming changes to the Dracthyr Racial Ability Soar. This change comes as a result of player feedba…
Dragonflight Beta Development Notes for Oct 18: Class Talent & Class Item Set Updates
October 19, 2022 • Furious
Blizzard Community Manager Linxy has posted a long list of updated to the World of Warcraft Dragonflight Beta today. These changes span across talent adjustments for all classes as…
First Of Two Dragonflight Prepatches Coming October 25th
October 18, 2022 • Passion
The first of two prepatches for Dragonflight has been announced. The first update will be going live on October 25th alongside regular maintenance. Once the update is live, players…
The Future of Mythic+ in Dragonflight
October 17, 2022 • Passion
A recent bluepost responding to Pantheaeu from the WoW Community Council has given a lot of insight into the future plans for Mythic+ in Dragonflight, and how it will evolve as a g…
Dragonflight Beta Key Giveaway
October 13, 2022 • Spannah
As a reminder, there are still Beta keys for the Dragonflight expansion being given away by several content creators. While below you will find the list of content creators that wi…
Dragonflight: Major Factions Preview
October 7, 2022 • Spannah
With Dragonflight’s rapidly approaching release date, we now have the preview for another Dragonflight system: Major Factions. This “Major Factions” system is a mix of both reputat…
The Winds of Wisdom 50% XP Buff Is Now Active on Retail
October 5, 2022 • Spannah
With this week’s weekly reset, characters levels 10-59 now have the Winds of Wisdom buff, which increases experience gains by 50%. This buff will remain until the release of the Dr…
WoW Hotfixes October 3rd: Conquest Boxes
October 4, 2022 • Spannah
Just like last season, characters ranked 1400 or higher in any of the ranked PvP brackets can now spend their conquest on bind-on-account boxes containing 275 gear. You will find t…
WoW Hotfixes September 29th: Forgotten Proto-Vault
September 30, 2022 • Spannah
Small hotfix changing the behaviour of the Forgotten Proto-Vault chest (drops Schematic: Prototype Leaper) in Zereth Mortis that will now appear even when the World Quest “Frog’it”…
Dragonflight Season 1 Release Date
September 30, 2022 • Spannah
With the recently announced release of the Dragonflight expansion, we now also have more details about its first Season of content that is set to release on December 12th. Unlike p…