- Author: Luxrah
- Date: September 13, 2024
- Updated: February 26, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
Throughout the continent of Khaz Algar you’ll encounter many unique, named, “rare” enemies. Defeating these enemies is required for an Adventurer achievement in each zone. They also reward reputation for the zone’s major faction once per week for your Warband.
These rares found in the Azj-Kahet are required for the Adventurer of Azj-Kahet achievement, and offer 50 reputation each with each of three The Severed Threads Pact leaders once per week.
Maps for All Locations

One-Time Rare Spawns
These rares are level 78 and only count as a rare mob the first time you kill them on a character:
- Abyssal Devourer (46.3, 38.5)
- Ahg’zagall (37.9, 42.6)
- Rhak’ik & Khakik (44.8, 39.8)
- Vilewing (35.1, 38.4)
- Webspeaker Grik’ik (61.2, 27.2)
Repeatable Rare Spawns
These rares are always level 80 and will always count as a rare mob when killed. Mobs marked with an asterisk (*) are Elites:
- Cha’tak (70.7. 21.3)
- Deepcrawler Tx’kesh* (64.9, 6.3)
- Enduring Gutterface (58.0, 62.5)
- Harvester Qixt* (64.1, 87.3)
- Jix’ak the Crazed* (67.1, 82.9)
- Kaheti Silk Hauler (65.1, 19.3)
- They may appear as Siegehold Scouts on the map
- Maddened Siegebomber (61.8, 75.0)
- Monstrous Lasharoth (69.6, 69.0)
- Skirmisher Sa’zryk* (61.8, 8.6)
- May appear as Kaheti Bladeguard on the map
- The Groundskeeper (City of Threads 31.0, 56.2)
- May appear as Chitin Hulk on the map
- The One Left (64.4, 95.2)
- Has a chance to drop the Earthen Adventurer’s Cloak cosmetic
- The Oozekhan* (62.1, 89.9)
- Tka’ktath* (63.7, 67.2)
- Has a longer respawn time. When it spawns, there will be a chat message in the zone that says “The shadow of a hungering beast moves over the city.”
- Has a chance to drop Vial of Tka’ktath’s Blood, which starts a quest chain to earn the Siesbarg mount
- Umbraclaw Matra* (64.5, 3.5)
- Xishorr (City of Threads 67.4, 58.3)
- XT-Minecrusher 8700 (76.7, 57.8)
Video Walkthrough
TomTom Codes
These codes can be typed into the chat to mark locations on your map if you have the TomTom addon.
/way Azj-Kahet 46.3, 38.5 Abyssal Devourer
/way Azj-Kahet 37.9, 42.6 Ahg'zagall
/way Azj-Kahet 44.8, 39.8 Rhak'ik & Khakik
/way Azj-Kahet 35.1, 38.4 Vilewing
/way Azj-Kahet 61.2, 27.2 Webspeaker Grik'ik
/way Azj-Kahet 70.7. 21.3 Cha'tak
/way Azj-Kahet 31.2, 56.3 Chitin Hulk
/way Azj-Kahet 64.9, 6.3 Deepcrawler Tx'kesh
/way Azj-Kahet 58.0, 62.5 Enduring Gutterface
/way Azj-Kahet 64.1, 87.3 Harvester Qixt
/way Azj-Kahet 67.1, 82.9 Jix'ak the Crazed
/way Azj-Kahet 65.1, 19.3 Kaheti Silk Hauler
/way Azj-Kahet 61.8, 75.0 Maddened Siegebomber
/way Azj-Kahet 69.6, 69.0 Monstrous Lasharoth
/way Azj-Kahet 61.8, 8.6 Skirmisher Sa'zryk
/way City of Threads 31.0, 56.2 The Groundskeeper
/way Azj-Kahet 64.4, 95.2 The One Left
/way Azj-Kahet 62.1, 89.9 Oozekhan
/way Azj-Kahet 63.7, 67.2 Tka'ktath
/way Azj-Kahet 64.5, 3.5 Umbraclaw Matra
/way City of Threads 67.4, 58.3 Xishorr
/way Azj-Kahet 76.7, 57.8 XT-Minecrusher 8700