Bagnon Addon Guide

bagnon addon guide

Bagnon is an addon for World of Warcraft that replaces the default inventory frames. It consolidates the contents of your equipped bags into a single window, with matching windows for your bank, guild bank, and void storage. The addon has been around for a long time and is widely used, even after the improvements made to the default user interface in Dragonflight. One of its most useful features is the ability to view your bank, guild bank, and void storage inventories from anywhere in the game. You can even view the inventories of your other characters on the same realm. It also offers some customization of the inventory frame’s appearance and behavior.

We’ll take a look at all of Bagnon’s features in this guide, but first, let’s get it installed.

Installing Bagnon

Bagnon is available to download from CurseForge. It can be installed manually or using the addon manager of your choice. If you need help with installing it, check out our guide How to Install and Manage Addons.

Setting Up Bagnon

Once you have Bagnon installed in your Addons folder, you can enable it in the game. To do this, go to the character selection screen in World of Warcraft and look for the AddOns button in the bottom left corner. Make sure that the following boxes are checked:

  • BagBrother
  • Bagnon
  • Bagnon Config
  • Bagnon Guild Bank
  • Bagnon Void Storage

When they’re all enabled, click Okay. Now you should be able to use Bagnon in the game.

bagnon addon logo
The Bagnon logo

Plugins for Bagnon

There are a few different plugins available for Bagnon – addons for your addon! You can find an up-to-date list on the Bagnon GitHub.

Notable is the Masque plugin, which allows you to use the Masque addon to reskin your Bagnon bag slots. This will allow them to match buttons from other addons that can be skinned by Masque, such as Bartender 4. Bagnon doesn’t have many cosmetic options on its own, so use Masque if you want to further customize the appearance of your bags.

Using Bagnon

Now let’s look at all of Bagnon’s features and customization options.

Bagnon Chat Commands

Here are some chat commands that you can use to make navigating Bagnon’s features a little easier.

  • Type /bagnon bags to toggle your inventory, similar to using your inventory keybind.
  • Type /bagnon bank to toggle your bank inventory (view-only unless you are physically near a bank).
  • Type /bagnon guild to toggle your guild bank inventory (view-only unless you are physically near a guild vault).
  • Type /bagnon vault to toggle your void storage (view-only unless you are near a void storage vendor).
  • Type /bagnon config or /bagnon options to open the Bagnon options menu.
  • Type /bagnon version to see the current version number for the addon in your chat window.

Bagnon Inventory Windows

Bagnon replaces the default frames for your bags, bank, guild bank, and void storage, combining any separate bags into one large container and allowing you to view them all from anywhere in the game. These windows can be moved around on your screen and can have their appearance and behavior modified in the Bagnon options. They also have some useful buttons at the top and bottom that we’ll look at below. Note that not every button appears on every window.

bagnon inventory windows
Bagnon’s various inventory windows

bagnon character icon


  • Left-click on this button to view a list of your characters on the same realm. Select one to view their inventory.
  • Right-click on this button to return to your current character’s inventory.
bagnon log icon


  • Left-click on this button to view the deposit and withdrawal log for the current guild bank tab.
bagnon money log icon

Money Log

  • Left-click on this button to view the deposit and withdrawal log for the money in the guild bank.
bagnon info icon


  • Left-click on this button to view information about the current guild bank tab.
bagnon bag slots icon

Bag Slots

  • Left-click on this button to see the individual bags you have equipped.
  • Right-click this button to open your other inventory windows.
bagnon cleanup icon


  • Left-click on this button to sort your inventory.
  • Right-click this button to deposit reagents from your bags while you’re at a bank.
bagnon search icon


  • Left-click this button to bring up a text box that you can use to search your inventory for a particular item.
bagnon configure icon


  • Left-click this button to open the Bagnon options menu.
bagnon addon logo


  • Left-click this button to toggle your main bags window.
  • Right-click this button to toggle your bank window.
  • Shift-left-click to open the Bagnon options menu.
bagnon currency icon


  • Your current gold, silver, and copper will be displayed at the bottom of your bag and bank windows.
    • Hover over this display to view the gold amounts for your other characters on the same server.
  • In your guild bank window, the amount of gold in the guild bank will be displayed.
    • Left-click on this display to make a deposit.

The Bagnon Options Menu

Now let’s look at how to configure Bagnon. The options menu can be accessed in a few different ways:

  • Type /bagnon config or /bagnon options in the chat window.
  • Open any inventory window and click on the gear icon in the upper right corner.
  • Open the game’s options menu (Esc is the default keybinding) and click on Options, then click the Addons tab, then click on Bagnon in the list on the left side of the window.

Once you have the options menu open, there are a few pages you can access from the sub-list on the left side of the window. We’ll look through those pages below.

The Bagnon page of the options menu has a few general settings for the addon.

bagnon options menu

  • Lock Frames: Check this box to prevent moving the inventory windows around on the screen.
  • Tooltip Item Counts: This will display the number of the item you have in each of your characters’ inventories on its tooltip.
  • Include Guild Banks: This will include the number of the item in your guild banks in the tooltip item count.
  • Flash Find: If this is checked, you can Alt-left-click an item to highlight all instances of that item in your inventory windows.
  • Fallback Hidden Bags: This will use the default Blizzard bags for hidden inventory containers.
  • Character Specific Settings: This will make any settings you change in the options menu apply to your current character only.

The Frame Settings page of the Bagnon options menu has settings that you can modify for specific inventory windows.

bagnon options menu frame settings

  • Frame: Choose which inventory window you would like to modify the settings for.
  • Enable Frame: Uncheck this box if you would like to use the default Blizzard window (or another addon) instead of Bagnon for the currently selected frame.
  • The checkboxes in this section toggle the buttons and info displays that appear at the top and bottom of the currently selected inventory window.
  • Background Color/Border Color: Click on the boxes next to these options to change the color scheme for the selected frame.
  • Reverse Bag Order: Check this box to reverse the order that your bags are shown in the selected frame (e.g., your backpack’s contents will appear at the bottom rather than the top).
  • Reverse Slot Order: Check this box to reverse the order that your bag slots are shown in the selected frame (e.g., your backpack will still be at the top, but the first item inside it will be displayed last among its contents).
  • Bag Break: Check this box to start a new row for every bag, instead of viewing your bags as one continuous container.
  • Frame Layer: Adjust this to move the selected window in front of or behind other UI elements.
  • Item Scale: Adjusting this slider will change the size of your inventory slots, but not the rest of the window.
  • Opacity: Use this slider to make the selected window more or less transparent.
  • Spacing: Use this slider to adjust the space between inventory slots in the selected window.
  • Scale: Adjusting this slider will change the size of the entire inventory window, not just the item slots.
  • Columns: Use this slider to select how many item slots will appear per row. This will change the dimensions of the window.

The Slot Settings page of the Bagnon options menu has settings for the way items are displayed in your inventory.

bagnon options menu slot settings

  • Color by Quality: If this is checked, items in your inventory will have a colored border around them indicating their quality.
  • Color Quest Items: If this is checked, quest items in your inventory will have a golden border around them.
  • Color Equipment Sets: If this is checked, items from your equipment sets will have a turquoise border around them.
  • Color Unusable Items: If this is checked, items you can’t equip will have a red border around them.
  • Flash New Items: If this is checked, items you’ve obtained since the last time you opened your inventory will flash when it is opened.
  • Mark Poor Items: If this is checked, junk items will have a small gold coin symbol on them.
  • Glow Brightness: Use this slider to adjust the thickness of the colored borders.
  • Color by Bag Type: If this is checked, the background of the inventory slots will be a different color depending on what type of bag they’re from. You can change the color for each bag type using the options below this checkbox.
  • Artwork: Use this dropdown menu to choose the graphic that will display as the background for your item slots, or choose None to make them transparent.

    The Automatic Display page of the Bagnon options menu has settings for selecting where and when your inventory windows will open or close automatically.

    bagnon options menu automatic display

    • Display Inventory: Use these checkboxes to enable/disable automatically opening your main inventory under various circumstances.
    • Close Inventory: Use these checkboxes to enable/disable automatically closing your main inventory under various circumstances.

    The Patrons page of the Bagnon options menu is simply a list of names of people who have supported the addon on Patreon.

    bagnon options menu patrons


    About the Author


    I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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    1 year ago

    My bagnon options in settings idssapear how can i get them back, a message saying that some option disable it show up and i selected disable instead of ignore, what can i do

    Sen Flashwitt
    Sen Flashwitt
    Reply to  Luxrah
    1 year ago

    I’m having this problem as well, and all of the above are properly checked. I have tried disable-re-enabling everything, I have tried reinstalling. There is no settings gear visible in my inventory window now, and when I type /bagnon settings or /bagnon options, I get the generic “Type /help for a list of commands,” as if bagnon does not exist. It doesn’t appear in my addons settings menu, despite being visible (and checked) along with Bagbrother, config, guild bank, and void bank.

    Reply to  Sen Flashwitt
    1 year ago

    (Replying to self since I can’t edit…)
    Checked my addon list, and suddenly, Bagnon was shoing red (dependency missing,) and Bagbrother was gone, though I hadn’t removed it. Reinstalled *again*, and now Bagbrother has returned, along with my settings gear. Chalk it up to the Voidgods having a prank on me, I guess.

    1 year ago

    BagBrother is not found on curseforge. Any reason why?

    8 months ago

    Is there any way to reset the currency counts? When changing character names, the old and new both show up and it throws off how much gold is actually across all characters on the server. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail – both manually and through a client, like CurseForge’s.

    Reply to  Chase
    8 months ago

    To anyone who may run into this, I *might* have found a work-around:

    Open BagBrother.lua in the SavedVariables folder at (assuming you went with the default install path):

    C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\<AccountID>\SavedVariables

    If you’re familiar with lua, I’m sure you could remove the individual characters you want gone, but as I am not I simply cleared the file and saved it. Log back into WoW and then into your characters to rebuild the data.

    I’ve tested logging back into all of my characters on a single server and the currency counter at the bottom of the main bagnon inventory window is now accurately reflecting current characters and how much gold each has. This may be a scorched earth approach to the problem, the mod/guide author may know a better route since there doesn’t appear to be a reset or purge function in the mod currently, but I can at least vouch that this one works 🙂

    Last edited 8 months ago by Chase
    Ancient Warrior
    Ancient Warrior
    6 months ago

    I might get flamed for this but…combined bags are ok, but I find the combined bags annoying. Is there a way to display each bag and NOT combine them?

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