- Author: Luxrah
- Date: November 10, 2024
- Updated: January 17, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
The Guest Relations Secret Event has introduced a number of side quests in addition to the main storyline. You will need to complete all of these storylines to earn the achievement Assistant to the Assistant Guest Relations Manager. Each local story also awards 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens on your first character or 5 Timewarped Badges on subsequent characters.
You will need to complete the Guest Relations introductory quests before you can participate in these side stories. Below you’ll find walkthroughs for all nine stories.
The Case of Misfortune
This local story will requires collecting Darkmoon Fortune Cards around the celebration grounds. Pick up one of these and bring it to Alyx to get started. The easiest one to find is right next to her, behind the little chest.

Speak with Alyx and tell her “I found this Darkmoon Fortune card.” She’ll ask you to look for a guest who is missing their Darkmoon deck. This will be Alphonse Constant, a human in green Darkmoon robes near the Story Time stage (63.9, 52.4). Talk to him and he’ll give you the quest Deck Dismay, asking you to collect the other cards. You can use your Idol of Ohn’ahra to help with this, but here are all of the locations:
- Six of Frost: Behind the small chest beside Alyx in the central tent (63.0, 50.2).
- Three of Frost: On the stairs that lead down to the Story Time and Mount Mania areas (63.6, 51.0). It’s next to one of the nails on the side of the stairs.
- Two of Air: On the Fashion Frenzy stage (63.2, 49.3). Inside the outer ring on the side near the mole machine.
- Four of Earth: Beside the rock that is between the two wagons of Fiona’s Caravan (61.2, 50.9).
- Two of Fire: Underneath one of the back left benches facing the Story Time stage (64.0, 51.5).
- Three of Fire: Between the pet trainer stage and the photo op portals, behind the half-buried outhouse (62.2, 49.3).
- Five of Fire: Between the two barrels near the Story Time seating area (63.8, 51.9).
- Six of Fire: On the ground by Leeroy Jenkins’s chicken stand, tucked between the corner of the counter and the tent wall (63.3, 52.3).
- Seven of Fire: Beneath the Fashion Frenzy stage, on the ground between a Black Market Guard and a wall (63.4, 49.0).
- Eight of Fire: Behind Brivelthwerp, the Ice Cream Vendor (61.9, 51.6).
When you have all 10 cards, return to Alphonse Constant to turn them in and receive your reward, 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens.

The Case of a Good Book
Speak with Alyx at the main celebration tent to start the quest Torn Dreams. This quest points you to Raenie Fizzlebog, a gnome who is standing on top of a crate just outside the Mount Mania ring (63.1, 52.0). She’ll give you the next quest, Restoring a Grand Tale.

If you wish, you can now take the easy path and simply purchase a fresh copy of Green Hills of Stranglethorn from Cravitz Lorent, the Shady Book Dealer who is tucked underneath the back part of the Fashion Frenzy platform (63.6, 48.8). This will cost you 100 gold.

If you’d rather collect all of the pages yourself, here’s where you can find them. Note that the pages are not bound, so you can trade them with other players or purchase ones you need on the Auction House.
- Page 6: Looted from any Anniversary World Boss.
- Page 11: Looted from any Anniversary World Boss.
- Page 16: Loot the Loose Paper from the dog bowl at Pet Paradise (61.9, 49.8).
- Page 18: Loot the Wet Paper behind the Story Time stage, in the middle of the three rocks beside the Hearthstone table (64.5, 51.8).
- Page 21: Loot the Folded Paper next to the outhouse behind the Fashion Frenzy platform (63.6, 47.8).
- Page 25: Looted from Sand Devil elementals inside the Caverns of Time.
- Page 27: Looted from Sand Devil elementals inside the Caverns of Time.

When you have collected all of the pages, use the Shredded Green Hills of Stranglethorn you were given to combine them into a complete copy of the book.
However you get your hands on the book, return to Raenie Fizzlebog to turn them in and receive your reward, 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens.
The Loud and Smelly Case
Our friend Alyx at the main celebration tent has another quest for us, A Hozen On My Back. Head a little to the west to find a hozen named Riko near Pet Paradise (61.9, 50.5).

Riko will offer the next quest, The Case of the Fur-Getting Wikket. Talk to Riko and Shademaster Kiryn who is standing close by to find out what kind of pets they want. Optionally, you can ask Maru who you should to talk to next, but you don’t need to. Visit Breanni at the nearby Pet Supplies booth (62.3, 49.9). Tell her what kind of pet you need – “Raccoon” – and she’ll mention Sully McLeary.
Sully “The Pickle” McLeary is leaning against a support pillar at the base of the Fashion Frenzy stage (63.0, 49.4). Tell him “I’m looking for a pet.” He’ll give you a cryptic clue that you may recognize as coordinates to be used with your Tricked-Out Thinking Cap, although you will not need to use it if you are following this guide.

Travel to the Jade Forest. The easiest way to get there will be via a portal in your faction’s capital city portal room. From there, fly to Serpent’s Overlook and look for a couple of graves underneath a tree (43.4, 68.9). Use your Torch of Pyrreth nearby and Gizmo the raccoon will appear. Chase him down and capture him – it may take a few attempts before you are successful.

Head back to Tanaris (you can take the portal back to your capital city, and then take the portal to Caverns of Time). Turn in the quest to Riko for 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens. After a few minutes, you’ll also get Gizmo the Pure in the mail.
The Case of an Old Soul
Once again, Alyx has a task for us with the quest Nola’s Last Wish. Head over to speak with Lashk, a tortollan who is standing beside one of the stalls near the Story Time stage (63.9, 52.5), and say “Alyx said you seemed upset.” Lashk will point you toward Vol’dun in Zandalar.

To get to Vol’dun as Horde, you can simply take the portal to Zuldazar in the Orgrimmar portal room and fly across. Getting there is a little more convoluted for Alliance. The easiest method may be to fly to Durotar and take the zeppelin to Zandalar from the dock at the Echo Isles (70.9, 38.2). The crew on the ship is friendly, so you shouldn’t have any trouble getting across. You can then fly to Vol’dun when you arrive in Zandalar.
Look now for Elder Kuppaka next to the innkeeper at Tortaka Refuge in Vol’dun (61.6, 20.5). Tell him “I am looking for Scrollsage Nola’s last wishes.” He’ll point you to a tortollan camp a little to the southeast. Head there and you’ll find that the tribesmen he mentioned have been killed, but you’ll be able to loot Nola’s Last Wish from a box of scrolls (64.0, 26.1).

Hovering over the notes posted near the scrolls will give you some coordinates to use with the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap, but you can also skip using it and just fly directly to the west coast of Zandalar. There you will find an underwater wedding taking place in the cove (24.5, 44.6). Swim down and use Nola’s Last Wish to summon the spirit of Scrollsage Nola. Tell her “Lashk sent me to see your final wishes met.” She’ll send you back to Lashk at the celebration grounds, who will give you 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens for your trouble.

The Case of Great Aspirations
To start this side story, pick up yet another quest from Alyx at the celebration grounds: A Legacy of Destruction. Then find Voidfire, a black whelpling, at Pet Paradise (61.7, 49.8). Speak with him to progress to the next quest, From Ashes to Wisdom.

Voidfire wants to be the next Deathwing, so your job is to teach him why that’s a bad idea. You’ll be taking him on a tour of Deathwing’s destruction. You can ask Maru for clues as to where to go next, but you can also just follow this guide. At each location, you should use the Whelpling Whistle you were given to summon Voidfire, and talk to him to progress the quest.
First, head to Burning Steppes. As Alliance, you can fly there pretty quickly from Stormwind or Ironforge. As Horde, you may find it easiest to take the Cataclysm portal to Twilight Highlands in Orgrimmar and fly from there. The spot you’re looking for is near Ruins of Thaurissan, at the eastern end of the lava stream (61.3, 30.0).
Next, fly northeast into the Badlands, to a spot northeast of Dragon’s Mouth that overlooks the Scar of the Worldbreaker (31.4, 48.9).

Now, continue northeast to Twilight Highlands and look for a scarred landscape known as The Twilight Breach, northwest of Victor’s Point (38.5, 49.1).
Finally, head to the Shimmering Expanse. You’ll most likely want to go through the Cataclysm portal to Vashj’ir in your faction’s capital city. If it’s not accessible, you may need to speak to Recruiter Burns at the docks in Stormwind City (27.4, 24.2) or
Commander Thorak at the docks in northeast Durotar (55.8, 12.2) to pick up the Call of Duty quest. You’ll be transported to Kelp’thar Forest, one of the three zones in Vashj’ir. Complete the next quest, Sea Legs, to gain the ability to breathe underwater in the zone, or just use some other means of underwater breathing.
Once you’re in Vashj’ir and have a way to breathe underwater, head to the Shimmering Expanse zone south of Kelp’thar Forest. An aquatic mount will make this faster if you have one. Travel to Quel’Domir Gardens near the Ruins of Vashj’ir in the southwest of the zone (38.9, 67.3).

When you’ve visited the four locations with Voidfire, you’ll be able to turn in the quest and get your 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens.
The Case of a Feathered Friend
Our poor overworked friend Alyx has another quest for us, A Bird’s Tale. She wants us to visit Reshad, the Scrollkeeper next to the Story Time stage (64.2, 51.3). He offers the next quest, which is also called A Bird’s Tale.

Reshad gives you a Decorated Feather, and if you ask Maru about it, she will point you to the Spires of Arak in Draenor. Take the portal to Ashran in your faction capital’s portal room or use your Garrison Hearthstone to head to Draenor. From there, fly to the Windswept Terrace, a tall spire south of Veil Terokk in Spires of Arak, and look for a sundial near the top. You’ll find a Burnt Feather on its platform (45.7, 53.6).
Next head out to Shattrath City in the northwest corner of Talador. Go to the lake on the western edge of the city and look for a Plucked Feather on top of a rock on the south side of the water with some Torn Scrolls (29.5, 29.5).

After picking up the Plucked Feather, you can optionally use your Tricked-Out Thinking Cap to find the next feather, which is in the northwest cliffs of Nagrand. on top of a high mesa you’ll find the Frozen Feather (83.8, 19.4).
Pick that up, and fly across the Zangar Sea to Frostfire Ridge. You’ll find a Normal Feather beside the lava falls near the Horde garrison shipyard (42.1, 67.5).

Take this last feather back to Reshad at the celebration grounds to turn in the quest and get your 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens.
The Case of Missing Mementos
Pick up the quest Lost and… Found? from Alyx in the central celebration tent to start this side story. Then open the Lost & Found chest right beside her. You’ll pick up several items and are tasked with finding their rightful owners. Alyx has given you her Alyx’s Lost & Found Notes with a few clues.
All you need to do is talk to the following NPCs around the celebration grounds to return their items:
- Mankrik is an orc standing in front of the drink vendors near the Story Time stage (63.5, 52.2). The Crude Ivory Locket is his.
- John J. Keeshan is a human standing just outside the Mount Mania ring (63.4, 51.8). The Jade Amulet belongs to him.
- Farmer Yoon is a pandaren who is also standing just outside the Mount Mania ring (63.1, 52.0). The Well-Worn Journal is his.
- Oglethorpe Obnoticus is a gnome who wanders around a bit near the photo booth area (62.9, 49.4). Give him the Tiny Mechanical Mouse.
- Marin Noggenfogger wanders the celebration grounds; try a /tar Marin locate him. The Potion Bottle belongs to him.

When you have returned all of the items, head back to Alyx to turn in the quest and get your 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens.
The Case of Pet Games
Speak with Alyx in the central celebration tent to pick up the quest Pet Pursuit. It points you to Jepetto Joybuzz, a gnome standing next to the platform at Pet Paradise (62.2, 49.7). He offers another quest, Battle Pet Bingo, tasking you with finding some special pets, and he gives you a Bingo Card with some clues.

The first clue points to the Jade Forest in Pandaria, so take the portal there in your faction capital’s portal room. Fly west of Pearlfin Village and you’ll find the Jumping Spider under some trees near the road (64.0, 80.8).
From there, fly to Kun-Lai Summit. You’ll find a Summit Kid at the very top of Mount Neverest, the tallest mountain (44.4, 52.5).

When you’ve interacted with both pets, return to Jepetto Joybuzz to turn in the quest and get your 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens.
The Case of Staged Disaster
For this last side story, you’ll pick up another quest from Alyx at the celebration grounds: Not Ready on Set. This quest takes you to Shadowlands, so take the portal to Oribos in your faction capital’s portal room. From there, hop on a flight to Ardenweald and visit Dapperdew, the Stage Manager at the Star Lake Amphitheater in the Heart of the Forest (41.5, 44.8). He gives you the quest The Show Must Go On along with a sheet of Trickster Riddles.

The riddles point to four items that you must collect to complete the quest:
- On a small platform on the back side of the Amphitheater, you’ll find several pages of a Play Script on a table (41.3, 42.8).
- Tucked under the ledge with the throne in the audience seating area, you’ll find a Prop Sword (42.2, 46.8). It’s in the grass behind the bench.
- Just around the back wall of the stage you’ll see a Mask of the Trickster on the floor (41.2, 43.8).
- Inside the little musicians’ nook behind the audience seating area, you’ll see the Conductor’s Baton on the ground (43.3, 46.4).

Bring these four items to Dapperdew to turn in the quest and get your 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens.