20th Anniversary Celebration Crates

20th Anniversary Celebration Crates

As part of the Guest Relations Secret Event, there are several Celebration Crates scattered around Azeroth for players to find. Finding these crates is required for the Crate Insurance Agent and No Crate Left Behind achievements. Each Celebration Crate you bring to Alyx will also net you 5 Timewarped Badges.

The 20th Anniversary Event concluded on January 6, 2025, but Alyx has moved to Dornogal to accommodate players who wish to complete this portion of the Guest Relations event.

Clues to locating these crates can be obtained by speaking with Alyx after you have completed the Guest Relations introductory quests. Choose the dialogue option to ask her for her hardest puzzles. You will then be able to pick up notes from the bulletin board next to her that give you hints at where you can find the crates. You won’t need these clues if you know where to look for the crates, though, so feel free to skip this step if you’re following this guide!

Below are the locations of all of the Celebration Crates. All 11 have now been found!

Battered Celebration Crate

  • Clue: 2 Torn Notes looted from Scrap of Paper on the ground (one is beside Fiona’s caravan – 61.3, 50.9; one is behind the Black Market Liaison underneath the Fashion Frenzy stage – 63.3, 49.5)
  • Location: Rivenwood in Howling Fjord (29.4, 6.4)

You can follow the coordinates from the two Torn Notes using your Tricked-Out Thinking Cap, or you can skip ahead to the final location using this guide. If you follow the thinking cap, the first location will be at the Conquest Hold Gate in Grizzly Hills, and then you’ll stop at a tree stump southwest of Forest’s Edge Outpost.

The final location will take you to a cave just inside the border of Howling Fjord where you’ll find the Battered Celebration Crate tucked between the rocks at the cave entrance (29.4, 6.4.).

guest relations battered celebration crate

Charred Celebration Crate

  • Clue: Burnt Ransom Note (from the notice board beside Alyx)
  • Location: Whistling Grove in Hyjal (13.6, 33.5)

Journey to the Hyjal zone in Kalimdor – you can get there by taking one of the Cataclysm portals in either Stormwind or Orgimmar. Then fly to The Whistling Grove on the far northwest of the zone, past the Grove of Aessina. There you’ll find a leather trampoline that is used in a daily quest to rescue bear cubs. At the base of the trampoline, you should see the Charred Celebration Crate (13.6, 33.5).

guest relations charred celebration crate

Crystallized Celebration Crate

  • Clue: Shiny Ransom Note (from the notice board beside Alyx)
  • Location: Oshu’gun in Nagrand (35.3, 74.7)

Head to Outland for this one – you can take a portal to Shattrath in your faction capital’s portal room. From there fly to Oshu’gun in Nagrand and look for the cavern entrance on the north side (35.8, 67.8). Head down into the draenei structure within and you’ll find the Crystallized Celebration Crate against the wall in the central room (35.3, 74.7).

Dirt-Caked Celebration Crate

  • Clue: Dirt-Caked Ransom Note (from the notice board beside Alyx)
  • Location: Karazhan Crypts in Deadwind Pass (22.5, 83.7)

Enter the Karazhan Crypts through the entrance west of the main castle (39.9, 73.4). Follow the path down and take the first right. Follow the curving path down, staying to the left until you reach the Forgotten Crypt, a large chamber with a hilly dirt floor. Go straight across this room and swim across The Upside-down Sinners to reach The Slough of Dispair. You’ll find the Dirt-Caked Celebration Crate in the back left corner of this room.

Ghostly Celebration Crate

  • Clue: Ghostly Ransom Note (from the notice board beside Alyx)
  • Location: Seat of The Primus in Maldraxxus (50.0, 73.8)

Head to the Shadowlands by taking the portal to Oribos in your faction capital’s portal room, and take the flight path out to Plague Watch in Maldraxxus. Fly up to the Seat of The Primus and look for an alcove inside the front of the giant statue. You’ll find the Ghostly Celebration Crate in a corner near the portal (50.0, 73.8).

Hazy Celebration Crate

  • Clue: Unknown; discovered early without the clue
  • Location: Kodo Graveyard in Desolace (54.1, 58.1)

Travel to the Kodo Graveyard in Desolace and look for a glowing green spot between some small trees (54.1, 58.1). You must be a ghost to see the crate here. The easiest way to do this is to fall off your flying mount and run from the nearby graveyard. Be sure to loot the Hazy Celebration Crate before you rez!

guest relations hazy celebration crate

Mildewed Celebration Crate

  • Clue: Mildewed Ransom Note (from the notice board beside Alyx)
  • Location: Thunder Peak in Ashenvale (47.9, 38.4); Dire Maul in Feralas (60.4, 35.4)

Travel to Thunder Peak, the mountain in the middle of Ashenvale where Lord Magmathar resides (47.9, 38.4). Horde can fly there from Orgrimmar while Alliance may want to take the Cataclysm portal to Hyjal from Stormwind and fly south from there. On the peak right behind the elite fire elemental you’ll see a blue bottle, a Potion of Truth. Drink it to get a buff of the same name that lasts for 30 minutes.

While this buff is active, fly south to Feralas. Don’t take a flight path or a portal or anything as it will remove the buff, and you need it to be able to see the crate. You’ll find the Mildewed Celebration Crate in Eldreth Row, the entrance to Dire Maul, tucked in a corner (60.4, 35.4).

Sandy Celebration Crate

  • Clue: Sandy Ransom Note (from the notice board beside Alyx)
  • Location: Sunken Dig Site in Thousand Needles (64.9, 84.4) and then a patrolling vendor in Azsuna

Head to the Sunken Dig Site in Thousand Needles and dive straight down (66.2, 86.2). You’ll find the entrance to an underwater silithid cave. Follow the tunnel down, staying to the right until you reach a dead end (64.9, 84.4). There you’ll find a Water-Resistant Receipt of Sale on the ground that you can loot to get a Water-Resistant Receipt. You must have this item to get the crate.

Now head to Azsuna in the Broken Isles and look for Vashti the Wandering Merchant. He patrols the northeast road between The Ruined Sanctum and Farondale. If you have the receipt, he’ll sell you a Sandy Celebration Crate for 500 gold.

guest relations vashti the wandering merchant

Soggy Celebration Crate

  • Clue: Damp Ransom Note (from the notice board beside Alyx)
  • Location: The Dive Bar in Zuldazar (54.2, 54.2)

Head to The Dive Bar, which is underwater in the river southwest of Dazar’alor in Zuldazar, and look for Nikto (54.3, 54.5). Buy a Clam Digger from him for 2 gold 50 silver. Then look for a clam with the name Gerald on a shelf above and behind Nikto. Interact with Gerald and you’ll be able to use the Clami Digger to open his shell and reveal the Soggy Celebration Crate inside. Loot it and return to Alyx for your reward.

Surprisingly Pristine Celebration Crate

  • Clue: Surprisingly Pristine Ransom Note (from the notice board beside Alyx)
  • Location: Bluffpoint in Stormheim (37.3, 47.7); you will need an item from a cave in Ahn’Qiraj (44.6, 90.1)

You will need a dog battle pet for this so they can dig up the crate. Fly out to Ahn’Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom in the southwest corner of Kalimdor and look for a cave on the southwest coast (entrance: 42.1, 92.7). Head inside to find a sleeping red dragon, Andrestrasz, and summon your dog pet. Walk over to some of the bones in the room and they will dig up some Mysterious Bones (44.6, 90.1).

Pick up the bones and head to Stormheim in the Broken Isles. You can take the portal to Azsuna in your faction capital’s portal room and fly across. Locate a grave atop Bluffpoint, a peak between Weeping Bluffs and Aggramar’s Vault (37.3. 47.7). Use the Mysterious Bones here to bury them and loot the Surprisingly Pristine Celebration Crate.

guest relations surprisingly pristine celebration crate

Waterlogged Celebration Crate

  • Clue: Sun-Baked Ransom Note (from the notice board beside Alyx)
  • Location: Underwater off the coast of Tanaris (69.2, 68.6)

Go southeast of the Caverns of Time and look for two underwater buildings off the coast (69.2, 68.6). Swim down and enter the taller of the two. You’ll see an elevator moving up and down; swim up to the top floor through the elevator opening and look for the Waterlogged Celebration Crate behind one of the beds. Be careful here, as the elevator is known to crash the game, and it’s also easy to get stuck against the ceiling.


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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4 months ago

10th crate is available now

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