- Author: Luxrah
- Date: September 12, 2024
- Updated: September 12, 2024
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
Delves are a new type of content for World of Warcraft in The War Within. These instanced adventures offer bite-sized, flexible content for solo players and small groups. You’ll defeat enemies, navigate obstacles, and collect treasure, all with the help of a seasonal NPC companion.
Getting Started
If you follow the main story campaign for The War Within, you’ll be pointed to your first Delve shortly after arriving in Khaz Algar. Leaving the city of Dornogal on the Isle of Dorn, you’ll be sent to Freywold Village, where Adelgonn will give you the quest Delve into the Earth. This quest directs you to the nearby Earthcrawl Mines to meet with Brann Bronzebeard.
Upon completing this delve, you’ll be sent back to Dornogal to the Delver’s Headquarters, which is where you will find Brann Bronzebeard as well as delve vendors Reno Jackson and Sir Finley Mrrgglton and other members of the Dragonscale Expedition and Explorer’s League who you will visit for delve-related quests and rewards.

Difficulty Tiers
There are 11 tiers of difficulty for each delve. Unlocking higher tiers requires completing any delve at the previous tier with revives remaining. You will then be able to select the next tier for any delve.
Tiers work similarly to Mythic+ key levels, increasing the health and damage dealt for enemies in the instance. Tier 2 and 3 delves also grant more experience (10% more for Tier 2, 15% more for Tier 3). Additional traps and challenges will also appear on higher tiers. To progress beyond Tier 3, your character must reach level 80 and your Warband must complete the main story campaign in Khaz Algar.
Rewards progressively improve for Tiers 1-8, while rewards for Tiers 9-11 are the same as Tier 8. Bountiful Delves offer significantly better loot than normal ones.

Revives & Checkpoints
Delves above Tier 3 have a limit to the number of times your party can revive before you fail the delve. That doesn’t include resurrection spells, although Soulstone revives do count toward the limit. The number of deaths will also affect the quality of loot you receive at the end of the delve. You can see your remaining revives in your Objectives pane. You have a total of 5 per delve.
You’ll gain a stack of the Delver’s Determination buff each time you die, increasing your health, healing received, and damage dealt. While it’s better to avoid using your revives, this buff can help you if you’re struggling to complete the delve.
If you do die, you’ll respawn at the most recent checkpoint you reached. Checkpoints are marked with what looks like a summoning stone. You’ll also find some Explorer’s Supplies there to allow you to change your companion’s loadout.

Boons are special buffs you can acquire in delves by killing special elite enemies or looting unique treasure. They grant a variety of fun and useful temporary abilities to help you progress through the delve.
Treasure can be found throughout a delve in the form of chests and smaller items like bags and jars.
- Sturdy Chests can only be looted once in each delve, and looting all of these chests in every delve awards the Leave No Treasure Unfound achievement as well as the [Name], Seeker of Loot title.
- Mislaid Curiosity is the name of the other type of treasure that can spawn, and this type spawns separately each time you run the delve, allowing you to loot them over and over. These often contain a Chunk of Companion Experience.
- Bountiful Heavy Trunks are found inside Bountiful Delves and can contain Titan Disc Fragments as well as various currency.
- Bountiful Coffers are found only inside Bountiful Delves and require a Restored Coffer Key to open. These chests offer the best rewards, including a chance at a Radiant Echo, which is needed to access Worldsoul Memory World Quests.

You’ll be exploring delves with the aid of an NPC companion who brings their own set of abilities to assist you. Each season will bring a new companion who will accompany you on all of your delves.
Your companion’s loadout can be changed from the Delves tab of the Group Finder, or by interacting with Explorer’s League Supplies that are found inside delves and at the Delver’s Headquarters. As your companion gains experience, they will unlock new abilities and become more effective in combat. They can also equip curios that you find, giving them extra combat and utility bonuses.
Brann Bronzebeard
The NPC companion for the very first season of delves is everyone’s favorite explorer, Brann Bronzebeard. Brann is capable of filling the role of a damage dealer or healer. Here are his abilities for each role:
Damage Dealer
One important thing to note if you are using Brann as a damage dealer is that you will need to position enemies so that they trigger his traps. Otherwise they will not deal any damage. Likewise, if you are using him as a healer, you will need to walk over the healing potions he tosses out in order to benefit from their healing.
Brann’s Gathering Tools ability will help you gather more materials inside delves, which is especially useful if you have a gathering profession!

Delve Locations
Delves are marked on the world map with a door icon.
Isle of Dorn Delves
- Earthcrawl Mines – 38.5, 74
- Fungal Folly – 52, 66
- Krieval’s Rest – 62, 43

Hallowfall Delves
- Mycomancer Cavern – 71.3, 31.3
- Nightfall Sanctum – 34.3, 47.4
- Skittering Breach – 65.5, 61.8
- The Sinkhole – 50.6, 53.4

The Ringing Deeps Delves
- The Dread Pit – 74.3, 37.4
- The Waterworks – 46.4, 48.8

Azj-Kahet Delves
- Tak-Rethan Abyss – 55.0, 73.5
- The Spiral Weave – 45.1, 19.1
- The Underkeep – 51.8, 88.3
- Zekvir’s Lair – 32.8, 76.9

Delves are another source of endgame PvE loot along with raids and dungeons. They can be completed as an alternative to World Events to unlock the third row of rewards in The Great Vault each week. They also offer their own rewards track and achievements to earn as well as gear and currency that can be looted inside each delve.
Gear that can be looted in delves scales with difficulty, maxing out at the same item level as gear from Heroic raids or +5 Mythic dungeons. Gear earned from the delves (World) row in The Great Vault will max out at the Heroic raid or +15 Mythic dungeon level.
The World slots in The Great Vault can be unlocked by completing 3, 6, and 12 delves or other world events throughout the week. Your progress toward unlocking these slots can be seen in your Delves tab in the Group Finder window.
Delver’s Journey
Delves have their own progressive rewards system, similar to a Renown system. You’ll be able to track your progress with the current season’s Delver’s Journey in the Delves tab of the Group Finder. As you progress through this track each season you’ll earn incremental rewards such as schematics for your Delver’s Dirigible mount.

Delve Treasures Vendors
There are two vendors at the Delver’s Headquarters in Dornogal where you can spend the currency you’ll earn by completing delves:
- Undercoin – Sir Finley Mrrgglton
- Resonance Crystals – Reno Jackson

Delver’s Dirigible
The Delver’s Dirigible is a customizable mount that is unlocked through delves along with additional customizations for it. To acquire the mount, you must complete the quest Bountiful Delves. This quest requires opening a Bountiful Coffer with a Restored Coffer Key.
You can get a Restored Coffer Key by collecting 100 Coffer Key Shards from world events in Khaz Algar and combining them. You can also buy them for 2000 Undercoin from Sir Finley Mrgglton in Dornogal.
You’ll be able to see if a delve has a Bountiful Coffer inside by hovering over it on the map. The tooltip will say “Bountiful Delve” right below the name of the delve. There should always be one Bountiful Delve in each zone, but its location rotates.

Delve Achievements
- You’re Getting a Delve!
- I’m not a Thief, I’m a Treasure Hunter
- Perplexing Puzzle
- Ready to Turn
- A Delver’s Bounty
- Delver of the Depths
- Buddy System
- Delve Loremaster: War Within
- Glory of the Delver (rewards Ivory Gollathus mount)
The War Within
- War Within Delves: Tier 1
- War Within Delves: Endgame (unlocks Tier 4 delves in The War Within)
- Seasonal Companion: Brann Bronzebeard
- I’ve Got a Flying Machine!
- Story Variants
- Sporesweeper
- I TAKE Candle!
- Just Keep Swimming
- Spider Senses
- Daystormer
- Heavy-Handed
- Stranger Delves
- Leave No Treasure Unfound (rewards [Name], Seeker of Loot title)
- Fungal Folly Discoveries
- Earthcrawl Mine Discoveries
- Kriegval’s Rest Discoveries
- Mycomancer Cavern Discoveries
- Nightfall Sanctum Discoveries
- Skittering Breach Discoveries
- Tak-Rethan Abyss Discoveries
- The Dread Pit Discoveries
- The Sinkhole Discoveries
- The Spiral Weave Discoveries
- The Underkeep Discoveries
- The Waterworks Discoveries