Algari Weaverline Fishing Enchantment Guide

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The Algari Weaverline is an enchantment created by Tailoring that can be attached to any type of Fishing Pole, granting you the Algari Weaverline buff. You can either craft the Algari Weaverline enchantment yourself with Tailoring or it can be directly bought from the Auction House or another tailor.

This buff allows you to collect Algari Seekerthread and Algari Anglerthread to increase your Perception and Fishing Skill respectively. The skill is self-explanatory, allowing you to improve your chance of fishing in harder zones such as Azj-Kahet while Perception increases your chance to find rarer fish and items from Fishing Schools and Shore Treasures/Floating Deep Treasures/Whispers of the Deep. Skill and Perception also play a role in catching fish outside the specific Fishing Pools.

The knowledge you gather by collecting Algari Seekerthread and Algari Anglerthread is shared across your Warband once you reach a certain threshold!

Farming Algari Seekerthread & Algari Anglerthread

Algari Seekerthread and Algari Anglerthread can be acquired in two specific ways. The main way is by fishing, with both items being random drops from all the areas of Khaz Algar. The second way is by purchasing them directly from Captain Oathmyt.

Captain Oathmyt will only be available on Saturdays when the Fishing Derby is being hosted. Besides the Fishing Derby Quest which she offers, she also sells plenty of fishing goods, among which you will also be able to find the Algari Seekerthread and Algari Anglerthread.

Both the Algari Seekerthread and Algari Anglerthread can be bought with Mereldar Derby Marks which can be fished from Shore Treasures/Floating Deep Treasures/Whispers of the Deep.

Captain Oathmyt Location

You will be able to find Captain Oathmyt on the outskirts of Mereldar. She can be located next to a pond which is situated in proximity to a big watermill.

Captain Oathmyt Vendor

Each piece of Algari Seekerthread and Algari Anglerthread can be bought for 10 x Mereldar Derby Mark! Captain Oathmyt provides an infinite amount of Algari Seekerthread and Algari Anglerthread, making it possible to reach 100 Skill and 100 Perception by simply buying the items from her.


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Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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6 months ago

Good job on the guide!

6 months ago

You can get the threads even without having the weaverline. You only get the derby coins for fishing up each fish for the first time during the derby and from the derby quest.

Reply to  NotFindingUsefulInfo
6 months ago

I have been fishing up derby coins from pools while the Fishing Derby is NOT active. If you have the derby buff, you fish them up much more frequently (about 20% of casts) but it is not required. I have fished up the threads from open water and pools, but you get them more frequently from the junk pools.

6 months ago

In this guide it doesnt explain how to apply the thread to your actual fishing rod!
I cant figure this out! Any hints on that be very helpful !

Reply to  Cashet
6 months ago

First you have to get a tailor to craft you Algari Weaverline. Then you attach that to the pole in your fishing equipment slot. After that, you can attach the threads.

6 months ago

Nobody seems to know the answer to this question, and none of the guides mention it. If you use the Algari Weaverline on your green fishing pole, do you have to buy/craft another one when you upgrade your fishing pole to the blue version? It costs 100 Artisan’s Acuity to craft the weaverline, and since AA is stupidly rare, I don’t want to waste any if I can’t keep it for my blue pole.

5 months ago

On my 1st tune, I attached my Weaver line to a green fishing pole. Don’t ask me why I did something so silly. Now I’m scared to craft a blue fishing pole considering I may lose my +60 buff.

Reply to  Pasture
4 months ago

I’m sure you’ve figured it out by now, but as someone that did this exact same “mistake” – you can just get your blue fishing rod and slap a new weaverline onto it, and all the bonuses you accumulated before that will come along just fine.
It’s what I did just today.

2 months ago

If you have 2 fishing rods with 2 weaverlines, to which are the threads going to apply? The older, the newer, the currently equipped?

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