Adventurer of Hallowfall Rares Locations & Achievement Guide

Adventurer of Hallowfall Rares Locations & Achievement Guide

Throughout the continent of Khaz Algar you’ll encounter many unique, named, “rare” enemies. Defeating these enemies is required for an Adventurer achievement in each zone. They also reward reputation for the zone’s major faction once per week for your Warband.

These rares found in the

Hallowfall zone are required for the Adventurer of Hallowfall achievement, and offer 150 reputation each with the Hallowfall Arathi once per week.

Maps for All Locations

One-Time Rare Spawns

These rares scale from level 75 to level 77, and only count as a rare mob the first time you kill them on a character:

  • Deepfiend Azellix (72.0, 64.2)
  • Funglour (36.8, 71.8)
  • Grimslice (34.2, 52.0)
  • Ixlorb the Spinner (57.0, 64.2)
  • Murkshade (51.9, 27.4)

Repeatable Rare Spawns

These rares are always level 80 and will always count as a rare mob when killed. Mobs marked with an asterisk (*) are Elites:

  • Beledar’s Spawn* — multiple spawn points, spawns whenever Beledar goes dark
  • Crazed Cabbage Smacker* (64.7, 29.7)
    • Spawns when the Whirring Field Keyflame goes out in the Spreading the Light event
  • Croakit* (67.4, 23.4)
    • Fish up 10 Shadowblind Groupers from the schools nearby and throw them at him until he attacks you
  • Deathpetal* (63.2, 31.4)
    • Spawns when the Fungal Field Keyflame goes out in the Spreading the Light event
  • Deathtide* (44.7, 42.4)
  • Duskshadow* (64.4, 18.8)
    • Spawns when the Torchlight Mine Keyflame goes out in the Spreading the Light event
  • Finclaw* Bloodtide (60.5, 18.4)
    • Spawns when the Faded Shore Keyflame goes out in the Spreading the Light event
  • Horror of the Shallows (22.1, 49.0)
    • This shark patrols a wide swath of coast from near the Veneration Grounds to the tip of Lorel’s Crossing
  • Lytfang the Lost (23.0, 59.2)
  • Moth’ethk* (63.4, 28.8)
    • Spawns when the Light’s Blooming Keyflame goes out in the Spreading the Light event
  • Murkspike* (62.4, 13.2)
    • Spawns when the Bleak Sand Keyflame goes out in the Spreading the Light event
  • Parasidious* (64.4, 31.0)
    • You’ll first need to purchase Darkroot Grippers from Chef Dinaire, who appears when the Lesser Keyflame is lit at Duskrise Acreage. Then tug on Shadowrooted Vines nearby until one spawns the mob.
  • Pride of Beledar (57.6, 48.5)
  • Ravageant* (61.8, 31.8)
    • Spawns when the Duskrise Acreage Keyflame goes out in the Spreading the Light event
  • Sir Alastair Purefire (36.2, 35.6)
  • Sloshmuck (73.5, 52.4)
  • Strength of Beledar (42.8, 31.0)
  • The Perchfather (44.0, 16.2)
  • The Taskmaker (56.8, 69.2)
  • Toadstomper* (66.4, 24.2)
    • Spawns when the Stillstone Pond Keyflame goes out in the Spreading the Light event

Video Walkthrough

TomTom Codes

These codes can be typed into the chat to mark locations on your map if you have the TomTom addon.

/way Hallowfall 72.0, 64.2 Deepfiend Azellix
/way Hallowfall 36.8, 71.8 Funglour
/way Hallowfall 34.2, 52.0 Grimslice
/way Hallowfall 57.0, 64.2 Ixlorb the Spinner
/way Hallowfall 51.9, 27.4 Murkshade
/way Hallowfall 64.7, 29.7 Crazed Cabbage Smacker
/way Hallowfall 67.4, 23.4 Croakit
/way Hallowfall 63.2, 31.4 Deathpetal
/way Hallowfall 44.7, 42.4 Deathtide
/way Hallowfall 64.4, 18.8 Duskshadow
/way Hallowfall 60.5, 18.4 Finclaw Bloodtide
/way Hallowfall 22.1, 49.0 Horror of the Shallows
/way Hallowfall 23.0, 59.2 Lytfang the Lost
/way Hallowfall 63.4, 28.8 Moth'ethk
/way Hallowfall 62.4, 13.2 Murkspike
/way Hallowfall 64.4, 31.0 Parasidious
/way Hallowfall 57.6, 48.5 Pride of Beledar
/way Hallowfall 61.8, 31.8 Ravageant
/way Hallowfall 36.2, 35.6 Sir Alastair Purefire
/way Hallowfall 73.5, 52.4 Sloshmuck
/way Hallowfall 42.8, 31.0 Strength of Beledar
/way Hallowfall 44.0, 16.2 The Perchfather
/way Hallowfall 56.8, 69.2 The Taskmaker
/way Hallowfall 66.4, 24.2 Toadstomper


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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