- Author: Luxrah
- Date: October 24, 2024
- Updated: January 17, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
The 2024 anniversary celebration has attracted some uninvited guests, and it’s your job to clear them out! Six World Bosses from previous World of Warcraft expansions are making their appearance during the event. They each drop some unique gear and a few even drop mounts.
Level Range & Lockout
You must be at least level 15 to face off against these World Bosses. You won’t be able to queue for Premade Groups in the Group Finder until level 50, but you could head to the boss’s location and hope for a raid to come along. As long as you do some damage to the boss, you should get credit.
Each one has a loot lockout that resets once per day, so there’s not much point in defeating them any more often than that.
Weekly Quest
There are two alternating weekly quests. The Originals requires killing the three bosses from Vanilla World of Warcraft: Azuregos, Lord Kazzak, and one of the four Dragons of Nightmare, Emeriss, Lethon, Taerar, or Ysondre. Timely Gate Crashers requires the three bosses who are terrorizing Tanaris: Doomwalker, Sha of Anger, and Archavon the Stone Watcher.
Either quest gives 1 Bronze Celebration Goodie Bag and 3 Bronze Celebration Tokens as well as some gold and experience. The week’s quest can be picked up from Izaik Kadarov at the celebration grounds in Tanaris (62.3, 51.8).

There are four achievements to be earned by defeating World Bosses during the 20th Anniversary Event.
- A Gatecrasher: Defeat Archavon the Stonewatcher, Doomwalker, or Sha of Anger.
- The Gatecrashers: Defeat all three World Bosses in Tanaris – Archavon the Stonewatcher, Doomwalker, and Sha of Anger.
- An Original: Defeat Azuregos, Lord Kazzak, or any of the four Dragons of Nightmare.
- The Originals: Defeat all of the World Bosses outside Tanaris – Azuregos, Lord Kazzak, and all four Dragons of Nightmare.
20th Anniversary World Bosses
There are six World Bosses available during the 20th Anniversary Event. Five are static: Archavon the Stone Watcher, Azuregos, Doomwalker, Lord Kazzak, and Sha of Anger are always available and always spawn in the same general area. The sixth boss is one of the four Dragons of Nightmare: Emeriss, Lethon, Taerar, or Ysondre, who each spawn in a different location on different days.

Three of these bosses are found in Tanaris while the other three are scattered across Azeroth. You can spot them on the world map or zone map by looking for the World Boss icon.

Archavon the Stone Watcher
This boss from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion has apparently escaped from the Vault of Archavon in Wintergrasp and somehow landed in Tanaris. He is initially encased in a bubble and guarded by 5 Val’kyr Hunters. You must defeat the Val’kyrs in order to pull the boss. He is one of the two new bosses to the anniversary event in 2024.
For Archavon’s location, abilities, and loot, see our Archavon the Stone Watcher Anniversary Guide.

One of the original world bosses in Vanilla WoW, this boss can be found in Azshara.
For Azuregos’s location, abilities, and loot, see our Azuregos Anniversary Guide.

This boss from the Burning Crusade is now terrorizing the celebration event in Tanaris.
For Doomwalker’s location, abilities, and loot, see our Doomwalker Anniversary Guide.

Lord Kazzak
Another original boss from Vanilla WoW, this boss can once again be found in the Blasted Lands.
For Lord Kazzak’s location, abilities, and loot, see our Lord Kazzak Anniversary Guide.

Sha of Anger
This boss from the Mists of Pandaria expansion has somehow made its way from Kun-Lai Summit to Tanaris. It is one of the two new bosses for the anniversary event in 2024.
For Sha of Anger’s location, abilities, and loot, see our Sha of Anger Anniversary Guide.

Dragons of Nightmare
These are the four Dragons of Nightmare who guarded the portals to the Emerald Dream in Vanilla WoW. Only one spawns at any given time and they rotate on a daily basis. You can see the time remaining on the current dragon by hovering over their icon on the world map.
This Dragon of Nightmare appears outside the Emerald Dream portal in Duskwood.
For Emeriss’s location, abilities, and loot, see our Emeriss, Dragon of Nightmare Anniversary Guide.

This Dragon of Nightmare appears outside the Emerald Dream portal in The Hinterlands.
For Lethon’s location, abilities, and loot, see our Lethon, Dragon of Nightmare Anniversary Guide.

This Dragon of Nightmare appears outside the Emerald Dream portal in Duskwood.
For Taerar’s location, abilities, and loot, see our Taerar, Dragon of Nightmare Anniversary Guide.

This Dragon of Nightmare appears outside the Emerald Dream portal in Duskwood.
For Ysondre’s location, abilities, and loot, see our Ysondre, Dragon of Nightmare Anniversary Guide.

What is the timer on Emeriss?
The Originals Quest does not appear at all this year.
It’s random which of the two quests appears each week, but they don’t appear at the same time.
Cant join premade groups below level 50. So how to kill world boss lol
Good point, though you can still head to the boss’s location and hope that a raid shows up to kill it. As long as you get some damage on it you’ll get credit. I will make note of that point in the guide, though – thank you!