Dragonflight Release Date Changed – 11-28-22
September 29, 2022 • Baed
The release date advertised on the Dragonflight main page has now been updated to show a November 28th release date, putting it in line with recent leaks of an October 25th pre-pat…
More Dragonflight Beta Key Giveaways
September 28, 2022 • Spannah
Similarly to the post from a couple of weeks ago, for people that have opted-in for the beta test but haven’t been able to get their hands on a beta access, several content creator…
WoW Hotfixes September 27th: M+ Quaking Adjustment
September 28, 2022 • Spannah
Small hotfix aimed at preventing players from being damaged by the Quaking affix while they’re unable to react.
WoW Hotfixes September 23rd: Solo Shuffle Mage Food
September 24, 2022 • Spannah
Small hotfix to an unintended interaction with mage food in Solo Shuffle, which could grant players mana regeneration.
WoW Hotfixes September 22nd: Hylbrande Bypass Code
September 23, 2022 • Spannah
Small hotfix to the Hylbrande encounter in the Tazavesh: So’leah’s Gambit dungeon, where the Bypass Code would sometimes not be picked up by the player and would instead disappear…
Solo Shuffle Showdown Begins September 23rd
September 22, 2022 • Spannah
The Solo Shuffle Showdown esports event that was announced earlier this month will begin on the 23rd and end on the 25th, all of which will be streamed over at YouTube and Twitch….
WoW Hotfixes September 20th: More Creation Spark Changes
September 21, 2022 • Spannah
With today’s hotfix, several bosses’ abilities in the Sanctum of Domination and Sepulcher of the First Ones Fated Raids will no longer be altered by the Fated Infusion: Creation Sp…
Warcraft “Visage Day” Short Story
September 21, 2022 • Spannah
Blizzard just released a short story written by Lead Narrative Designer Steve Danuser, which is part of the Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth short story collection. If you’re inte…
Dragonflight Beta Key Giveaways
September 16, 2022 • Spannah
With the Dragonflight beta being underway, only a handful of players have been selected to participate while many more hope to get lucky in the future invite waves. However, you ca…
WoW Hotfixes September 15th: Anduin Wrynn Fated Powers
September 16, 2022 • Spannah
Today we’re getting a small hotfix to the Anduin Wrynn encounter in the Fated Sepulcher of the First Ones raid, with Anduin’s Hope no longer being affected by the Fated Infusion: P…
What To Do Before Dragonflight’s Release
September 16, 2022 • Spannah
With Dragonflight releasing before the end of the year and its pre-patch even sooner, there are a few things that will become unobtainable. While some things will no longer be avai…
WoW Hotfixes September 13th: Fated Power Adjustments
September 14, 2022 • Spannah
With today’s hotfix, several encounters in Fated Castle Nathria and Fated Sepulcher of the First Ones raids will have their interactions with Fated Powers Fated Infusion: Protoform…
WoW Hotfixes September 9th: Dark Ranger Customization
September 10, 2022 • Spannah
Small hotfix to fix an issue with the Dark Ranger customization options not being available.
The Xymox’s Charity Cache Event Arrives on September 10th
September 9, 2022 • Spannah
Following the announcement of a new charity event in World of Warcraft at the end of August, we now have more information on the upcoming Xymox’s Charity Cache event! As a reminder…
Unlock a Mount in Shadowlands by Playing a Death Knight in Wrath of the Lich King: Classic
September 9, 2022 • Spannah
With the release of the Wrath of the Lich King: Classic pre-patch, players are now able to create the Death Knight Hero Class and play through their unique starting experience. Whi…